Frederick Arthur Dignan1

b. 26 November 1864, d. 27 May 1905
Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1820, d. 5 Sep 1879
Mother*Elizabeth Browne1 b. 1826, d. 7 Jun 1897
Birth*26 November 1864Frederick Arthur Dignan was born on 26 November 1864 in Queensland, Australia,1 
Death*27 May 1905 and died on 27 May 1905 in Queensland at age 40.2 


  1. [S2023] Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, online at, birth of Frederick Arthur Dignan on 26 November 1864 in Queensland to Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1865 in Queensland, Australia, referencing page 3810 and registration number B003481. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922.
  2. [S1784] Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985, online at, death of Frederick Arthur Dignan on 27 May 1905 in Queensland, son of Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Brown, registered in 1905 in Queensland, referencing Registration Number B005700, page 6603. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985.

Jane Dignan1

Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1790, d. b 7 Feb 1829
Mother*Mary Bodkin1
Birth*Jane Dignan was born in Ireland.1 
(Daughter) Deathbefore 7 February 1829Jane was a young minor when her father died before 7 February 1829.1 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let7 February 1829 On 7 February 1829, an announcement was made regarding the matter of his six minor children, Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, that the house and demesne lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the lands of Cloonaddra, all in the county of Roscommon were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about eleven years old. The notice went on to read that the tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of prime quality and located between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.1 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let24 December 1830 On 24 December 1830, an announcement was made regarding the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, the six minor children, of Philip Dignan, deceased, that part of the lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, situate in the county of Roscommon, were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about twelve years old. The notice went on to read that the tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of excellent quality and located within four miles of the town of Roscommon.2 


  1. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Dublin Evening Post, 10 February 1829, page 2 of 8, column 1, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 4th of February instant, I will on the 18th of February at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at my offices, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Eleven years, all that and those the House and Demesne Lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the Lands of Cloonaddra, all of which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, in said order mentioned." Dated 7 February 1829 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of prime quality and situate between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  2. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, Saturday, 8 January 1831, page 1 of 4, column 4, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 18th of November, I will on the 17th of January at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, in my Chambers, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Twelve years, all that and those that part of the Lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, in said Order mentioned, and which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, being the Premises in the Order mentioned." Dated 24 December 1830 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of excellent quality and situate within four miles of the town of Roscommon.

John Dignan1

b. 1798
Father*Owen Dignan1
Mother*Mary Owens1
Birth*1798John Dignan was born in 1798 in Cruisetown, County Louth, Ireland,1 
Baptism21 June 1798 and was baptized on 21 June 1798 in the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Nobber, County Meath.2 


  1. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of John Dignan on 21 June 1798, age 0, born 1n 1798, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, child of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 /. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915.
  2. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of John Dignan on 21 June 1798, (transcribed incorrectly as 1790 by Ancestry), age 0, born 1n 1798, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, child of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 /.

Margaret Dignan1,2

b. 1816, d. 17 March 1876
Father*Philip Dignan3 b. 1790, d. b 7 Feb 1829
Mother*Mary Bodkin
Birth*1816Margaret Dignan was born about 1816 in Ballymoe, County Galway, Ireland.4,5 
(Daughter) Deathbefore 7 February 1829Margaret was only about 13 years old when her father died before 7 February 1829.6 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let7 February 1829 On 7 February 1829, an announcement was made regarding the matter of his six minor children, Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, that the house and demesne lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the lands of Cloonaddra, all in the county of Roscommon were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about eleven years old. The notice went on to read that the tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of prime quality and located between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.6 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let24 December 1830 On 24 December 1830, an announcement was made regarding the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, the six minor children, of Philip Dignan, deceased, that part of the lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, situate in the county of Roscommon, were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about twelve years old. The notice went on to read that the tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of excellent quality and located within four miles of the town of Roscommon.7 
Marriage Settlement*15 November 1847A Memorial of an Indenture dated 15 November 1847 was made between Henry Ffrench Esq. of Beaupeep in the county of Roscommon of the first part, Margaret Dignan of Enfield in the county of Roscommon aforesaid, spinster, of the second part, and Margaret's brother, Philip Dignan Esq., of Enfield in the county of Roscommon and Richard Kelly Jr. Esq. of the town of Roscommon, in the county of Roscommon, of the third part, regarding the intended marriage of Henry Ffrench Esq. and Margaret Dignan.

Ireland’s memorial deeds are handwritten, and the microfilmed copies are often difficult to read. Additionally, we are uncertain, in some instances, that we have identified the correct townlands. In earlier times, how the name of a townland was spelled depended upon how the initial scribe heard the name pronounced, and then how future scribes interpreted what was written. As a result, the names and spellings of many Irish townlands were spelled differently from deed to deed, book to book and year to year. Attempts to standardize the spelling of Ireland’s townlands began around the turn of the 20th century. A townland’s Barony did not always remain constant, either. Changes were made as populations grew. Our own transcription that follows attempts to identify the correct townlands mentioned in the deed and spell them in the current (2020) standard form. Our placement of quotation marks around a townland’s name means we remain uncertain about our selection of the correct townland, or have used the spelling as we saw it in the deed because we couldn’t find a good guess. Our transcription follows, and we welcome suggestions and corrections:

Reciting as therein and among others, said Indenture witnessed that in consideration of said intended marriage and others, the considerations therein mentioned, she the said Margaret Dignan, with the privity and consent of the said Henry Ffrench, granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and made over unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that and those two several Judgements for the respective sums of £4,000 and £2,000 obtained against the said Hamilton Gorges by the said Margaret Dignan, and all sums of money due or to become due thereon, and all benefit and advantage thereof.

To hold the same unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., and the survivor of them and the executors, administrators and assigns of such survivor, as and for their and his proper goods and chattels forever, but upon trust as therein and herein after mentioned.

And said Indenture also witnessed that in consideration of the said intended marriage, she the said Margaret Dignan, with the privity and consent aforesaid testified as aforesaid, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that and those an Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 16 July 1842 by which the life of said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Provident Institution Life Assurance Office of London for the sum of £1,000, and also another Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 20 November 1840 by which the life of said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Union Life Assurance Company of Cornhill, London in the further sum of £1,000, and also another Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 27 November 1842 by which the life of the said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the said Union Life Assurance Company of Cornhill, London in the sum of £500 as aforesaid, and also the said other Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 4 December 1844 by which the life of the said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Globe Insurance Company’s office in the sum of £1,000, and also the said several, and respective, sums of £1,000, £1,000, £500 and £1,000, thereby respectively secured, and all other sum and sums of money which shall or may become payable, or be recoverable and be received upon, or by virtue of the said several and respective policies of assurance respectively, and all benefit and advantage thereof, and also with full power for the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., or the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, to sue for said three firstly mentioned policies of assurance in case default shall be made in payment of said Judgement debt, and also to sue for said last mentioned policy of £1,000.

And said Indenture further witnessed that in consideration of the intended marriage, the said Margaret Dignan, with such privity and consent as aforesaid, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over to the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the said sum of £1,615 7s. 6d., equivalent to the said sum of £1,749 19s. 9d., part of the sum of £10,000, late currency of Ireland, charged upon the town, lands, tenements and premises of Rathleg, Lisgobban, (previously called Gortgobbin), Carrowkeel, “Rathlena”, Rathbarna, Carrowmore, “Gunrade” or “Gunroad”, Carradooan, Ballinphuill, Gortgobbin, the Paddock and Grove Park, with their appurtenances, situate in the barony of Ballintober and county of Roscommon, so assigned to the said Margaret Dignan, her executors, administrators and assigns, by the Indenture dated 23 October 1846 and all the interest now due, or henceforth to become due and payable, upon or in respect of the same.

To have and receive said sum of £1,615 7s. 6d. interest and premises assigned thereby, unto and by, the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, but upon trust therein after mentioned. That is to say, in Trust for the said Margaret Dignan, her executors, administrators and assigns, until the said intended marriage, and from and after the solemnization thereof, upon trust that they, the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, shall and do raise out of the said Trust monies so to them assigned as aforesaid, or any of them, a sum of £615 and pay the same unto the proper hands of the said Margaret Dignan for her sole and separate use and benefit, independently of the said Henry Ffrench, her intended husband, and so that the said sum of £615 be not subject to his debts, contracts or engagements, and upon her own receipt alone, and upon trust, to lay out and invest the same or so much thereof as shall remain after payment made of said sum of £615 therein before provided to be paid to the said Margaret Dignan as aforesaid, and charge in Southpark, with the consent in writing of the said Margaret Dignan, or the survivor of them, in services or out of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain or Ireland, or upon mortgage or freehold, copyhold or leasehold estates or other real securities in England, Wales or Ireland, in the names or name of the said trustees or trustee for the time being upon trust, that the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, their executors or administrators shall and do from time to time, during the life of said Margaret Dignan, receive the interest dividend and annual produce thereof, together with all arrears of interest now due on foot of said securities, and pay the same into the hands of the said Margaret Dignan for her own use and benefit, the receipt or receipts in writing of the said Margaret Dignan or of such person or persons as she shall from time to time direct or appoint to receive all or any part of the said interest dividends and annual produce, to be from time to time a good and sufficient release and discharge for such sum or sums of money as in such receipt or receipts shall be expressed or acknowledged to be received, and after the decease of the said Margaret Dignan, in the lifetime of said Henry Ffrench, then upon Trust that the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, shall and do from time to time, during the life of the said Henry Ffrench, receive the interest dividends and annual produce thereof, together with all arrears of said interest and pay the same into the proper hands of the said Henry Ffrench upon his receipt, with a power to said Margaret Dignan, to appoint same among her children, and further as therein.

The deed and memorial were executed, signed and sealed by Henry Ffrench and Margaret Dignan and witnessed by Edward John Irwin of the city of Dublin, one of the attorneys, and Eyre O’Reilly of the county of Roscommon, gentleman.

They were registered in the Registry Office in Dublin on 20 December 1847.8 
Marriage*28 November 1847She married Henry Ffrench of Beau Peep, son of ______ Ffrench, about 28 November 1847 at Enfield House, Enfield, County Roscommon. They were married in the bride's home and she was described as the eldest daughter of the late Philip Dignan.1,9,3 
Deed Memorial*20 May 1873A memorial of an Indenture dated 20 May 1873 was made between Margaret (Dignan) Ffrench, wife of Henry Ffrench Esq. of the first part, the said Henry Ffrench Esq. of the second part, Margaret's brother, Philip Dignan Esq., of River View, South Brisbane Queensland, Australia, of the third part, Patrick Trears of Ballymoe in the county of Galway, merchant, of the fourth part, and the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick of Castlerea, county of Roscommon, merchant, of the fifth part:

Ireland’s memorial deeds are handwritten, and the microfilmed copies are often difficult to read. Additionally, we are uncertain, in some instances, that we have identified the correct townlands. In earlier times, how the name of a townland was spelled depended upon how the initial scribe heard the name pronounced, and then how future scribes interpreted what was written. As a result, the names and spellings of many Irish townlands were spelled differently from deed to deed, book to book and year to year. Attempts to standardize the spelling of Ireland’s townlands began around the turn of the 20th century. A townland’s Barony did not always remain constant, either. Changes were made as populations grew. Our own transcription that follows attempts to identify the correct townlands mentioned in the deed and spell them in the current (2020) standard form. Our placement of quotation marks around a townland’s name means we remain uncertain about our selection of the correct townland, or have used the spelling as we saw it in the deed because we couldn’t find a good guess. Our transcription follows, and we welcome suggestions and corrections:

Reciting the Indenture of Settlement effected on the marriage of the said Henry French and Margaret Dignan, parties to memorializing deed, was dated 15 November 1847.

And reciting that a sum of £1,100 remained due on the security of an Indenture of Mortgage dated 27 November 1863 made between Richard Kelly of the first part, the said Henry Ffrench and Margaret, his wife, of the second part, and the said Patrick Trears of the third part, and the same together with a charge of £1,615 7s. 6d. affecting the lands in said settlement, and herein after described, then constituted the entire of the trust funds which remained subject to the trusts of said Indenture of Settlement.

And reciting that Phillip Dignan, one of the Trustees of said settlement left Ireland to reside in Australia many years ago, and also then permanently resided abroad, and that Phillip Kelly, Junior, the successor Trustee of said Phillip Dignan, died in the year 1863.

And further reciting as therein, it was witnessed that the exercise of the power given to the said Margaret Ffrench by said settlement of 15 November 1847 thereby memorialized, constituted and appointed the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick to be trustees of said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847 in place of the said Phillip Dignan and Richard Kelly for the purposes of the said indenture.

And it was further witnessed that the said Phillip remain, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, as legatee, with the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the aforesaid charge or Principal of £1,615 7s. 6d. expressed, to be assigned by said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847 and charged upon and payable out of all that and those the town and lands of Rathleg, Lisgobban, (previously called Gortgobbin), Carrowkeel, “Rathlena”, Rathbarna, Carrowmore, “Gunrade” or “Gunroad”, Carradooan, Ballinphuill, Gortgobbin, the Paddock and Grove Park, with their appurtenances situate in the barony of Ballintober and the county of Roscommon, together with all interest then due and thence further to grow due thereon, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand of him, the said Phillip Dignan, in, to, and upon the said premises.

To hold unto the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, upon the trusts and subject to the powers, provisions and agreements and declarations contained in said Settlement of 15 November 1847.

And it was further witnessed that the said Patrick Trears, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, assigned unto the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the said mortgage debt, a principal sum of £1,100 secured by the said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863, and all interest thereon due, and thenceforth to grow due thereon, and all securities for the same, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand of him, the said Patrick Trears, in, to, or upon the same premises, together with full power for the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick and the survivor of them, and the executors or administrators of such survivor, and their or his assigns, to demand due for recover and give valid receipts for the said principal sum of £1,100 and all interest due and to become due for the same, in the name or names of the said Patrick Trears, his executors, administrators or assigns, for the purposes aforesaid, or any of them, to execute and do all such instrumentals and things as shall be necessary or expedient.

To hold unto the said Michael Broderick, Patrick Trears, their executors, administrators and assigns upon the trust, and subject to the powers, promises, agreements and declarations contained in said Settlement.

And it was also witnessed that the said Patrick Trears, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, granted unto the said Michael Broderick and his heirs, all that and those the town and lands of Runnaruag, containing 77 acres, 2 roods and 2 perches or thereabout, Irish Plantation Measure, situate in the parish of Kilmore, barony of Ballintober, county of Roscommon, the lands of Clooncommon Beg containing 38 acres, 2 roods and 25 perches or thereabout Irish Plantation Measure situate in the said barony of Ballintober and county of Roscommon, the lands of Kildurney containing 30 acres or thereabouts Irish Plantation Measure and the lands of “Kilcommon Glebe” containing 14 acres or thereabouts, each said lastly mentioned denominations situate in the barony of Athlone and county of Roscommon aforesaid, the lands of Drumaleague containing 65 acres and 5 perches or thereabouts situate in the parish of Kiltubbrid, barony of Leitrim and county of Leitrim, and also all that and those the lands of Cloonkeen situate in the parish of Kilkerrin, barony of Tiaquin and county of Galway containing by estimation 300 acres be the same more or less, being the land and hereditaments comprised in and granted by the said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863, and all other, if any, the hereditaments thereby granted together with the actual and reputed rights, members, and appurtenances to the same lands and hereditaments belonging or in anywise appertaining and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand of him, the said Patrick Trears in to and upon the said premises. To hold unto and the use of the said Michael Broderick and Patrick Trears, their heirs and assigns, subject to the Equity of Redemption subsisting in the said lands and hereditaments under said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863.

And it was also witnessed that the said Henry Ffrench and Margaret Ffrench thereby released the said Phillip Dignan, his heirs, executors, administrators, and his and their estates, from any claim which they might have against him by reason or on account of said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847.

Which said deed as to the execution thereof by the said Margaret Ffrench, Henry Ffrench and Patrick Trears is witnessed by Benjamin Whiting of Davidson Street in the city of Dublin, solicitor, and Robert Ffrench of Tally Ho in the county of Roscommon, Esquire, and as to the execution of the Memorial by the said Margaret Ffrench and Henry Ffrench is witnessed by the said Benjamin Whiting and Robert Ffrench, and as to the execution of said deed by the said Michael Broderick is witnessed by the said Benjamin Whitney and my John Mahon of Castlerea in the county of Roscommon, gentleman.

The documents were registered on 26 May 1873.10 
Death*17 March 1876She died on 17 March 1876 at about age 63 in her home called Beau Peep, Ballymoe, County Roscommon.1,5 
Probate*19 August 1892Letters of Administration, with the will attached, of her personal estate were granted more than 15 years after her death, and 11 years after her husband's, on 19 August 1892 at the Principal Registry to John L. Scallon of 25 Suffolk Street, Dublin, Solicitor, attorney for some of the legatees. Her effects were originally reported as £1,701 18s. 5d., and noted later, in handwriting , as £3,101 18s. 5d.1 


Henry Ffrench b. 1803, d. 8 Feb 1881


  1. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at, Letters of Administration (with the will annexed) of the personal estate of Margaret Ffrench, late of Beaupeep, County Roscommon, wife of Henry Ffrench, who died 17 March 1876 at the same place, were granted on 19 August 1892 at the Principal Registry to John L. Scallon of 25 Suffolk Street, Dublin, Solicitor, attorney of some of the legatees (Limited); effects originally reported as £1,701 18s. 5d., and noted later in handwriting as £3,101 18s. 5d.. Hereinafter cited as National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: Margaret Ffrench, formerly Dignan, to Patrick Trears, Film# 535351, 1873, Volume19, Deed# 135, images 438-439. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  3. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Galway Vindicator and Connaught Advertiser, Wednesday, 1 December1847, page 3 of 4, column 6, at Enfield House, Roscommon, Henry Ffrench, Esq., of Beaupeep in said county, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Philip Dignan, Esq.. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  4. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Marriage Settlement between Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin, Film# 464718, 1815, Volume 689, pages 5-6, Deed# 473339, images 610-611.
  5. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death of Margaret French, age 63, registered in the registration district of Castlerea, referencing Returns Quarter 2, Volume 9, page 92. Hereinafter cited as
  6. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, 10 February 1829, page 2 of 8, column 1, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 4th of February instant, I will on the 18th of February at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at my offices, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Eleven years, all that and those the House and Demesne Lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the Lands of Cloonaddra, all of which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, in said order mentioned." Dated 7 February 1829 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of prime quality and situate between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.
  7. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, Saturday, 8 January 1831, page 1 of 4, column 4, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 18th of November, I will on the 17th of January at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, in my Chambers, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Twelve years, all that and those that part of the Lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, in said Order mentioned, and which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, being the Premises in the Order mentioned." Dated 24 December 1830 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of excellent quality and situate within four miles of the town of Roscommon.
  8. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Indenture of Marriage Settlement between Henry Ffrench and Margaret Dignan, Film# 550743, 1847, Volume 20, Deed# 123, images 109-110.
  9. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Pilot, Monday, 29 November 1847, page 4 of 4, column 5, at Enfield House, County Roscommon, Henry Ffrench, Esq., Beaupeep in said county, to Margaret, daughter of the late Philip Dignan, Esq.
  10. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Margaret Ffrench, Henry Ffrench, Philip Dignan and Patrick Trears, Film# 535351, 1873, Volume 19, Deed# 135, images 438-439.

Margaretta Wilhelmina Dignan1

b. 23 March 1868, d. 14 September 1870
Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1820, d. 5 Sep 1879
Mother*Elizabeth Browne1 b. 1826, d. 7 Jun 1897
Birth*23 March 1868Margaretta Wilhelmina Dignan was born on 23 March 1868 in Queensland, Australia,1 
Death*14 September 1870 and died on 14 September 1870 in Queensland at age 2.2 
Burial*She was buried in the Catholic Section of Paddington Cemetery, Milton, Brisbane City, Queensland.3 


  1. [S2023] Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, online at, birth of Margaretta Wilhelmina Dignan on 23 March 1868 in Queensland to Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1868 in Queensland, Australia, referencing page 3810 and registration number B008400. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922.
  2. [S1784] Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985, online at, death of Margaretta Wilhelmine Dignan on 14 September 1870 in Queensland, son of Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1870 in Queensland, referencing Registration Number B006434, page 3810. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985.
  3. [S2022] Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current, online at, Margaretta Wilhelmine Dignan, Memorial# 51455348. Hereinafter cited as Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current.

Mary Dignan1

d. 18 August 1844
Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1790, d. b 7 Feb 1829
Mother*Mary Bodkin1
Birth*Mary Dignan was born in County Roscommon, Ireland.1 
(Daughter) Deathbefore 7 February 1829Mary was a very young minor when her father died before 7 February 1829.1 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let7 February 1829 On 7 February 1829, an announcement was made regarding the matter of his six minor children, Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, that the house and demesne lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the lands of Cloonaddra, all in the county of Roscommon were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about eleven years old. The notice went on to read that the tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of prime quality and located between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.1 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let24 December 1830 On 24 December 1830, an announcement was made regarding the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, the six minor children, of Philip Dignan, deceased, that part of the lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, situate in the county of Roscommon, were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about twelve years old. The notice went on to read that the tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of excellent quality and located within four miles of the town of Roscommon.2 
Death*18 August 1844Identified as Maria, the fourth daughter of Philip Dignan Esq., late of Enfield, County Roscommon, she died on 18 August 1844 at Peafield Terrace, Dublin.3 


  1. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Dublin Evening Post, 10 February 1829, page 2 of 8, column 1, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 4th of February instant, I will on the 18th of February at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at my offices, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Eleven years, all that and those the House and Demesne Lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the Lands of Cloonaddra, all of which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, in said order mentioned." Dated 7 February 1829 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of prime quality and situate between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  2. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, Saturday, 8 January 1831, page 1 of 4, column 4, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 18th of November, I will on the 17th of January at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, in my Chambers, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Twelve years, all that and those that part of the Lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, in said Order mentioned, and which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, being the Premises in the Order mentioned." Dated 24 December 1830 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of excellent quality and situate within four miles of the town of Roscommon.
  3. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Statesman and Dublin Christian Record, Dublin, Friday, 23 August 1844, page 2 of 4, column 5.

Owen Dignan1

Marriage*18 November 1785He married Mary Owens of Nobber on 18 November 1785 in the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Nobber, County Meath, Ireland. Witnesses for the couple were Philip Hiery and Philip Dignan.2,1 


Mary Owens
Children 1.Philip Dignan+1 b. 1790, d. b 7 Feb 1829
 2.Patrick Dignan1 b. 1790
 3.John Dignan3 b. 1798


  1. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of twins Patt Dignan and Philip Dignan on 26 March 1790, age 0, born in 1790, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, sons of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Parish Variants: Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 / 01. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915.
  2. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, marriage on November 1785 at the Roman Catholic Church of Cruisetown, Nobber, Ireland, of Owen Dignan and Mary Owens of Nobber, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 / 01.
  3. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of John Dignan on 21 June 1798, age 0, born 1n 1798, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, child of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 /.

Patrick Dignan1

Marriage*15 February 1847He married Bridget Dignan of Enfield, County Roscommon, daughter of Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin, on 15 February 1847 at Enfield House, Enfield, County Roscommon.1 


  1. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Dublin Evening Mail, Wednesday 17 February 1847, page 3 of 4, column 5, on 15 February at Enfield, County Roscommon, Patrick Dignan of Athlone in the county of Westmeath, to Bridget, youngest daughter of the late Philip Dignan, Esq.. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.

Patrick Dignan1

b. 1790
Father*Owen Dignan1
Mother*Mary Owens1
Birth*1790Patrick Dignan and his twin brother, Philip Dignan, were born in 1790 in Cruisetown, County Louth, Ireland,1 
Baptism26 March 1790 and were baptized on 26 March 1790 in the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Nobber, County Meath.1 


  1. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of twins Patt Dignan and Philip Dignan on 26 March 1790, age 0, born in 1790, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, sons of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Parish Variants: Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 / 01. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915.

Philip Dignan1

b. 1790, d. before 7 February 1829
Father*Owen Dignan2
Mother*Mary Owens2
Birth*1790Philip Dignan and his twin brother, Patrick Dignan, were born in 1790 in Cruisetown, County Louth, Ireland,2 
Baptism26 March 1790 and were baptized on 26 March 1790 in the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Nobber, County Meath.2 
Marriage Settlement*20 April 1815A memorial of an Indented Deed of Release dated 20 April 1815 was made between Philip Dignan of Ballymoe, County Galway, Esquire, of the first part, Charles Kelly, of Ballymoe, County Galway, Esquire, of the second part, and Mary Bodkin of Ballymoe, County Galway, spinster, of the third part.

Whereby after reciting that a marriage was then intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the said Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin, the said deed witnessed that in consideration of said marriage and £10 of good and lawful money of Ireland, being the marriage portion of said Mary Bodkin, the receipt whereof the said Philip Bodkin did therefore acknowledge, and for providing a competent jointure and provision of maintenance for said Mary Bodkin, in case she should, after said marriage was had, survive said Philip Dignan her intended husband.

And in consideration of £10 in like money to said Philip Dignan, also by Charles Kelly, the receipt whereof he did thereby acknowledge, said Philip did grant, sell, release and confirm unto the said Charles Kelly, in his actual possession there being by virtue of a lease for a year therein mentioned, and to his heirs and assigns, all that and those the lands of Kilsallagh situate in the half barony of Ballymoe and county of Galway aforesaid, with the appurtenances and the reversions and the reversion yearly, and other rents and profits thereof, and also all the estate right, title and interest of said Philip Dignan in, to, or out of said lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises.

To hold said premises thereby granted and released with their appurtenances unto the said Charles Kelly, his heirs and assigns, to such uses, trusts, intents and purposes therein mentioned and, among others, to the use, intent and purpose that the said Mary Bodkin, if she survives the said Philip Dignan, should have, receive and take one annuity or yearly sum of £10 lawful money of Ireland during her natural life for her jointure, and in lieu of said Dower and Thirds at Common Law, to be paid to the said Mary Bodkin, and her assigns, upon each first day of May and first day of November in every year in half yearly payments, clear above taxes, the first half yearly payment to be made upon such of said days as should next happen after the decease of said Philip Dignan, and to the further age that said Mary Bodkin, if she survives said Philip Dignan, should have, receive and take one other annuity or yearly sum of £20 of like money during the term of her widowhood to be paid to said Mary Bodkin and her assigns in like manner at the same days and time and equally free from all deductions as was provided for, and in respect of, said annuity or jointure of £10 per annum.

Which said Deed of Release contained a Power of Distress and Re-entry on the non-payments of said annuities, or either of them, with costs of such distress or distresses as should be made on account of the non-payment thereof.

The deed was duly executed signed and sealed by Philip Dignan, Charles Kelly, and signed with her mark and sealed by Mary Bodkin, in the presence of Patrick McKeogh of Roscommon in the county of Roscommon, gentleman, one of the attorneys, and Patrick Prendergast of Heathfield in the county of Roscommon, farmer. The memorial was signed, in the presence of the same witnesses, only by only Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin.

It was registered on 5 May 1815.3 
Marriage*April 1815He married Mary Bodkin of Ballymoe, County Galway in April 1815.3 
Death*before 7 February 1829He died before 7 February 1829.4 
Land to Be Let*7 February 1829 On 7 February 1829, an announcement was made regarding the matter of his six minor children, Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, that the house and demesne lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the lands of Cloonaddra, all in the county of Roscommon were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about eleven years old. The notice went on to read that the tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of prime quality and located between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.4 
Land to Be Let24 December 1830 On 24 December 1830, an announcement was made regarding the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, the six minor children, of Philip Dignan, deceased, that part of the lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, situate in the county of Roscommon, were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about twelve years old. The notice went on to read that the tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of excellent quality and located within four miles of the town of Roscommon.5 


Mary Bodkin
Children 1.Margaret Dignan6 b. 1816, d. 17 Mar 1876
 2.Anne Dignan4
 3.Jane Dignan4
 4.Philip Dignan+7 b. 1820, d. 5 Sep 1879
 5.Mary Dignan4 d. 18 Aug 1844
 6.Bridget Dignan8


  1. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of Margret Dignan on 25 April 1802, age 0, born in 1802, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, child of Phillip Dignan and Mary Dignan , Parish Variants: Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 / 01. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915.
  2. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, baptism of twins Patt Dignan and Philip Dignan on 26 March 1790, age 0, born in 1790, baptised at the Roman Catholic Church of Nobber, Meath, Ireland, sons of Owen Dignan and Mary Dignan of Cruisetown, Parish Variants: Cruisetown, Diocese of Meath, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 04183 / 01.
  3. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: Marriage Settlement between Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin, Film# 464718, 1815, Volume 689, pages 5-6, Deed# 473339, images 610-611. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  4. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Dublin Evening Post, 10 February 1829, page 2 of 8, column 1, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 4th of February instant, I will on the 18th of February at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at my offices, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Eleven years, all that and those the House and Demesne Lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the Lands of Cloonaddra, all of which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, in said order mentioned." Dated 7 February 1829 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of prime quality and situate between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  5. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, Saturday, 8 January 1831, page 1 of 4, column 4, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 18th of November, I will on the 17th of January at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, in my Chambers, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Twelve years, all that and those that part of the Lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, in said Order mentioned, and which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, being the Premises in the Order mentioned." Dated 24 December 1830 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of excellent quality and situate within four miles of the town of Roscommon.
  6. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Galway Vindicator and Connaught Advertiser, Wednesday, 1 December1847, page 3 of 4, column 6, at Enfield House, Roscommon, Henry Ffrench, Esq., of Beaupeep in said county, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Philip Dignan, Esq.
  7. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Margaret Ffrench, formerly Dignan, to Patrick Trears, Film# 535351, 1873, Volume19, Deed# 135, images 438-439.
  8. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Mail, Wednesday 17 February 1847, page 3 of 4, column 5, on 15 February at Enfield, County Roscommon, Patrick Dignan of Athlone in the county of Westmeath, to Bridget, youngest daughter of the late Philip Dignan, Esq.

Philip Dignan1

b. 1820, d. 5 September 1879
Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1790, d. b 7 Feb 1829
Mother*Mary Bodkin1,2
Birth*1820Philip Charles Dignan was born about 1820 in County Roscommon, Ireland.3,4 
(Son) Deathbefore 7 February 1829Philip was a young minor, somewhere between the ages of 9 and 11, when his father died before 7 February 1829.5 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let7 February 1829 On 7 February 1829, an announcement was made regarding the matter of his six minor children, Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, that the house and demesne lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the lands of Cloonaddra, all in the county of Roscommon were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about eleven years old. The notice went on to read that the tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of prime quality and located between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.5 
(Minor Child) Land to Be Let24 December 1830 On 24 December 1830, an announcement was made regarding the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, the six minor children, of Philip Dignan, deceased, that part of the lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, situate in the county of Roscommon, were to be set up and let during the minority of his son, Philip Dignan, then reported to be about twelve years old. The notice went on to read that the tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and the lands were described as of excellent quality and located within four miles of the town of Roscommon.6 
Marriage*20 July 1844He married Elizabeth Browne of Leabeg, daughter of Henry Browne Esq., about 20 July 1844 in the Roman Catholic Church of Ballintubber and Ballymoe, Ballymoe, County Roscommon.7,8 
(Brother) Marriage Settlement15 November 1847A Memorial of an Indenture dated 15 November 1847 was made between Henry Ffrench Esq. of Beaupeep in the county of Roscommon of the first part, Margaret Dignan of Enfield in the county of Roscommon aforesaid, spinster, of the second part, and Margaret's brother, Philip Dignan Esq., of Enfield in the county of Roscommon and Richard Kelly Jr. Esq. of the town of Roscommon, in the county of Roscommon, of the third part, regarding the intended marriage of Henry Ffrench Esq. and Margaret Dignan.

Ireland’s memorial deeds are handwritten, and the microfilmed copies are often difficult to read. Additionally, we are uncertain, in some instances, that we have identified the correct townlands. In earlier times, how the name of a townland was spelled depended upon how the initial scribe heard the name pronounced, and then how future scribes interpreted what was written. As a result, the names and spellings of many Irish townlands were spelled differently from deed to deed, book to book and year to year. Attempts to standardize the spelling of Ireland’s townlands began around the turn of the 20th century. A townland’s Barony did not always remain constant, either. Changes were made as populations grew. Our own transcription that follows attempts to identify the correct townlands mentioned in the deed and spell them in the current (2020) standard form. Our placement of quotation marks around a townland’s name means we remain uncertain about our selection of the correct townland, or have used the spelling as we saw it in the deed because we couldn’t find a good guess. Our transcription follows, and we welcome suggestions and corrections:

Reciting as therein and among others, said Indenture witnessed that in consideration of said intended marriage and others, the considerations therein mentioned, she the said Margaret Dignan, with the privity and consent of the said Henry Ffrench, granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and made over unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that and those two several Judgements for the respective sums of £4,000 and £2,000 obtained against the said Hamilton Gorges by the said Margaret Dignan, and all sums of money due or to become due thereon, and all benefit and advantage thereof.

To hold the same unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., and the survivor of them and the executors, administrators and assigns of such survivor, as and for their and his proper goods and chattels forever, but upon trust as therein and herein after mentioned.

And said Indenture also witnessed that in consideration of the said intended marriage, she the said Margaret Dignan, with the privity and consent aforesaid testified as aforesaid, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over unto the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that and those an Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 16 July 1842 by which the life of said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Provident Institution Life Assurance Office of London for the sum of £1,000, and also another Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 20 November 1840 by which the life of said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Union Life Assurance Company of Cornhill, London in the further sum of £1,000, and also another Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 27 November 1842 by which the life of the said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the said Union Life Assurance Company of Cornhill, London in the sum of £500 as aforesaid, and also the said other Instrument or Policy of Assurance dated 4 December 1844 by which the life of the said Hamilton Gorges is insured in the Globe Insurance Company’s office in the sum of £1,000, and also the said several, and respective, sums of £1,000, £1,000, £500 and £1,000, thereby respectively secured, and all other sum and sums of money which shall or may become payable, or be recoverable and be received upon, or by virtue of the said several and respective policies of assurance respectively, and all benefit and advantage thereof, and also with full power for the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., or the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, to sue for said three firstly mentioned policies of assurance in case default shall be made in payment of said Judgement debt, and also to sue for said last mentioned policy of £1,000.

And said Indenture further witnessed that in consideration of the intended marriage, the said Margaret Dignan, with such privity and consent as aforesaid, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred and set over to the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the said sum of £1,615 7s. 6d., equivalent to the said sum of £1,749 19s. 9d., part of the sum of £10,000, late currency of Ireland, charged upon the town, lands, tenements and premises of Rathleg, Lisgobban, (previously called Gortgobbin), Carrowkeel, “Rathlena”, Rathbarna, Carrowmore, “Gunrade” or “Gunroad”, Carradooan, Ballinphuill, Gortgobbin, the Paddock and Grove Park, with their appurtenances, situate in the barony of Ballintober and county of Roscommon, so assigned to the said Margaret Dignan, her executors, administrators and assigns, by the Indenture dated 23 October 1846 and all the interest now due, or henceforth to become due and payable, upon or in respect of the same.

To have and receive said sum of £1,615 7s. 6d. interest and premises assigned thereby, unto and by, the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr., their executors, administrators and assigns, but upon trust therein after mentioned. That is to say, in Trust for the said Margaret Dignan, her executors, administrators and assigns, until the said intended marriage, and from and after the solemnization thereof, upon trust that they, the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, shall and do raise out of the said Trust monies so to them assigned as aforesaid, or any of them, a sum of £615 and pay the same unto the proper hands of the said Margaret Dignan for her sole and separate use and benefit, independently of the said Henry Ffrench, her intended husband, and so that the said sum of £615 be not subject to his debts, contracts or engagements, and upon her own receipt alone, and upon trust, to lay out and invest the same or so much thereof as shall remain after payment made of said sum of £615 therein before provided to be paid to the said Margaret Dignan as aforesaid, and charge in Southpark, with the consent in writing of the said Margaret Dignan, or the survivor of them, in services or out of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain or Ireland, or upon mortgage or freehold, copyhold or leasehold estates or other real securities in England, Wales or Ireland, in the names or name of the said trustees or trustee for the time being upon trust, that the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, their executors or administrators shall and do from time to time, during the life of said Margaret Dignan, receive the interest dividend and annual produce thereof, together with all arrears of interest now due on foot of said securities, and pay the same into the hands of the said Margaret Dignan for her own use and benefit, the receipt or receipts in writing of the said Margaret Dignan or of such person or persons as she shall from time to time direct or appoint to receive all or any part of the said interest dividends and annual produce, to be from time to time a good and sufficient release and discharge for such sum or sums of money as in such receipt or receipts shall be expressed or acknowledged to be received, and after the decease of the said Margaret Dignan, in the lifetime of said Henry Ffrench, then upon Trust that the said Philip Dignan and Richard Kelly Jr. and the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, shall and do from time to time, during the life of the said Henry Ffrench, receive the interest dividends and annual produce thereof, together with all arrears of said interest and pay the same into the proper hands of the said Henry Ffrench upon his receipt, with a power to said Margaret Dignan, to appoint same among her children, and further as therein.

The deed and memorial were executed, signed and sealed by Henry Ffrench and Margaret Dignan and witnessed by Edward John Irwin of the city of Dublin, one of the attorneys, and Eyre O’Reilly of the county of Roscommon, gentleman.

They were registered in the Registry Office in Dublin on 20 December 1847.9 
Incumbered Estate*3 January 1853An announcement dated 3 January 1853 was made regarding the sale of the Incumbered Estate of Philip Dignan, an insolvent debtor. The sale included the lands of Kilsallagh, situate in the barony of Ballymoe and county of Galway; also, the lands of Toomona, Toberavaddy and Kildurney, situate in the barony of Athlone in the county of Roscommon. In addition to listing the lands, the notice described the Schedule of Incumbrances known at the time, which included several mortgages, annuities, deeds, a will and judgements, and requested that if any additional debts were known, they be reported to the General Clerk of the Court on or before 8 February 1853. The Chief Commissioner of the Court was to give directions for the final settlement on 11 February 1853.

The list of debts already on the schedule, and appearing in the announcement, included: two Annuities for £10 and £20 by the Deed dated 20 April 1815, executed on the marriage of Philip's parents, Philip Dignan with Mary Bodkin, for the life of said Mary, in the case of her surviving him, and the Will of the late Philip Dignan dated 27 July 1815, and the several codicils thereto, the last of which was dated 28 March 1828.10 
(Brother) Deed Memorial20 May 1873A memorial of an Indenture dated 20 May 1873 was made between Margaret (Dignan) Ffrench, wife of Henry Ffrench Esq. of the first part, the said Henry Ffrench Esq. of the second part, Margaret's brother, Philip Dignan Esq., of River View, South Brisbane Queensland, Australia, of the third part, Patrick Trears of Ballymoe in the county of Galway, merchant, of the fourth part, and the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick of Castlerea, county of Roscommon, merchant, of the fifth part.

Ireland’s memorial deeds are handwritten, and the microfilmed copies are often difficult to read. Additionally, we are uncertain, in some instances, that we have identified the correct townlands. In earlier times, how the name of a townland was spelled depended upon how the initial scribe heard the name pronounced, and then how future scribes interpreted what was written. As a result, the names and spellings of many Irish townlands were spelled differently from deed to deed, book to book and year to year. Attempts to standardize the spelling of Ireland’s townlands began around the turn of the 20th century. A townland’s Barony did not always remain constant, either. Changes were made as populations grew. Our own transcription that follows attempts to identify the correct townlands mentioned in the deed and spell them in the current (2020) standard form. Our placement of quotation marks around a townland’s name means we remain uncertain about our selection of the correct townland, or have used the spelling as we saw it in the deed because we couldn’t find a good guess. Our transcription follows, and we welcome suggestions and corrections:

Reciting the Indenture of Settlement effected on the marriage of the said Henry French and Margaret Dignan, parties to memorializing deed, was dated 15 November 1847.

And reciting that a sum of £1,100 remained due on the security of an Indenture of Mortgage dated 27 November 1863 made between Richard Kelly of the first part, the said Henry Ffrench and Margaret, his wife, of the second part, and the said Patrick Trears of the third part, and the same together with a charge of £1,615 7s. 6d. affecting the lands in said settlement, and herein after described, then constituted the entire of the trust funds which remained subject to the trusts of said Indenture of Settlement.

And reciting that Phillip Dignan, one of the Trustees of said settlement left Ireland to reside in Australia many years ago, and also then permanently resided abroad, and that Phillip Kelly, Junior, the successor Trustee of said Phillip Dignan, died in the year 1863.

And further reciting as therein, it was witnessed that the exercise of the power given to the said Margaret Ffrench by said settlement of 15 November 1847 thereby memorialized, constituted and appointed the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick to be trustees of said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847 in place of the said Phillip Dignan and Richard Kelly for the purposes of the said indenture.

And it was further witnessed that the said Phillip remain, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, as legatee, with the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the aforesaid charge or Principal of £1,615 7s. 6d. expressed, to be assigned by said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847 and charged upon and payable out of all that and those the town and lands of Rathleg, Lisgobban, (previously called Gortgobbin), Carrowkeel, “Rathlena”, Rathbarna, Carrowmore, “Gunrade” or “Gunroad”, Carradooan, Ballinphuill, Gortgobbin, the Paddock and Grove Park, with their appurtenances situate in the barony of Ballintober and the county of Roscommon, together with all interest then due and thence further to grow due thereon, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand of him, the said Phillip Dignan, in, to, and upon the said premises.

To hold unto the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, upon the trusts and subject to the powers, provisions and agreements and declarations contained in said Settlement of 15 November 1847.

And it was further witnessed that the said Patrick Trears, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, assigned unto the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick, their executors, administrators and assigns, all that the said mortgage debt, a principal sum of £1,100 secured by the said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863, and all interest thereon due, and thenceforth to grow due thereon, and all securities for the same, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Property, Claim and Demand of him, the said Patrick Trears, in, to, or upon the same premises, together with full power for the said Patrick Trears and Michael Broderick and the survivor of them, and the executors or administrators of such survivor, and their or his assigns, to demand due for recover and give valid receipts for the said principal sum of £1,100 and all interest due and to become due for the same, in the name or names of the said Patrick Trears, his executors, administrators or assigns, for the purposes aforesaid, or any of them, to execute and do all such instrumentals and things as shall be necessary or expedient.

To hold unto the said Michael Broderick, Patrick Trears, their executors, administrators and assigns upon the trust, and subject to the powers, promises, agreements and declarations contained in said Settlement.

And it was also witnessed that the said Patrick Trears, at the request of the said Margaret Ffrench, granted unto the said Michael Broderick and his heirs, all that and those the town and lands of Runnaruag, containing 77 acres, 2 roods and 2 perches or thereabout, Irish Plantation Measure, situate in the parish of Kilmore, barony of Ballintober, county of Roscommon, the lands of Clooncommon Beg containing 38 acres, 2 roods and 25 perches or thereabout Irish Plantation Measure situate in the said barony of Ballintober and county of Roscommon, the lands of Kildurney containing 30 acres or thereabouts Irish Plantation Measure and the lands of “Kilcommon Glebe” containing 14 acres or thereabouts, each said lastly mentioned denominations situate in the barony of Athlone and county of Roscommon aforesaid, the lands of Drumaleague containing 65 acres and 5 perches or thereabouts situate in the parish of Kiltubbrid, barony of Leitrim and county of Leitrim, and also all that and those the lands of Cloonkeen situate in the parish of Kilkerrin, barony of Tiaquin and county of Galway containing by estimation 300 acres be the same more or less, being the land and hereditaments comprised in and granted by the said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863, and all other, if any, the hereditaments thereby granted together with the actual and reputed rights, members, and appurtenances to the same lands and hereditaments belonging or in anywise appertaining and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand of him, the said Patrick Trears in to and upon the said premises. To hold unto and the use of the said Michael Broderick and Patrick Trears, their heirs and assigns, subject to the Equity of Redemption subsisting in the said lands and hereditaments under said Indenture of Mortgage of 27 November 1863.

And it was also witnessed that the said Henry Ffrench and Margaret Ffrench thereby released the said Phillip Dignan, his heirs, executors, administrators, and his and their estates, from any claim which they might have against him by reason or on account of said Indenture of Settlement of 15 November 1847.

Which said deed as to the execution thereof by the said Margaret Ffrench, Henry Ffrench and Patrick Trears is witnessed by Benjamin Whiting of Davidson Street in the city of Dublin, solicitor, and Robert Ffrench of Tally Ho in the county of Roscommon, Esquire, and as to the execution of the Memorial by the said Margaret Ffrench and Henry Ffrench is witnessed by the said Benjamin Whiting and Robert Ffrench, and as to the execution of said deed by the said Michael Broderick is witnessed by the said Benjamin Whitney and my John Mahon of Castlerea in the county of Roscommon, gentleman.

The documents were registered on 26 May 1873.11 
Death*5 September 1879He died on 5 September 1879 in his home called River View on Old Ipswich Road, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, in the 59th year of his age. He worked for H.M. Customs in Brisbane and was formerly of Enfield House in County Roscommon, Ireland.3,12,4 
Burial*He was buried in Plot 2D-25 of South Brisbane Cemetery, Brisbane City, Queensland.12 


Elizabeth Browne b. 1826, d. 7 Jun 1897
Children 1.Son Dignan13 b. 8 Nov 1847
 2.Edward Ffrench Dignan14 b. 23 Nov 1862, d. 16 Aug 1943
 3.Frederick Arthur Dignan15 b. 26 Nov 1864, d. 27 May 1905
 4.Margaretta Wilhelmina Dignan16 b. 23 Mar 1868, d. 14 Sep 1870


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: Margaret Ffrench, formerly Dignan, to Patrick Trears, Film# 535351, 1873, Volume19, Deed# 135, images 438-439. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1784] Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985, online at, death of Philip Dignan on 5 September 1879 in Queensland, son of Philip Dignan and Mary Bodkin, registered in 1879 in Queensland, referencing Registration Number B013138, page 3810. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985.
  3. [S2021] Trove - Australia Newspapers and Gazettes, online at; Trove is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organizations around Australia, The Brisbane Courier, (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday, 6 September 1879, page 4, DIGNAN.—On the 5th September, at River View, Old Ipswich-road, in the 59th year of his age, Philip Dignan, of H. M. Customs, Brisbane, and formerly of Enfield-house, County Roscommon, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as Trove - Australia Newspapers and Gazettes.
  4. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Freeman's Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser, Dublin, Tuesday, 25 November 1879, page 1 of 8, column 1. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  5. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, 10 February 1829, page 2 of 8, column 1, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 4th of February instant, I will on the 18th of February at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at my offices, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Eleven years, all that and those the House and Demesne Lands of Enfield and Ballintubber, and the Lands of Cloonaddra, all of which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, in said order mentioned." Dated 7 February 1829 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenants would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of prime quality and situate between the towns of Roscommon and Castlerea.
  6. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Dublin Evening Post, Saturday, 8 January 1831, page 1 of 4, column 4, in the matter of Margaret Dignan, Anne Dignan, Jane Dignan, Philip Dignan, Mary Dignan and Bridget Dignan, minors, "Pursuant to the order made in this matter, bearing date the 18th of November, I will on the 17th of January at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, in my Chambers, Inns-quay, Dublin, set up and Let, during the minority of the Minor, Philip Dignan, now aged about Twelve years, all that and those that part of the Lands of Tonlemond, late in the possession of George Clark, in said Order mentioned, and which said Lands are situate in the County of Roscommon, being the Premises in the Order mentioned." Dated 24 December 1830 and signed by William Henn.

    The notice went on to read that the Tenant would be required to enter into security by recognizance, and described the Lands as of excellent quality and situate within four miles of the town of Roscommon.
  7. [S2022] Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current, online at, Elizabeth (Browne) Dignan, Memorial# 48739330. Hereinafter cited as Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current.
  8. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, Roscommon and Leitrim Gazette, Boyle, Saturday, 20 July 1844, page 3 of 4, column 5.
  9. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Indenture of Marriage Settlement between Henry Ffrench and Margaret Dignan, Film# 550743, 1847, Volume 20, Deed# 123, images 109-110.
  10. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, Saunder's News-Letter and Daily Advertiser, Tuesday, 4 January 1853, page 4 of 4, column 2.
  11. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: Margaret Ffrench, Henry Ffrench, Philip Dignan and Patrick Trears, Film# 535351, 1873, Volume 19, Deed# 135, images 438-439.
  12. [S2022] Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current, online at, Philip Dignan, Memorial# 48723687.
  13. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at, The Pilot, Dublin, Monday, 8 November 1847, page 4 of 4, column 6.
  14. [S2023] Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, online at, birth of Edward Ffrench Dignan on 23 November 1862 in Queensland to Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1862 in Queensland, Australia, referencing page 3810 and registration number B001436. Hereinafter cited as Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922.
  15. [S2023] Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, online at, birth of Frederick Arthur Dignan on 26 November 1864 in Queensland to Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1865 in Queensland, Australia, referencing page 3810 and registration number B003481.
  16. [S2023] Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, online at, birth of Margaretta Wilhelmina Dignan on 23 March 1868 in Queensland to Philip Dignan and Elizabeth Browne, registered in 1868 in Queensland, Australia, referencing page 3810 and registration number B008400.

Son Dignan1

b. 8 November 1847
Father*Philip Dignan1 b. 1820, d. 5 Sep 1879
Mother*Elizabeth Browne1 b. 1826, d. 7 Jun 1897
Birth*8 November 1847Son Dignan was born about 8 November 1847 in Enfield, Tulsk, County Roscommon, Ireland.1 


  1. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, The Pilot, Dublin, Monday, 8 November 1847, page 4 of 4, column 6. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.

William Dill1

b. 21 February 1793, d. 18 March 1859
ChartsDescendants of John Heaton of Lincolnshire, including the Immigrant Nathaniel
Birth*21 February 1793William Dill was born on 21 February 1793 in Kent County, Delaware.2,3 
Marriage*10 May 1812He married first Polly Heaton, daughter of Jonah Heaton and Margaret __?__, on 10 May 1812 in Harmony Township, Champaign County, Ohio.1,4 
War of 1812*24 August 1812William enlisted in the Ohio militia on 24 August 1812 and served in the War of 1812 in Captain Samuel Black's company until his discharge on 24 February 1813.5 
Relocation*1840The couple farmed and raised a large family in Ohio for many years, and then moved to Rush County, Indiana, where the sons of Mary's Uncle Ebenezer lived. They appeared on the 1840 census in Rushville.1,6 
(Husband) Death15 July 1843William became a widower when Mary (Heaton) Dill died on 15 July 1843.1 
Marriage*27 April 1845He married second Mary Hall on 27 April 1845 in Rushville, Rush County, Indiana.5,7 
Death*18 March 1859He died on 18 March 1859 in Rush County, Indiana, at age 661 
Burial* and was buried in Section 4 of East Hill Cemetery, Rushville, Rush County.3 

Family 1

Mary Heaton b. 19 Aug 1797, d. 15 Jul 1843

Family 2

Mary Hall b. 9 Jan 1813, d. 12 Oct 1881


  1. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, in two volumes, with indexes in Volume II. Warning: In this researcher's opinion, the information in these volumes often proves to be inaccurate. At the same time, the information presented has provided us with valuable clues for pursuing future research strategies in our attempt to establish a factual history of our Heaton family. (Tempe, Arizona: published for the author by Graphics of Tempe, 1999), Volume I, Chapter 9, pages 330-331. Hereinafter cited as Heaton Families II.
  2. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, Volume I, Chapter 9, pages 330-331, reporting his place of birth as either Delaware or Maryland.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, William Dill, Memorial# 40228418. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  4. [S1576] Ohio, County Marriage Records, 1774-1993, online at, hosted by FamilySearch at Hereinafter cited as Ohio, County Marriage Records, 1774-1993.
  5. [S1577] War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815, online at Hereinafter cited as War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815.
  6. [S487] 1840 United States Federal Census, online at, household of William Dill, Rushville, Rush, Indiana; Roll: 93; Page: 184; Family History Library Film: 0007729. Hereinafter cited as 1840 United States Federal Census.
  7. [S1572] Indiana, Marriage Index, 1806-1861, online at Hereinafter cited as Indiana Marriage Index, 1806-1861.

Charles H. Dillenbeck1

b. 8 March 1838, d. 4 September 1903
Birth*8 March 1838Charles H. Dillenbeck was born on 8 March 1838 in New York.1,2 
Name VariationHis full name was Charles Henry Dillenbeck.3 
Marriage*1864He married first Mary A. Beech in 1864.4,1 
Census US 1880*1 June 1880Mary and Charles H. Dillenbeck were enumerated on the 1880 census taken on 1 June 1880 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa. Charles was 41 years of age and a grocer and post master, and Mary was 36 years of age and keeping house. The couple's three children were enumerated with them in 1880. Owen and Ina were ages 15 and 12 years, respectively, and both were attending school; and Kate was 2 years old.2 
Divorce*1881Charles H. Dillenbeck and Mary A. (Beech) Dillenbeck were separated, and probably divorced, about 1881.4,2,5 
Marriage*24 September 1882He married second, as her first husband, Ida Delight Warner in 24 September 1882 in Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa.5,1,6 
Census US 1900*1 June 1900Delight I. and Charles H. Dillenbeck were enumerated on the 1900 census taken on 1 June 1900 in Bassett, Chickasaw, Chickasaw County, Iowa. Charles was 62 years of age and a farmer, and Ida was 39 years of age and a merchant of general merchandise. They owned their farm with a mortgage, had been married for 17 years and Ida had given birth to two children, both of whom were living and enumerated, using their middle names, with their parents in 1900. Warner C. and Mabel L. were ages 16 and 12 years, respectively, and both had attended school for 9 months of the census year.7 
Death*4 September 1903He died on 4 September 1903 at age 651 
Burial* and was buried in Range 21, Section 12, Row 21, Space 6, of Riverside Cemetery, Charles City, Floyd County, Iowa.1 

Family 1

Mary A. Beech b. 21 Jan 1841, d. 18 Jun 1897
Children 1.Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck8 b. 30 Apr 1865, d. 4 Jun 1943
 2.Ina I. Dillenbeck9 b. 3 Jul 1867, d. 18 Aug 1946
 3.Leah Catherine Dillenbeck10 b. 22 Mar 1878, d. 30 Aug 1943

Family 2

Ida Delight Warner b. 1857, d. 1945
Children 1.Charles W. Dillenbeck11 b. 21 Nov 1883
 2.Leora M. Dillenbeck+12 b. 6 Jun 1887, d. 30 Jul 1975


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Charles H Dillenbeck, Memorial# 70732866. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles H. and Mary Dillenbeck, Year: 1880; Census Place: Bassett, Chickasaw, Iowa; Roll: 332; Page: 365A; Enumeration District: 115. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S2403] Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, online at, delayed certificate of birth for Leora Mabel Dillenbeck, born on 6 June 1887 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa, USA, daughter of Charles Henry Dillenbeck and Ida Delight Warner, referencing State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940.
  4. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Mary A (Beech) Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676289.
  5. [S1508] Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996, online at, marriage of Charles H. Dillenbeck and I. Delight Warner on 24 September 1882 in Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, citing FHL Film# 1027437, reference ID 2:3M0S3LX. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ida Delight Dillenbeck, Memorial# 34642701.
  7. [S34] 1900 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles and Ida D. Dillenbeck, Year: 1900; Census Place: Chickasaw, Chickasaw, Iowa; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 0031; FHL microfilm: 1240423. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676290.
  9. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ina I Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676287.
  10. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Leah Catherine Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676288.
  11. [S2183] Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999, online at, birth on 21 November 1883 in Chickasaw County, Iowa, of Charles W Dillenbeck, son of Charles H Dillenbeck and Ida Delight Warner, referencing FHL Film# 1027435. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999.
  12. [S2403] Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, online at, delayed certificate of birth for Le Ora Mabel Dillenbeck, born on 6 June 1887 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa, USA, daughter of Charles Henry Dillenbeck, age 44, born in New York, merchant, and Ida Delight Warner, age 29, born in Pennsylvania, housewife, midwife attending the birth was Julia E. Benedict, affidavit signed in El Paso County, Colorado, by I. Delight Dillenbeck, the mother, on 8 October 1943, who stated under oath that she was the mother of the said Le Ora Mabel Dillenbeck, and that she well remembered her birth, referencing State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa.

Charles W. Dillenbeck1

b. 21 November 1883
Father*Charles H. Dillenbeck1 b. 8 Mar 1838, d. 4 Sep 1903
Mother*Ida Delight Warner1 b. 1857, d. 1945
Name VariationHe also used the name Warner.2 
Birth*21 November 1883Charles W. Dillenbeck was born on 21 November 1883 in Chickasaw County, Iowa.1 
Name VariationHis full name was Charles Warner Dillenbeck.2 
(Son) Census US 19001 June 1900Warner C. was enumerated on the 1900 census taken on 1 June 1900 in the household of his parents in Bassett, Chickasaw, Chickasaw County, Iowa. He was 16 years old and had attended school for 9 months of the census year.2 
(Son) Census US 191025 April 1910Charles W. was enumerated with his wife and daughter on the 1910 census taken on 25 April 1910 in the household of his widowed mother at 219 East 1st Street, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado. Charles was 26 years of age and worked as a clerk in a railroad office. His wife, Nancy E., was 19 years old and worked as a waitress in a hotel. They had been married for 3 years, the first marriage for each, and Nancy had given birth to one child, whose name was Leora. She was 2 years old, and was enumerated with her parents and her paternal grandmother, Delight I. Dillenbeck, in her grandmother's house.3 


  1. [S2183] Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999, online at, birth on 21 November 1883 in Chickasaw County, Iowa, of Charles W Dillenbeck, son of Charles H Dillenbeck and Ida Delight Warner, referencing FHL Film# 1027435. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999.
  2. [S34] 1900 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles and Ida D. Dillenbeck, Year: 1900; Census Place: Chickasaw, Chickasaw, Iowa; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 0031; FHL microfilm: 1240423. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S40] 1910 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Delight Dillenbeck, Year: 1910; Census Place: Colorado Springs Ward 3, El Paso, Colorado; Roll: T624_119; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0042; FHL microfilm: 1374132. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.

Ina I. Dillenbeck1

b. 3 July 1867, d. 18 August 1946
Father*Charles H. Dillenbeck1 b. 8 Mar 1838, d. 4 Sep 1903
Mother*Mary A. Beech1 b. 21 Jan 1841, d. 18 Jun 1897
Birth*3 July 1867Ina I. Dillenbeck was born on 3 July 1867 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa.1 
(Daughter) Census US 18801 June 1880Ina was enumerated on the 1880 census taken on 1 June 1880 in the household of her parents in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa. She was 12 years old and attending school.2 
(Daughter) Divorce1881She was about 14 years old when her parents separated, and probably divorced.3,2,4 
(Daughter) Marriage24 September 1882Her father married a second time, on 24 September 1882, to Ida Delight Warner.4,5,6 
Death*18 August 1946She died on 18 August 1946 in Mercy Hospital, Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa, where she had been a patient for 13 months, at age 791 
Burial* and was buried with her mother, brother and sister, in Plot 63 of Oakland Cemetery, Janesville, Bremer County, Iowa.1,3,7,8 


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Ina I Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676287. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles H. and Mary Dillenbeck, Year: 1880; Census Place: Bassett, Chickasaw, Iowa; Roll: 332; Page: 365A; Enumeration District: 115. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Mary A (Beech) Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676289.
  4. [S1508] Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996, online at, marriage of Charles H. Dillenbeck and I. Delight Warner on 24 September 1882 in Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, citing FHL Film# 1027437, reference ID 2:3M0S3LX. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Charles H Dillenbeck, Memorial# 70732866.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ida Delight Dillenbeck, Memorial# 34642701.
  7. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676290.
  8. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Leah Catherine Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676288.

Leah Catherine Dillenbeck1

b. 22 March 1878, d. 30 August 1943
Father*Charles H. Dillenbeck1 b. 8 Mar 1838, d. 4 Sep 1903
Mother*Mary A. Beech1 b. 21 Jan 1841, d. 18 Jun 1897
Birth*22 March 1878Leah Catherine Dillenbeck was born on 22 March 1878 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa.1 
Name VariationShe was called Kate.2 
(Daughter) Census US 18801 June 1880Kate was enumerated on the 1880 census taken on 1 June 1880 in the household of her parents in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa. She was 2 years old.2 
(Daughter) Divorce1881She was about 3 years old when her parents separated, and probably divorced.3,2,4 
(Daughter) Marriage24 September 1882Her father married a second time, on 24 September 1882, to Ida Delight Warner.4,5,6 
Death*30 August 1943She died on 30 August 1943 in Janesville, Bremer County, Iowa, at age 651 
Burial* and was buried with her mother and brother in Plot 63 of Oakland Cemetery, Janesville, Bremer County, Iowa.1,3,7 


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Leah Catherine Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676288. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles H. and Mary Dillenbeck, Year: 1880; Census Place: Bassett, Chickasaw, Iowa; Roll: 332; Page: 365A; Enumeration District: 115. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Mary A (Beech) Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676289.
  4. [S1508] Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996, online at, marriage of Charles H. Dillenbeck and I. Delight Warner on 24 September 1882 in Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, citing FHL Film# 1027437, reference ID 2:3M0S3LX. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Charles H Dillenbeck, Memorial# 70732866.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ida Delight Dillenbeck, Memorial# 34642701.
  7. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676290.

Leora M. Dillenbeck1,2,3

b. 6 June 1887, d. 30 July 1975
Father*Charles H. Dillenbeck4 b. 8 Mar 1838, d. 4 Sep 1903
Mother*Ida Delight Warner4 b. 1857, d. 1945
Birth*6 June 1887Leora M. Dillenbeck was born on 6 June 1887 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa.4,1,3,5 
Name VariationHer full name was Le Ora Mabel Dillenbeck.6,3,2,1 
Name VariationSometimes she was called Mabel.7 
(Daughter) Census US 19001 June 1900Mabel L. was enumerated on the 1900 census taken on 1 June 1900 in the household of her parents in Bassett, Chickasaw, Chickasaw County, Iowa. She was 12 years old and had attended school for 9 months of the census year.7 
Marriage*20 January 1906She married first Raymond F. Dietz, son of Fred Dietz and Rosina Lackore, on 20 January 1906 in Fredericksburg, Chickasaw County, Iowa.3 
Divorce*24 February 1910Le Ora M. (Dillenbeck) Dietz and Raymond F. Dietz were divorced on 24 February 1910 in El Paso County, Colorado.8 
(Daughter) Census US 191025 April 1910She was enumerated with her daughters as Leora M. Dillenbeck on the 1910 census taken on 25 April 1910 in the household of her widowed mother at 219 East 1st Street, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado. Le Ora was divorced, 22 years of age and worked as a vocal musician in a theater. Her two daughters, Delight I. Dietz and Dorothy I. Dietz, were ages 3 and 2 years, respectively, and like their mother, were recorded with the surname Dillenbeck.9 
Marriage*She married second Joseph C. Davis, son of James Davis and Mary W. Mason.2 
Draft Registration*12 December 1918Her husband, Joseph Clark Davis, completed his World War I Draft Registration Card on 12 December 1918 in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. His home address was reported as Lumberton, Rio Arriba County, and his nearest relative was his wife, Mrs. Le Ora M. Davis. Joseph was described as tall and slender with blonde hair and blue eyes.6 
Census US 1920*2 January 1920Le Ora M. and Joe C. Davis, were enumerated on the 1920 census taken on 2 January 1920 on 1st Street, Precinct 62, El Paso County, Colorado. Joe was 36 years of age and worked as a house carpenter, and Le Ora was 33 years of age. Three children were enumerated with the couple in 1920. Delight I. Dietz and Dorothy I. Dietz, Le Ora's two daughters from her first marriage, were ages 13 and 12, respectively; and the couple's daughter, Josephine Davis, was 7 years old. All three of the girls had attended school within the census year, and all were recorded with the DAVIS surname. Also enumerated with the family in 1920 were two boarders. Wayne Young was 17 years old and worked as a machinist in a factory; and William Fairbanks was 18 years old and worked as an electrician in a repair shop.2 
Divorce*4 March 1924Le Ora M. Davis and Joseph C. Davis were divorced on 4 March 1924 in El Paso County, Colorado.10 
Marriage*8 March 1929She married third, as his second wife, William I. Burt on 8 March 1929 in Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado.1 
Census US 1930*3 April 1930Leona M. and William I. Burt were enumerated on the 1930 census taken on 3 April 1930 at 237 14th Street, Denver, Denver County, Colorado. William was 49 years of age, rented his home for $59.50 per month, owned a radio set, and worked as a self-employed landlord in a rooming house. His wife, Leora, was 42 years of age. Leora's daughter from her second marriage, Josephine J. Davis, who was age 17 years old and had attended school within the census year, was enumerated with her mother and stepfather in 1930. Additionally, six lodgers were enumerated in their rooming house.11 
(Wife) Death23 December 1931Leona became a widow when William Irving Burt died on 23 December 1931 at age 50.12,13 
(Daughter) Census US 194020 April 1940She was enumerated as Leona M. Burt on the 1940 census taken on 20 April 1940 in the household of her widowed mother at 219 Bonfoy Avenue, Knob Hill, El Paso County, Colorado. She was recorded as 52 years of age and widowed, and both she and her mother reported they had completed the 4th year of high school and that they had lived in the same house in 1935.14 
Death*30 July 1975She died on 30 July 1975 at age 885 
Burial* and was buried in Block 00061, 000016 - 0000SW, of Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, El Paso County.5 

Family 1

Raymond F. Dietz b. Mar 1886
Children 1.Delight I. Dietz2,15 b. 27 Jul 1906
 2.Dorothy I. Dietz2,16 b. 9 Dec 1907

Family 2

Joseph C. Davis b. 30 Jan 1882, d. 14 Jul 1953
Child 1.Josephine J. Davis2 b. 1913

Family 3

William I. Burt b. 8 Jan 1881, d. 23 Dec 1931


  1. [S2162] Colorado, County Marriage Records and State Index, 1862-2006, online at, marriage on 8 March 1929 in Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, USA, of W I Burt, age 44, born about 1885, and Leora M Davis, age 40, born about 1889, referencing FHL Film# 001690058. Hereinafter cited as Colorado, County Marriage Records and State Index, 1862-2006.
  2. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Joe C. and Le Ora Davis, Year: 1920; Census Place: Precinct 62, El Paso, Colorado; Roll: T625_163; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 115. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S1700] Iowa, U.S., Marriage Records, 1880-1947, online at, marriage of Le Ora Dillenbeck, age 19, born about 1887 in Bassett, Iowa, daughter of Charles Dillenbeck and Ida Delight Warner, married Raymond F Dietz, age 22, born about 1884 in Forest City, Iowa, son of Fred Dietz and Rosina Lackore, on 20 January 1906 in Chickasaw, Iowa, USA, referencing Iowa Department of Public Health, Des Moines, Iowa, Series Title: Iowa Marriage Records, 1880–1922. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Marriage Records, 1880-1947.
  4. [S2403] Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940, online at, delayed certificate of birth for Le Ora Mabel Dillenbeck, born on 6 June 1887 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa, USA, daughter of Charles Henry Dillenbeck, age 44, born in New York, merchant, and Ida Delight Warner, age 29, born in Pennsylvania, housewife, midwife attending the birth was Julia E. Benedict, affidavit signed in El Paso County, Colorado, by I. Delight Dillenbeck, the mother, on 8 October 1943, who stated under oath that she was the mother of the said Le Ora Mabel Dillenbeck, and that she well remembered her birth, referencing State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Births (series) 1880-1904, 1921-1944 and Delayed Births (series), 1856-1940.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Leora Mable Burt, Memorial# 34406710, recording her date of birth as 6 June 1886. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  6. [S223] U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online at, draft registration card dated 12 December 1918 for Joseph Clark Davis, born on 30 January 1882, residence in 1917-1918 in Lumberton, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, USA, wife's name Mrs. Le Ora Mabel Davis; his physical build was Slender, height was Tall, hair was Blonde, eyes were Blue, referencing U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Hereinafter cited as U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.
  7. [S34] 1900 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles and Ida D. Dillenbeck, Year: 1900; Census Place: Chickasaw, Chickasaw, Iowa; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 0031; FHL microfilm: 1240423. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.
  8. [S1716] Colorado, Divorce Index, 1851-1985, online at, divorce of Le Ora Dillenbeck Dietz and Frederick Raymond Dietz on 24 February 1910 in El Paso County, Colorado, USA. Hereinafter cited as Colorado, Divorce Index, 1851-1985.
  9. [S40] 1910 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Delight Dillenbeck, Year: 1910; Census Place: Colorado Springs Ward 3, El Paso, Colorado; Roll: T624_119; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0042; FHL microfilm: 1374132. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  10. [S1716] Colorado, Divorce Index, 1851-1985, online at, divorce of Joseph C. Davis and Leora M. Davis on 4 March 1924 in El Paso County, Colorado, USA.
  11. [S91] 1930 United States Federal Census, online at, household of William I. and Leora M. Burt, Year: 1930; Census Place: Denver, Denver County, Colorado; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 0160; FHL microfilm: 2339973. Hereinafter cited as 1930 United States Federal Census.
  12. [S2109] U.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940, online at, indexed information for William Irvin Burt, record type: Military Service, born on 8 January 1881, military date: 20 November 1903, residence place: Colorado Springs, Colorado, died on 23 December 1931. Hereinafter cited as U.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940.
  13. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, William Irving Burt, Memorial# 34406724, recording his year of birth as 1883.
  14. [S1441] 1940 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Delight I. Dillenbeck, Year: 1940; Census Place: El Paso, Colorado; Roll: m-t0627-00462; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 21-84. Hereinafter cited as 1940 United States Federal Census.
  15. [S2183] Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999, online at, birth on 27 July 1906 in Waterloo, Blackhawk County, Iowa, of Delight I Dietz, christened in Black Hawk County, Iowa, daughter of Raymond F Dietz and Leora Dillenbeck, referencing FHL Film# 1034314. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999.
  16. [S2183] Iowa, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1999, online at, birth on 9 December 1907 in Waterloo, Blackhawk County, Iowa, of Dorothy I Dietz, christened in Black Hawk County, Iowa, daughter of Raymond Dietz and "Lena" Dillenbeck, referencing FHL Film# 1034314.

Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck1

b. 30 April 1865, d. 4 June 1943
Father*Charles H. Dillenbeck1 b. 8 Mar 1838, d. 4 Sep 1903
Mother*Mary A. Beech1 b. 21 Jan 1841, d. 18 Jun 1897
Birth*30 April 1865Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck was born on 30 April 1865 in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa.1 
(Son) Census US 18801 June 1880Owen was enumerated on the 1880 census taken on 1 June 1880 in the household of his parents in Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa. He was 15 years old and attending school.2 
(Son) Divorce1881He was about 16 years old when his parents separated, and probably divorced.3,2,4 
(Son) Marriage24 September 1882His father married a second time, on 24 September 1882, to Ida Delight Warner.4,5,6 
Death*4 June 1943He died on 4 June 1943 in Murray Hospital, Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana, at age 781 
Burial* and was buried with his mother in Plot 63 of Oakland Cemetery, Janesville, Bremer County, Iowa.1,3 


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Owen Lincoln Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676290. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Charles H. and Mary Dillenbeck, Year: 1880; Census Place: Bassett, Chickasaw, Iowa; Roll: 332; Page: 365A; Enumeration District: 115. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Mary A (Beech) Dillenbeck, Memorial# 42676289.
  4. [S1508] Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996, online at, marriage of Charles H. Dillenbeck and I. Delight Warner on 24 September 1882 in Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa, citing FHL Film# 1027437, reference ID 2:3M0S3LX. Hereinafter cited as Iowa, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1758-1996.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Charles H Dillenbeck, Memorial# 70732866.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ida Delight Dillenbeck, Memorial# 34642701.

Abner M. Dillon1

b. May 1857
Father*Allen W. Dillon1 b. 10 Jun 1821, d. 26 Aug 1879
Mother*Martha A. Hosey1 b. 27 Feb 1827, d. 15 Jan 1859
Birth*May 1857Abner M. Dillon was born in May 1857 in Braxton County, Virginia.1 


  1. [S2522] West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938, online at, birth of Abner M Dillon in May 1857 in Braxton County, West Virginia, son of Allen Dillon and Martha, referencing FHL Film# 573797. Hereinafter cited as West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938.

Agnes Dillon1,2

b. 26 November 1869
Father*Charles Blake Dillon1,2 b. 8 Feb 1836, d. 10 Mar 1880
Mother*Maria Neilan1,2
Birth*26 November 1869Agnes Dillon was born on 26 November 1869 in County Roscommon, Ireland,1 
Baptism and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Ballymurray, County Roscommon.1 


  1. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124. Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.
  2. [S2018] Arthur G. M. Hesilrige, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage : Comprising information concerning all Persons bearing Hereditary or Courtesy Titles, Privy Councillors and Knights with their issue, Companions of the various Orders, and the Collateral Branches of all Peers and Baronets, (London, England: Dean & Son, Limited, 1916), Dillon, Viscount, pages 285-287. Hereinafter cited as Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage.

Albert Dillon1

b. 1849
Father*Allen W. Dillon1 b. 10 Jun 1821, d. 26 Aug 1879
Mother*Martha A. Hosey1 b. 27 Feb 1827, d. 15 Jan 1859
Birth*1849Albert Dillon was born about 1849 in Virginia.1 


  1. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen and Martha Dillon, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M432; Residence Date: 1850; Home in 1850: District 4, Braxton, Virginia; Roll: 937; Page: 188a. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.

Allen W. Dillon

b. 10 June 1821, d. 26 August 1879
Birth*10 June 1821Allen W. Dillon was born on 10 June 1821 in Franklin County, Virginia.1,2,3,4 
Marriage*23 November 1847He married first Martha A. Hosey, daughter of Abner Hosey and Abarilla __?__, on 23 November 1847 in Braxton County, Virginia.5,6,7 
(Husband) Death15 January 1859Allen became a widower when Martha A. (Hosey) Dillon died on 15 January 1859, 12 days after giving birth to the couple's last child, at age 31.5,7 
Marriage*He married second, as her first husband, Diana G. Carpenter, daughter of John L. Carpenter and Nancy J. Perrine.8,9 
Death*26 August 1879He died of paralysis on 26 August 1879 in Erbacon, Webster County, West Virginia, at age 5810,11 
Burial* and was buried in Sunset Memorial Park, Erbacon.10 

Family 1

Martha A. Hosey b. 27 Feb 1827, d. 15 Jan 1859
Children 1.Silas E. Dillon12 b. 1848
 2.Albert Dillon12 b. 1849
 3.Abner M. Dillon13 b. May 1857
 4.Lurella Jane Dillon14 b. 11 Jun 1857
 5.John L. Dillon15 b. 3 Jan 1859

Family 2

Diana G. Carpenter b. 1843
Children 1.James S. Dillon16 b. 1863, d. 3 Nov 1932
 2.Nancy C. Dillon9 b. 1867
 3.William W. Dillon17 b. 1868
 4.Rebecca F. Dillon9 b. 1869
 5.Thomas J. Dillon17 b. 1872
 6.Amos F. Dillon17 b. 1874
 7.Robert L. Dillon17 b. 1876


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Allen W Dillon, Memorial# 223289658, reporting his date of birth as 10 June 1821. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S37] 1870 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen W. and Diana G. Dillon, Year: 1870; Census Place: Glade, Webster, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1701; Page: 115A, reporting Allen's age as 52 and estimating his year of birth as 1818. Hereinafter cited as 1870 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen Dillon, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Braxton, Virginia; Roll: M653_1336; Pages: 352-353; Family History Library Film: 805336, reporting Allen's age as 38 and estimating his year of birth as 1822. Hereinafter cited as 1860 United States Federal Census.
  4. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen and Martha Dillon, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M432; Residence Date: 1850; Home in 1850: District 4, Braxton, Virginia; Roll: 937; Page: 188a, reporting Allen's age as 26 and estimating his year of birth as 1824. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Martha A. (Hosey) Dillon, Memorial# 161445471.
  6. [S1404] Virginia, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1740-1850, online at, marriage of Martha S. Hosey and Allen Dillon on 23 November 1847 in Braxton County, Virginia, USA, referencing Dodd, Jordan R., et al.; Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850; Publication Place: Bountiful, UT, USA; Publisher: Precision Indexing Publishers. Hereinafter cited as Virginia, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1740-1850.
  7. [S1386] West Virginia, U.S., Deaths Index, 1853-1973, online at, death of Martha Dillon on 15 January 1859 in Braxton County, West Virginia, age 32, born about 1827 , daughter of Abner Hosey and Abarilla, referencing FHL Film# 163711. Hereinafter cited as West Virginia, U.S., Deaths Index, 1853-1973.
  8. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen Dillon, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Braxton, Virginia; Roll: M653_1336; Pages: 352-353; Family History Library Film: 805336.
  9. [S37] 1870 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen W. and Diana G. Dillon, Year: 1870; Census Place: Glade, Webster, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1701; Page: 115A.
  10. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Allen W Dillon, Memorial# 223289658.
  11. [S2536] U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index, 1850-1880, online at, death of Alen Dillen, age 63, of PARALYSIS in Aug 1880 in Webster County, West Virginia, born in Virginia, occupation FARMER, identified on ____ Census, citing ID# 197_84863. Hereinafter cited as U.S., Federal Census Mortality Schedules Index, 1850-1880.
  12. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Allen and Martha Dillon, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M432; Residence Date: 1850; Home in 1850: District 4, Braxton, Virginia; Roll: 937; Page: 188a.
  13. [S2522] West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938, online at, birth of Abner M Dillon in May 1857 in Braxton County, West Virginia, son of Allen Dillon and Martha, referencing FHL Film# 573797. Hereinafter cited as West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938.
  14. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Lurella Jane (Dillon) Knight, Memorial# 161440390.
  15. [S2522] West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938, online at, birth of John L Dillon on 3 January 1859 in Braxton County, West Virginia, son of Allen Dillon and Martha Dillon, referencing FHL Film# 573797.
  16. [S1386] West Virginia, U.S., Deaths Index, 1853-1973, online at, death of James S. Dillon on 3 November 1932 in Nicholas County, West Virginia, age 69 years 2 months 19 days, born about 1863, son of Allen W. Dillon and Diana G. Carpenter, referencing FHL Film# 1953687.
  17. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Dianna Dillon, (the family's surname spelled "Dilen" by the census taker), Year: 1880; Census Place: Glade, Webster, West Virginia; Roll: 1415; Page: 409C; Enumeration District: 151. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.

Amos F. Dillon1

b. 1874
Father*Allen W. Dillon1 b. 10 Jun 1821, d. 26 Aug 1879
Mother*Diana G. Carpenter1 b. 1843
Birth*1874Amos F. Dillon was born about 1874 in West Virginia.1 


  1. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Dianna Dillon, (the family's surname spelled "Dilen" by the census taker), Year: 1880; Census Place: Glade, Webster, West Virginia; Roll: 1415; Page: 409C; Enumeration District: 151. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.

Anne Dillon1

b. August 1841
Father*Luke Dillon1 b. Aug 1792, d. Mar 1841
Mother*Mary McLoughlin1 d. 14 Jun 1879
Birth*August 1841Anne Dillon was born in August 1841 at Rathmoyle, County Roscommon, Ireland,1 
Baptism and was baptized at Rathmoyle.1 
Marriage*February 1865She married Thomas Mahon O'Farrell of Ballinafad, Strokestown, County Roscommon, son of Michael O'Farrell and Anne Mahon, in February 1865 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Kilmurry, County Roscommon.1 


Thomas Mahon O'Farrell b. Dec 1826


  1. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124. Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.

Annie Dillon1,2

b. 3 September 1868
Father*Charles Blake Dillon1,2 b. 8 Feb 1836, d. 10 Mar 1880
Mother*Maria Neilan1,2
Birth*3 September 1868Annie Dillon was born on 3 September 1868 in County Roscommon, Ireland,1 
Baptism and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Ballymurray, County Roscommon.1 
Religion*Sisters Annie and Josephine Dillon were nuns.1,2 


  1. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124. Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.
  2. [S2018] Arthur G. M. Hesilrige, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage : Comprising information concerning all Persons bearing Hereditary or Courtesy Titles, Privy Councillors and Knights with their issue, Companions of the various Orders, and the Collateral Branches of all Peers and Baronets, (London, England: Dean & Son, Limited, 1916), Dillon, Viscount, pages 285-287. Hereinafter cited as Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage.

Bridget Dillon1

b. 26 June 1874, d. 10 September 1892
Father*Charles Blake Dillon1 b. 8 Feb 1836, d. 10 Mar 1880
Mother*Maria Neilan1
Birth*26 June 1874Bridget Dillon was born on 26 June 1874 in County Roscommon, Ireland,1 
Baptism and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Ballymurray, County Roscommon.1 
Death*10 September 1892She died on 10 September 1892 at age 181 
Burial* and was buried at Loretto Abbey, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland.1 


  1. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124. Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.

Bridget Dillon1

b. 1826, d. 1 February 1900
Father*Luke Dillon1 b. Aug 1792, d. Mar 1841
Mother*Mary McLoughlin1 d. 14 Jun 1879
Birth*1826Bridget Dillon was born about 1826 in Rathmoyle, County Roscommon, Ireland,1,2 
Baptism and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Kilmurry, County Roscommon.1 
Marriage*She married Patrick Coen of Killaster, County Roscommon, son of Patrick Coen and Margaret Dowell.1 
Occupation*Her husband was a farmer in Killaster, County Roscommon.3,2 
(Wife) Death31 July 1887Bridget became a widow when Patrick Coen died on 31 July 1887 at age 77.1,3 
Death*1 February 1900She died of influenza on 1 February 1900 in her home at Killaster, County Roscommon, at age 742,4 
Burial* and was buried with her husband in Kilcorkey Graveyard, Bellanagare, County Roscommon.1 


Patrick Coen b. 1810, d. 31 Jul 1887
Children 1.Patrick Coen3
 2.John Augustus Coen5 b. 12 May 1864


  1. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124. Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.
  2. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death of Bridget Coen on 1 February 1900 in her home in Killaster, County Roscommon, registered on 28 March 1900 in the registration district of Frenchpark, Castlerea, widow, age 74, widow of a farmer, certified death of influenza of 8 days duration, John A. Coen of Killaster present at her death, viewed online at…. Hereinafter cited as
  3. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death of Patrick "Coyne" on 31 July 1887 in his home in Killaster, County Roscommon, registered on 13 August 1887 in the registration district of Frenchpark, Castlerea, married, age 77, farmer, certified death of chronic cystitis of 3 months duration, Patrick "Coyne" of Killaster, his son, present at his death, viewed online at…
  4. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124, noting her death date as Wednesday, 31 January 1900 at age 72.
  5. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, birth of John Augustus Coen on 12 May 1864, son of Patrick Coen, farmer, and Bridget (Dillon) Coen, in his parents' home in Killaster, County Roscommon, registered on 27 May 1864 in the registration district of Frenchpark, Castlerea, Bridget Ward of Killaster signed with her mark that she was present at his birth, viewed online at…

Cecilia Margaret Dillon1,2

b. 19 April 1865, d. 25 February 1944
Father*Patrick Dillon3 b. 1831, d. 15 Dec 1867
Mother*Delia Trears3 b. 1841, d. 13 Jan 1913
Birth*19 April 1865Margaret Dillon was born on 19 April 1865 in Creeve, County Roscommon, Ireland,4,3 
Baptism21 April 1865 and was baptized on 21 April 1865 at the Roman Catholic Church of Cloverhill, Lissagallan, County Roscommon.5 
Name VariationHer name recorded in both the church and civil documents of her birth and baptism was Margaret Dillon.4,5 
Name VariationShe was called her Cissie.6,7,2 
(Sister) Marriage7 August 1889Cecilia was a witness to the marriage of her sister, Delia, and Patrick Joseph McLoughlin on 7 August 1889 in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael, Kingstown, County Dublin. On the marriage registration document, Margaret's name was recorded as "Cissie."8,9 
Marriage*12 September 1894She married Thomas A. Flannery of Ballaghaderreen on 12 September 1894 in the Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Joseph, Berkeley Road, Dublin. Thomas was of full age, a bachelor and merchant, and Cecilia Margaret was recorded as age 20, although she was actually 29 years of age and a spinster. They both signed their names to the marriage document and witnesses were John O'Connor and Julia McCaffrey.2 
Census Ireland 1901*31 March 1901Cecilia Margaret (Dillon) and Thomas Augustus Flannery were enumerated on the 1901 census taken as of the night of 31 March 1901 at Number 36, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, Ireland. Thomas Augustus was 32 years of age and a Justice of the Peace, and Cecilia Margaret's age was recorded as 32, although she was actually 35. The couple's two daughters, Dorothy Mary and Gladys Elizabeth, ages 5 and 3 respectively, were enumerated with their parents, and Dorothy was a scholar. Also residing with the family in 1901 was Sarah Queenan, age 20, who worked as a cook and domestic servant. Everyone in the household was Roman Catholic and, with the exception of Gladys, could read and write. Everyone spoke English, and Thomas could also speak Irish.10,11 
Census Ireland 1911*2 April 1911Margaret and Thomas A. Flannery were enumerated on the 1911 census taken as of the night of 2 April 1911 at 64 John Street, Sligo, County Sligo, Ireland. Thomas was 41 years of age, had no occupation, and had been a Justice of the Peace in County Mayo, and Margaret was recorded as 38 years of age. They had been married for 16 years and Margaret had given birth to two children, both of whom were living and enumerated in their parents' household in 1911. Dorothy was 14 years and Gladys was 12, and both were scholars. Also living with the family was Anne Walsh, age 20, who worked as a general domestic servant.12,13 
(Wife) Death27 April 1913Margaret became a widow when Thomas A. Flannery died on 27 April 1913 at age 45.14 
Death*25 February 1944She died myocardial degeneration on 25 February 1944 in the home of her son-in-law, Richard Vincent Murphy, who was with her when she died and certified her death at 89 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, at age 78.15 


Thomas A. Flannery b. 1868, d. 27 Apr 1913
Children 1.Dorothy Mary Flannery10,11 b. 1896
 2.Gladys Elizabeth Flannery10,11 b. 1898


  1. [S1827] E-mail messages exchanged between Patrick Hume at e-mail address and LHB, on multiple dates, email and attachments dated 6 June 2020. Hereinafter cited as "Rorke/O'Rorke Researcher Patrick Hume Email Messages."
  2. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, marriage on 12 September 1894 of Thomas Flannery of Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, full age, bachelor, merchant, son of John Flannery, merchant, and Cecilia Margaret Dillon of Ballymoe, age 20, spinster, daughter of Patrick Dillon, farmer, married at the Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Joseph, Berkeley Road, Dublin, witnesses John O'Connor and Julia McCaffrey, both Cecilia Margaret and Thomas signed their names to the marriage document, registered in the registration district of Dublin North, viewed online at…. Hereinafter cited as
  3. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, marriage on 7 August 1889 at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael in the parish of Dun Laoghaire, Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland, of Patrick McLoughlin of 3 Connaught Terrace, Kingston, son of James and Maria McLoughlin, and Delia Dillon of Ballymoe, County Galway, daughter of Patrick and Delia Dillon, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 09073 / 05, his name transcribed by Ancestry as "Valentine", and one of the witnesses was Delia's sister Margaret Dillon. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915.
  4. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, birth on 19 April 1865 in Creeve, County Roscommon, and registered on 11 May 1865 in the registration district of Athleague, Counties of Galway and Roscommon, of Margaret Dillon, daughter of Patrick Dillon of Creeve, farmer, and his wife, formerly "Bride Trayers", informant Nancy Rooney of Creeve, present at birth, viewed online at…
  5. [S1827] "Rorke/O'Rorke Researcher Patrick Hume Email Messages", on multiple dates. (E-Mail: e-mail address), birth of Margaret Dillon of Creeve, County Roscommon, on 19 April 1865 and baptism on 21 April 1865, Cloverhill Roman Catholic Church, parents Patrick Dillon, farmer, and "Brigid Trayers", sponsors Thomas Mooney and Mary Tormey.
  6. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, marriage on 7 August 1889 at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael, Kingstown, Rathdown, County Dublin, registered at Kingstown, Rathdown Registration District, of Patrick McLoughlin, full age, bachelor, tea taster, of 3 Connaught Terrace, Kingstown, son of James McLoughlin, merchant, and Delia Dillon, full age, spinster, of Ballymoe, County Galway, daughter of Patrick Dillon, dead, farmer, both Patrick J. McLoughlin and Delia Dillon signed their names to the marriage document, and witnesses were Henry Goldon and Cissie Dillon, viewed online at…
  7. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, marriage on 7 August 1889 at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael in the parish of Dun Laoghaire, Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland, of Patrick McLoughlin of 3 Connaught Terrace, Kingstown, son of James and Maria McLoughlin, and Delia Dillon of Ballymoe, County Galway, daughter of Patrick and Delia Dillon, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 09073 / 05, his name transcribed by Ancestry as "Valentine", and one of the witnesses was Delia's sister Margaret Dillon.
  8. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, marriage on 7 August 1889 at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael, Kingstown, Rathdown, County Dublin, registered at Kingstown, Rathdown Registration District, of Patrick McLoughlin, full age, bachelor, tea taster, of 3 Connaught Terrace, Kingstown, son of James McLoughlin, merchant, and Delia Dillon, full age, spinster, of Ballymoe, County Galway, daughter of Patrick Dillon, dead, farmer, both Patrick J. McLoughlin and Delia Dillon signed their names to the marriage document, and witnesses were Henry P. Goldon and Cissie Dillon, viewed online at…
  9. [S1748] Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915, online at, marriage on 7 August 1889 at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Michael in the parish of Dun Laoghaire, Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland, of Patrick McLoughlin of 3 Connaught Terrace, Kingstown, son of James and Maria McLoughlin, and Delia Dillon of Ballymoe, County Galway, daughter of Patrick and Delia Dillon, citing the National Library of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, Microfilm 09073 / 05, his name transcribed by Ancestry as "Valentine", and one of the witnesses was Delia's sister Margaret Dillon.
  10. [S1522] 1901 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of Thomas Augustus and Margaret Cecelia Flannery, 36 Ballaghaderreen, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon. Hereinafter cited as 1901 Ireland Census.
  11. [S1794] Ireland, Census, 1901, Ancestry Transcription Notes, online at, household of Thomas Augustus and Margaret Cecelia Flannery as of 31 March 1901, 36 Ballaghaderreen, Ballaghaderreen, Roscommon , Ireland, citing Ancestry's "Web: Ireland, Census, 1901", Class: RG14. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Census, 1901, Ancestry Transcription Notes.
  12. [S1793] Web: Ireland, Census, 1911, Ancestry Transcription Notes, online at, household of Thomas A and Margaret Flannery as of 2 April 1911, 64 John Street, Sligo West Urban, County Sligo, in the Electoral District of Sligo West Urban, citing Ancestry's "Web: Ireland, Census, 1911", Class: RG14. Hereinafter cited as Web: Ireland, Census, 1911, Ancestry Transcription Notes.
  13. [S1536] 1911 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of Thomas A. and Margaret Flannery, 64 John Street, Sligo West Urban, County Sligo. Hereinafter cited as 1911 Ireland Census.
  14. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death on 27 April 1913 of Thomas A. Flannery from Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, married, age 45, farmer, died at Hartfield House, Drumcondra, Dublin, County Dublin, certified cause of death from exhaustion of one month caused by general paralysis of the insane for twelve months, another inmate was present at his death, registered on 3 May 1913 in the registration district of North Dublin, viewed online at…
  15. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death on 25 February 1944 of Margaret Cecilia Flannery, widow, age 75, at 89 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, County Dublin, housewife, certified cause of death from myocardial degeneration with heart failure after 5 days, her son-in-law, R.V. Murphy MD, also of 89 St. Stephen's Green, present at her death, registered on 4 March 1944 in the registration district of Dublin, viewed online at…

Charles Blake Dillon1

b. 8 February 1836, d. 10 March 1880
Father*Luke Dillon1 b. Aug 1792, d. Mar 1841
Mother*Mary McLoughlin1 d. 14 Jun 1879
Birth*8 February 1836Charles Blake Dillon was born on 8 February 1836 in Rathmoyle, County Roscommon, Ireland. As with other members of the Dillon family, we have found the spellings of his birth place to have been written as both "Rathmoyle" and "Rathmile."2,3 
BaptismCharles Blake Dillon was baptized in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Kilmurry, County Roscommon.4 
Marriage*19 April 1860He married Maria Neilan of Stonepark, County Roscommon, daughter of John Neilan, on 19 April 1860 in the Roman Catholic Church, Roscommon.1,4 
Residence*Maria and Charles Blake Dillon resided at Spring Lawn, Kilmaine, County Roscommon.4 
Death*10 March 1880He died on 10 March 1880 at Spring Lawn at age 441,4 
Burial*13 March 1880 and was buried on 13 March 1880 in Baslick Graveyard, Castlerea, County Roscommon.4 
Administration*18 April 1880Administration of his estate was granted on 18 April 1880 at Tuam to his widow, Maria (Neilan) Dillon of Spring Lawn, County Roscommon, who was identified as the relict.4 


Maria Neilan
Children 1.Luke Gerald Dillon+1 b. 1862
 2.Elizabeth Dillon4 b. 11 Nov 1864, d. 24 Jul 1880
 3.John Blake Dillon4 b. 5 Apr 1866, d. 16 Jul 1890
 4.Annie Dillon4,1 b. 3 Sep 1868
 5.Agnes Dillon4,1 b. 26 Nov 1869
 6.Charles Francis Dillon1 b. 18 Jul 1871
 7.Josephine Dillon4,1 b. 3 Nov 1872
 8.Bridget Dillon4 b. 26 Jun 1874, d. 10 Sep 1892


  1. [S2018] Arthur G. M. Hesilrige, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage : Comprising information concerning all Persons bearing Hereditary or Courtesy Titles, Privy Councillors and Knights with their issue, Companions of the various Orders, and the Collateral Branches of all Peers and Baronets, (London, England: Dean & Son, Limited, 1916), Dillon, Viscount, pages 285-287. Hereinafter cited as Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage.
  2. [S2018] Arthur G. M. Hesilrige, Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage, Dillon, Viscount, pages 285-287, spelling his place of birth as "Rathmile."
  3. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, editor, downloaded from Google Books, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, (privately printed, 1904), Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124, spelling his place of birth as "Rathmoyle". Hereinafter cited as Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4.
  4. [S2017] Frederick Arthur Crisp, Visitation of Ireland, Volume 4, Dillon, formerly of Rathmoyle, co. Roscommon, pages 123-124.