Bridget Gerrard1,2

b. 1817
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Gerrard1,2 b. 1781
Mother*Elinor Russell1,2
Birth*1817Bridget Gerrard was born about 1817, probably in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.1,2 
(Daughter) Census Ireland 18211821Bridget appeared on the census taken in 1821 in the household of her parents in Chamberstown, County Meath. John was 40 years of age and a farmer with 78 acres, and Ellen's age was not recorded. The couple lived with their children, Mary, age 10, Catherine 7, John 6, Bridget 4, and baby Eliza who was under 1. Living with the family in 1821 was one house servant, Mary McDermot, age 14.1,3 


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the 1821 census in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, 1821; Household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.
  3. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at, household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.

Catherine Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*William Gerrard1 d. bt 1789 - 1793
Mother*Anne Cosby
(Unmarried Daughter) Will24 December 1788Catherine was named in the will of her father dated 24 December 1788 at Dormstown, County Meath. Her father appointed trustees, Reverend Singleton Harpur, Robert Waller and James Gibney, and named his three unmarried daughters, Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine, his two natural sons, William and Thomas, his housekeeper at Tankardstown, Mary Glascum, his two married daughters, Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds and Sarah (Gerrard) Hinds, his granddaughters, Johanna Hinds and Annabella Hinds, his son-in-law, Matthew Hinds, and his three natural daughters, Bridget, Mary and Agnes at Tankardstown.

Our transcription has not altered the content of the abstract, although we have made minimal edits to clarify places with current day spellings and to complete sentences or modify punctuation. Our transcription follows:

I, William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, Gentleman...

     Trustees -- Reverend Singleton Harper of the city of Dublin, Clerk, Robert Waller of Allenstown, County Meath, Esq., and James Gibney of Navan in County Meath, Merchant -- to hold the lands of Dormstown, County Meath, in trust for testator's three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard, who are to enjoy the house and lands of Dormstown and to receive the rents and profits thereof equally, and if they marry, as they marry, to have £500, and the last of them to marry, or who is unmarried, to have the house and lands of Dormstown. And on her death, whether married or unmarried, said trustees are to allow testator's two natural sons, William and Thomas, sons of testator's housekeeper at Tankardstown, Mary Glascum, to have the house and rents of Dormstown equally between them for life, and then to their issue male, lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue, said lands are to go to testator's daughter Rebecca Hinds, widow, and to her sons, and failing whom to testator's daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard, testator's residuary legatees, and the survivor or survivors of them

     Legacy to testator's daughter Sarah Hinds, which is not to be in the control of Matthew Hinds, her present husband, or any after taken husband, and at her death to go to her children

     Legacy to testator's son-in-law Matthew Hinds

     Legacy to testator's two granddaughters Johanna and Annabella Hinds

     Testator leaves his dwelling house and 30 acres of land at Tankardstown, County Meath, to his housekeeper Mary Glascum, and if the lease thereof expires before she dies, then she is to have an annuity of £20

     Legacies to Bridget, Mary and Agnes, three daughters of the said Mary Glascum

     Testator leaves the lands of Tankardstown (subject as aforesaid), Betaghstown, and Castlemartin, all in County Meath, to his daughter Sarah Hinds

     Residue to Testator's three daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard

     Executors -- Daughters Rebecca Hinds and Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard

Dated 24 December 1788 and witnessed by William Dickson, David Thompson and Michael Gibney.2,3,4 
(Daughter) Probate11 January 1794Probate was granted on their father's estate on 11 January 1794 to his daughters, Elizabeth Gerrard, Catherine Gerrard and Anne (Gerrard) Gibney, wife of Michael Gibney, saving the right of his eldest daughter, Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds.2,3 
(Spinster) Marriage Settlement4 July 1794A memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 4 July 1794 was made between Michael Gibney of Dormstown, County Meath, gentleman, and Anne Gibney otherwise Gerrard, his wife, of the first part, Thomas Hinds of the city of Dublin, gentleman, attorney-at-law, and John Gibney of Navan in the county of Meath, gentleman, physician, of the second part, and Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds, widow, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, spinsters of the third part.

Whereby reciting among other things that the said Anne was, under the will of her father, William Gerrard, entitled to £5,000, and that a marriage was had between said Michael and Anne Gibney, said deed witnessed that said Michael and Anne Gibney, at the requisition of her sisters, Rebecca Hinds, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, executors of their father William Gerrard's estate, and as a previous condition to their paying over said £5,000, and in consideration of 5 shillings apiece to them paid by the said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney, and in order to secure a provision for said Anne and the issue of said marriage, the said Michael and Anne granted, sold, assigned and made over to the said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney and the survivor of them, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns £3,000 secured by the bonds and judgments set forth in a schedule to said deed annexed.

To have, hold, receive and take said £3,000 to said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney and the survivor of them, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of such survivor, with the consent upon trust, to lay or continue the same out at interest or to lay out the same in the purchase of such real freehold or leasehold estates or interests as they, or the survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of such survivor, with the consent of said Michael Gibney, should think proper, and that they should suffer said Michael and his assigns during his life to receive such rents, interest, money or produce as same should yield, and after the death of said Michael, to suffer the said Anne during her life to receive such rents, interest or produce, and it was thereby agreed that if there should be more than one child living of said marriage at the death of said Michael, that he might by his will, or by any deed to be duly attested to, devise or dispose of said £3,000, or the rents, issues, interest or produce thereof in such shares among such children if more than one, as he shall appoint, and for want of such appointment to be divided equally, provided such children attain their age of 21 or day of marriage. And if there be but one child of said marriage, such only child, on the death of said Michael and Anne, to take said £3,000 or the produce thereof. And it was thereby agreed that if said Michael should die in the life time of Anne, she was vested with a like power of appointment and that if said Michael or Anne should die in the life time of the other of them, leaving no child or children at his or her decease, then the survivor of them, his or her executors, administrators or assigns, should take to his or their own use and behoof said £3,000 and all interest to be had thereby to be disposed of as he, she or they should think proper.

The execution of the deed and memorial were witnessed by Francis Beatty Whitehead of the city of Dublin, gentleman, and Robert Johnson, servant to Thomas Hinds, and signed and sealed by Michael Gibney. Robert Johnson made an oath that he saw all the parties, Michael Gibney, Anne Gibney, Thomas Hinds, John Gibney, Rebecca Hinds, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, respectively, execute the deed and saw Michael Gibney duly execute the memorial. It was registered on 1 Aug 1794.5 
(Bride's Sister) Marriage Settlement7 January 1795Catherine was a witness to a memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 7 January 1795 made between William Foster of Bachelors Lodge, County Meath, Esq. of the first part, Elizabeth Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster, of the second part and Thomas Hinds of the city of Dublin, gentleman, as trustee of the third part.

Whereby after reciting, among other things, that a marriage was intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the said William Foster and Elizabeth Gerrard, the deed witnessed that the said Elizabeth Gerrard for the considerations therein mentioned, with the consent and approbation of the said William Foster, did give, grant, bargain, sell and make over to the said Thomas Hinds all that and those the sum of £500 therein mentioned to be charged and payable out of the lands of Dormstown in the county of Meath therein mentioned for and to Elizabeth Gerrard and also all that and these the sum of £80 payable yearly unto the said Elizabeth Gerrard out of the lands of Tankardstown in the said county as therein before and in the will of William Gerrard Esq. therein named, mentioned and also several bonds and warrants described on a schedule enclosed on said deed face and every the judgment which may have been entered thereunto amounting in the whole to the principle sum of £4,080 this and all other the estate and property to which the said Elizabeth is entitled, under and by virtue of said will.

To hold said real sums of money and the securities for the same and the annuity or yearly sum of £80 and all other the said estate and effects to which said Elizabeth is entitled under the said will unto the said Thomas Hinds, his executors, administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof, respectively, upon the trusts and to and for the intents and purposes therein mentioned, expressed and declared of and concerning the same as by said deed more fully appears.

The agreement was signed and sealed by William Foster and Elizabeth Gerrard and witnessed by Elizabeth's sister, Catherine Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster, and Andrew Byrne, also of Dublin, gentleman. It was registered on 12 February 1795.6 
Marriage Settlement*27 February 1799A memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 27 February 1799 was made between John Small of the city of Dublin, gentleman, attorney-at-law of the first part, Catherine Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster of the second part, and Thomas Hinds of Dublin, gentleman of the third part as trustee.

Reciting among other things that a marriage was intended to be shortly had and solemnized between the said John Small and Catherine Gerrard and witnessing that the said Catherine Gerrard, in pursuance of the agreement therein recited, did by and with the consent and approbation of the said John Small give, grant, bargain, sell and make over unto the said Thomas Hinds all that and those the several bonds and warrants mentioned, contained and particularly described in a schedule thereto annexed and all and every the judgments which have been entered thereon amounting in the whole to the principle sum of £4,000 and all other the estate and property to which the said Catherine was entitled.

To hold the said several sums of money and the securities unto the said Thomas Hinds, his executors, administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof, respectively, upon trust and to and for the intents and purposes therein mentioned, expressed and declared of and concerning the same.

The agreement was executed, signed and sealed by Catherine Gerrard and witnessed by Thomas Pilkington of the city of Dublin, gentleman, and Catherine's sister Elizabeth (Gerrard) Foster of Dormstown in the county of Meath. It was registered on 12 June 1799.7 
Marriage*before 12 June 1799She married John Small before 12 June 1799, the date their marriage settlement agreement was registered.7,4 
(4th Daughter) Deed Memorial29 April 1814Catherine was a participant with others in her extended Gerrard family, on a Memorial deed dated 29 April 1814 that included her niece Eleanora Anne and her husband Thomas Potterton of Ballaghtalion, County Meath, Esq. of the first part, Sarah (Gerrard) Hinds of Trim, County Meath, widow and mother of Eleanora Anne, Martha Hinds of Trim, spinster, daughter of Sarah, and John Hinds of the City of Dublin, gentleman and only son of Sarah of Trim of the second part, Anne (Gerrard) Gibney of Eccles Street in the City of Dublin, widow, John Small of Rutland Square in the City of Dublin, Esq. and Catherine (Gerrard) Small, his wife, and Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds, widow of the third part, the Reverend Mungo Henry Waller of Allenstown in the County of Meath, clerk of the fourth part, and Thomas Hinds of Newtown in County Kildare, Esq. of the fifth part, made a Memorial of an indentured deed agreement. The deed began with a review of four pertinent events: William Gerrard's 1788 will and subsequent 1790 probate, the death of Matthew Hinds, husband of William's daughter Sarah (Gerrard) Hinds, before or in 1809, and the 1813 marriage settlement agreement for Thomas Potterton and Eleanora Anne Potterton.

Reciting that William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, gentleman, deceased, made his will dated 24 December 1788 and thereby, amongst bequests to his other daughters, bequeathed unto the Reverend Singleton Harpur, Robert Waller and James Gibney, his trustees, an amount of £1200 in trust that they and his survivors and the executors and administrators of such survivors, should place out the same at interest and permit his daughter Sarah Hinds to receive the yearly interest for her separate use. And further, that after the death of his daughter Sarah, the trustees, their executors and administrators, should transfer the £1200 to such of Sarah's children as should be then living, and that by her will she should approve and appoint his daughters Rebecca Hinds, Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard executors. Reciting further that William Gerrard died without altering his will and that it was proved in the Court of Prerogative Probate granted to Elizabeth Gerrard, Catherine Gerrard, since married to John Small, and Anne Gibney, three of the executors named and that the £1200 bequeathed by the will to Sarah was secured by the bond of Robert Waller, deceased, then of Ministown in the County of Meath, Esq. bearing date of 22 February 1790 with an attorney's warrant for confession of judgment in the final sum of £2400 conditioned for payment of the principal sum of £1200 under the will of William Gerrard upon which Anne Gibney, Rebecca Hinds, John Small and Catherine his wife did, around 1809, obtain a judgment in the Court of Common Pleas against Robert Waller stating that Matthew Hinds, husband of Sarah, was since dead leaving his widow Sarah and three children, namely Eleanora Anne, Martha and John Hinds, all of whom had attained their respective ages of 21 years. Next the deed explained that, by an indented deed of four parts dated 26 August 1813 and made between Thomas Potterton, Anna Maria Donnelly and Hester Rynd of the first part, Sarah Hinds of the second part, Eleanora Anne, then Hinds, of the third part, and Henry Potterton, gentleman, and Rebecca Hinds of the fourth part, the deed recited that a marriage was intended shortly to be had between Thomas Potterton and Eleanora Anne Hinds, and reciting that £1200 was held in trust for Sarah, mother of Eleanora Anne, and that on the result of the marriage being accomplished, Sarah had agreed that £600 of the £1200 should be payable to Thomas Potterton immediately after Sarah's death; then the agreement witnessed that in consideration of the intended marriage and the £600, Thomas made a provision for Eleanora in case she should outlive him and her issue. The indenture further witnessed a deed in which Sarah, in consideration of the intended marriage, had made provisions for Eleanora Anne and did give, grant and appoint the £600, being one-half of the £1200, to Eleanora Anne, her executors, administrators and assigns to be payable to Eleanora Anne, her executors, administrators or assigns immediately after the death her mother, Sarah. Then it was witnessed that the marriage had taken effect and that Thomas Potterton, by virtue of his marriage settlement deed, was entitled to the £600 upon Sarah's decease and that Thomas desired to sell the £600 and had applied to Reverend Mungo Henry Waller who had agreed to the purchase. Thomas had agreed to accept £400, which Mungo had agreed to pay to him. The other parties to the deed had agreed to ratify and confirm the purchase and to relinquish to Mungo all their right, title and claim in default of an appointment by Sarah, or in case of the decease of any or all of her children in her lifetime, or in case Sarah should execute her power of appointment so as to otherwise disappoint Thomas and Eleanora Anne or their issue of the £600 or of any part thereof. The indenture witnessed that, upon execution of the agreement and in consideration of the £400 paid by Mungo to Thomas Potterton, and of £1 apiece paid to Eleanora Anne Potterton, Sarah (Gerrard) Hinds, Martha Hinds, John Hinds, Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds, John and Catherine (Gerrard) Small and Anne (Gerrard) Gibney, Thomas and Eleanora Potterton, Sarah, Martha and John Hinds, did grant, bargain and assign, and Rebecca Hinds, John and Catherine Small, and Anne Gibney confirmed unto Mungo H. Waller, his executors, administrators and assigns, the principal sum of £600, and reciting that by deed and Memorial, Rebecca Hinds, John and Catherine Small and Anne Gibney did assign to Thomas Hinds as trustee, his executors, administrators and assigns, a judgment. It was thereby declared that the £600 was invested with Thomas Hinds in trust as to £600 and the interest thereof from the death of Sarah Hinds for Mungo H. Waller and the interest due and to grow due on the fact of the judgment in trust for Sarah Hinds, her executors, administrators and assigns for life. And after her decease, as to the monies secured by the judgment above, £600 for the person or persons whom Sarah should appoint. The deed and Memorial was signed and witnessed by each of the parties involved on various dates, and was registered on 4 May 1814.4 
(Sister) Will13 December 1817Catherine and her husband were witnesses to the will of her sister Anne Gibney on 13 December 1817.8 


John Small


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1794; Film number 535733; Volume 500; Pages 21-22; Deed number 308065. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1725] William Gerrard will (24 December 1788), Abstract of the Will of William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, Ireland Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1788 Will of William Gerrard.
  3. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, William Gerrard, will dated 24 December 1788, probated 11 January 1794. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  4. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1814; Film number 545070; Volume 672; Pages 321-323; Deed number 464033.
  5. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1794; Film number 535733; Volume 500; Pages 21-22; Deed number 308065, images 339-340.
  6. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1795; Film# 545052, Volume 482, page 386, Deed Number312042, image 208.
  7. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1799; Film# 536060, Volume 520, page 202, Deed Number 339821, image 114.
  8. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the National Archive of Ireland, T/1435+6, and stating that the envelope reads: Michael Gibney, Grazier and Farmer 1803; and also: Gibney, Anne, widow, 1817
    (Jameson – 4 Dec 1935 – possibly solicitors office from where they submitted). Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."

Catherine Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Samuel Gerrard1
Mother*Mary Rochfort1
Birth*Catherine Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.2,3 
(Grandchild) Will3 October 1763Catherine, identified as the eldest daughter of his son Samuel, received a legacy in the will of her grandfather, Thomas Gerrard, dated 3 October 1763 at Liscartan, County Meath.1,4 


  1. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will (3 October 1763), Abstract of the Will of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard.
  2. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will, Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard, LHB Computer Files, stating she was the eldest daughter of Thomas's son Samuel.
  3. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763, implying she was the daughter of Dorothy Gerrard and Houlton Bradley. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  4. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763.

Catherine Gerrard1,2

b. 1814
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Gerrard1,2 b. 1781
Mother*Elinor Russell1,2
Birth*1814Catherine Gerrard was born about 1814, probably in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.1,2 
(Daughter) Census Ireland 18211821Catherine appeared on the census taken in 1821 in the household of her parents in Chamberstown, County Meath. John was 40 years of age and a farmer with 78 acres, and Ellen's age was not recorded. The couple lived with their children, Mary, age 10, Catherine 7, John 6, Bridget 4, and baby Eliza who was under 1. Living with the family in 1821 was one house servant, Mary McDermot, age 14.1,3 


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the 1821 census in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, 1821; Household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.
  3. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at, household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.

Catherine Sophia Gerrard1,2

b. 1809, d. 1 September 1896
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1 b. 23 Jul 1782, d. 7 Feb 1868
Mother*Mary Anne Rotheram1 b. 1791
Birth*1809Catherine Sophia Gerrard was born about 1809 in Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, her parent's eldest daughter.1,2 
(Daughter) Census Ireland 18211821Catherine appeared on the census taken in 1821 in the household of her parents, Mary Anne and Thomas Gerrard, in Liscartan, County Meath. She was 12 years old.1 
Marriage*28 June 1838She married Jonathan Osborne M.D. of Harcourt Street on 28 June 1838 in Ardbraccan, County Meath.2,3 
(Wife) Death22 January 1864Catherine Sophia became a widow when Jonathan Osborne M.D. died on 22 January 1864.4 
Probate9 February 1864Catherine Sophia was appointed sole executrix of her husband's will, with three codicils, which was proved at the Principal Registry on 9 February 1864. Jonathan was identified as formerly of Harcourt Street in the city of Dublin, and late of Clermont, Blackrock in the county of Dublin. His effects, by the oath of his widow and sole executrix, totaled under £4,000.4 
Death*1 September 1896She died a widow on 1 September 1896 at her home at 2 Mosaphir Terrace, Glenageary, Kingstown, County Dublin.5,6 
Probate*30 January 1897Probate of her will was granted on 30 January 1897 at Dublin to Minnie Annie Gerrard of St. Mary's Ville, Ardeevin Road, Dalkey in the county of Dublin, spinster. Catherine's estate vas valued at £5,702 and there was no additional information identifying her relationship to Minnie Annie.5,6 


Jonathan Osborne M.D. d. 22 Jan 1864


  1. [S1643] Ireland Census 1821, online at Find My Past,, household of Thomas Gerrard, townland of Liscartan, Parish of Liscartan, Barony of Lower Navan in the county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as Ireland Census 1821.
  2. [S1621] Irish Newspapers, online at Find My Past,, Freeman's Journal, June 30, 1838. Hereinafter cited as Irish Newspapers.
  3. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  4. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at,…. Hereinafter cited as National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922.
  5. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, presenting a scan of her 30 January probate information.
  6. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at,…

Charles Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*William Gerrard1 d. b 13 Oct 1792
Mother*Jane Vipont1
Birth*Charles Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.1 
(Grandchild) Administration18 December 1793When the estate of Charles's grandfather, Thomas Gerrard, was granted administration on 18 December 1793, Charles's father had also died so Charles's mother was granted administration of his grandfather's estate. The administration documents named his grandchildren, William and Jane's children, Sophia Gerrard, Thomas Gerrard, Mary Anne Gerrard, William Gerrard, Charles Gerrard and Jane Gerrard.2 
(Minor Child) Deed Memorial10 November 1806Charles was a minor child when his father died in 1792. His mother's second husband, John Smith, was appointed his legal guardian until his eldest brother Thomas reached the age of maturity in 1803 and took letters of guardianship for all of his younger brothers and sisters. In 1806, with his mother's and John Smith's agreement, his brother Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, finalized a trust for the sole benefit of all his brothers and sisters, Sophia Webb otherwise Gerrard, Mary Anne Gerrard, William Edward Gerrard, Charles Gerrard and Jane Gerrard.1 
(Bride's Brother) Marriage Settlement6 July 1814Charles was named as a trustee for his sister Jane in a memorial of an indented deed of marriage settlement dated 6 July 1814 made between John Morris of Skreen Castle of the county of Meath, Esq., of the first part, Jane Gerrard of Liscartan in the county of Meath, spinster, of the second part, Charles Gerrard of Killywilly in the county of Cavan, Esq. and Walter Keating of Sylvan Park in the county of Meath, Esq., of the third part, and Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan in the county of Meath, Esq. of the fourth part.

Reciting that Brabazon Morris Esq. of Tankardstown in the county of Meath, father of John Morris, party thereto, was previous to 01 February 1812 seized of and in, all that and those, the town and lands of Skreen, set in the barony of Skreen in the county of Meath aforesaid containing, according to a survey formerly made thereof, 355 aces, 3 roods and 16 perches and the dwelling house, buildings and improvements thereon under and by virtue of a lease for three lives with covenants for renewal executed to him the said Brabazon Morris thereof by John Phepoc of Armagh in the county of Armagh Esq. and Richard Phepoc, eldest son and heir at law of the said John Phepoc, at the yearly rent of £407, 4p. And said Brabazon Morris being also seized of various other denominations of lands which were particularly specified in the indenture next therein after in part recited and being largely indebted to various people in considerable sums owed by judgments dated 01 February 1812 made between Brabazon Morris of the one part and George Williams of the city of Dublin Esq. of the other part, conveying the said town and lands of Skreen as well as several other lands and premises therein particularly mentioned and devised to the said George Williams in trust in the ways and in the manner therein mentioned to pay the several debts and encumbrances in a schedule to said deed annexed.

Reciting by another indenture dated 01 January 1813 made between the said Brabazon Morris of the one part and George Williams of the other part, Brabazon Morris did, for the considerations therein mentioned, release the said secured lands and premises in said indenture of 1812 comprised from the payment of £700 being part of an annuity of £1,000 provided for and committed to the said Brabazon Morris by the said indenture of 01 February 1812.

And reciting that by a certain other indenture dated 01 January 1813 and made between the said Brabazon Morris of the one part and Brabazon Morris Jr. and John Morris, party hereto, both sons of the said Brabazon Morris the elder, of the other part. After reciting as therein is recited, the said Brabazon Morris did, for the considerations therein mentioned, convey unto the said John Morris all that and those the town and lands of Skreen. To hold to the said John Morris, his heirs and assigns, for the life and lives granted of said town, lands and premises and for the lives and life of such other person or persons as should be thereafter named at and for the term of the original lease by virtue of the covenant for renewal therein contained, subject as therein mentioned.

And reciting that said John Morris was, by virtue of said indenture last in recital, seized and possessed of said lands of Skreen, subject to a rateable proportion of the debts, charges and encumbrances created by said indentures of 01 February 1812 and 01 January 1813.

And also reciting that Jane Gerrard, party thereto, was then possessed of £1,500 stock in five government funds and was also as one of the next of kin of William Gerrard Esq., deceased, her father, entitled to a lot or proportion of certain debts due to the estate of the said William Gerrard, which proportions it was calculated would amount to £400 or thereabouts and was also, in the right (of inheritance), entitled to an undivided 5th share of and in the lands of Belrath in the county of Meath held under a lease for a term of years and containing covenants for renewal, which yielded a profit and rents to the said Jane Gerrard of £90 per annum or thereabouts, and the said Jane Gerrard, in right aforesaid, was also in possession of one 5th part or share of the lands of Dromore, situate in the county of Down and held for a term of years which then yields an annual profitable rent of £30, said Jane Gerrard's share whereof amounts to £6 per annum.

And reciting that a marriage was then intended to be had and solemnized between the said John Morris and Jane Gerrard, and it had been agreed that said John Morris in consideration of said marriage, and of the fortune and property of the said Jane Gerrard consisting of the several premises therein and herein before specified and set forth, should charge said lands of Skreen with an annuity of £300 as a provision for the said Jane Gerrard and for their issue of the then intended marriage.

The said indenture, of which this writing was a memorial, witnessed that the said John Morris, in pursuance and execution of said agreement, and in consideration of said marriage and portion and profits of said Jane Gerrard in said agreement and other considerations due also mentioned, did grant, bargain, sell, assign, release and confirm to the said Charles Gerrard and Walter Keating as trustees by virtue of a lease for all therein recited and to their heirs and assigns, all that and those the town and lands of Skreen, situate in the barony of Skreen in the county of Meath containing to a survey formerly made 357 acres, 3 roods and 16 perches or thereabouts, together with the dwelling house, out houses and improvements thereon, bounded northerly by or by parts of the said lands of Skreen, north easterly by the great road leading from Walterstown to Skreen, south easterly by the lands of Obertstown, southerly partly by the lands of Baronstown, Collierstown, Colvinstown, and Glebe Land and westerly partly by the lands of Tara, with benefits of fairs, markets, tolls and customs held on or belonging to said lands of Skreen, and all rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging.

To hold the said released premises and every part thereof unto the said Charles Gerrard and Walter Keating, their heirs and assigns, for the lives therein mentioned and for the lives to be forever added by virtue of the covenant for perpetual renewal subject to such rateable proportion of said encumbrances as such lands were subject to by said several indentures before recited and upon the interests and for the uses in the said deed of which this writing was a memorial.

The deed and memorial were executed, signed and sealed by John Morris and Jane Gerrard, and witnessed by Richard Barrett Jr. of Navan Esq. and Charles Fitzsimmons of Liscartan, both in the county of Meath. The memorial was registered on 6 Dec 1814.3 
Residence*November 1814Charles Gerrard, Esq. was listed as a resident of Killywilly, County Cavan, in Leet's Directory of November 1814. His brother, William Edward, was also a resident there in November 1814.4,5 
Marriage*He married Elizabeth __?__.6 
Marriage Settlement*24 November 1817A memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 24 November 1817 was made between Charles Gerrard of Bushill in the county of Leitrim, Esq., of the first part, Elizabeth Gerrard, wife of the said Charles Gerrard, of the second part, and John Roycroft Esq. and Alexander Norris Esq. of Rosehill in the county of Cavan and Milford in the county of Leitrim, respectively, of the third part.

Reciting that the said Charles Gerrard was then seized and possessed of an undivided share of proportion jointly with his brothers and sisters of all that the lands of Balrathboyne therein mentioned.

And reciting that the said Charles Gerrard, in consideration of the love and affection which he bore for his said wife, the said Elizabeth Gerrard, and for the purpose of making and securing for her a further provision, in addition to that already made upon her at the time of her marriage, in case she should survive him, the said Charles Gerrard.

And also for the purpose of securing a provision for each such child or children now begotten by or hereafter be begotten by the said Charles Gerrard on the body of the said Elizabeth Gerrard who might or which might survive.

The said Charles Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard had agreed to grant, assign and make over unto the said John Roycroft Esq. and Alexander Norris Esq., trustees, his said proportion, or one divided share, of the town and lands of Belrathboyne, in trust, as therein mentioned.

Said indenture was witnessed that the said Charles Gerrard, for the considerations therein mentioned, and for and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings to him, the said Charles Gerrard, in hand paid by each of them, the said John Roycroft and Alexander Norris, the receipt whereof he did thereby acknowledge, did grant, bargain, sell, assign, convey and confirm unto the said John Roycroft and Alexander Norris all that and those, the said Charles Gerrard's undivided share and proportion of the lands of Belrathboyne containing in the whole, by estimation, 181 acres, 2 roods and 8 perches profitable land plantation measure, be the same more or less, situate, lying and being in the barony of Kells in the county of Meath.

To hold to the said John Roycroft and Alexander Norris, trustees as aforesaid, and the survivor of them, and the heirs, executors and administrators of such survivor, for the term for which said lands are now held in trust. To permit and suffer the said Charles Gerrard and his assigns, for and during his natural life to have, receive and take to his and their own use, benefit and advantage, all and every the rents, issues and profits, and other emoluments arising and occurring or to arise out of the proportion undivided share or moiety of the said town and lands of Belrathboyne aforesaid, without the interference or intermeddling in any manner whatsoever of them, the said John Roycroft and Alexander Norris, or either of them, his executors or administrators, or the survivor of them, or the heirs, executors and administrators of such survivor.

And also in trust, to permit and suffer the said Elizabeth Gerrard and her assigns, after the death of the said Charles Gerrard, for and during her natural life, to have, receive and take the rents, issues and profits of the said proportion or share aforesaid, and all other profits and emoluments arising therefrom for her own use, benefit and advantage, without the intermeddling or interference of them, the said John Roycroft and Alexander Norris or either of them, or the survivor of them, his executors or administrators, or any other person or person whatsoever.

And in the event of said yearly rent arising out of and payable at the said lands of Belrathboyne, it should and might be lawful to and for the said Elizabeth Gerrard and her assigns, or John Roycroft and Alexander Norris or the survivor of them, his heirs and administrators of such survivor, for her benefit during her natural life, to enter and distrain from time to time for the payment of the said rent and all arrears thereof, and to sell and carry away the same for the payment and satisfaction of all rents and arrears of rent and of all costs, charges and expenses attending such distress and sale.

And upon further trust, that after the death of the said Elizabeth Gerrard, then to the use of the children of said marriage to be divided in shares and proportions as the said Charles Gerrard should by deed or will direct and appoint. And for want of such appointment, then to be divided amongst such children in equal proportions.

The memorial stated that the deed contained other clauses and covenants and was respectively witnessed, executed, signed and sealed by Charles Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard in the presence of Charles Hamilton and William Walsh. The memorial was also witnessed by William Walsh who gave his oath on 3 December 1817 that he was a subscribing witness to the deed of which this was a memorial and had seen the deed duly and respectively executed by the parties. The memorial was registered on 19 August 1820.6 
Relationship Note*Charles Gerrard was described in 1848 as the eldest son of Charles Gerrard Esq. of Bushill, County Cavan, Ireland.7 
Residence*1824Charles Gerrard Esq. of Bushill, Ballinamore, County Leitrim, was listed under Gentry and Clergy in Pigot's directory of 1824.8 

Family 1

Elizabeth __?__

Family 2

Children 1.Charles Gerrard7
 2.John Vipont Gerrard+9 b. 1831, d. 19 Aug 1915


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1807; Film# 545057, Volume 591, pages 161-162, deed number 401261, images 385-386. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, administration of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath Esq. was granted on 18th day of December 1793 to Jane Gerrard (widow of his son William) and names his grandchildren, William and Jane's children. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  3. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1814; Film# 464717, Volume 687, pages 20-22, Deed Number 472167, images 327-328.
  4. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1815; Film# 545078, Volume 685, pages 265-267, Deed Number 471231, images 426-427.
  5. [S1625] Leet's Directory (2nd Edition, 1814), online at, Charles Gerrard, Esq., "Killawilly", post town of Ballyconnell, county of Cavan. Hereinafter cited as Leet's Directory (2nd Edition, 1814).
  6. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1820; Film# 467063, Volume 754, pages 509a-509b, deed number 512844, images 291-292.
  7. [S1662] Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925, online at, The Belfast News-Letter, 22 February 1848, page 3. Hereinafter cited as The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925.
  8. [S1626] Pigot & Co., City of Dublin and Hibernian Provincial Directory (1824), online at, Ballinamore, page 195. Hereinafter cited as Pigot & Co., City of Dublin and Hibernian Provincial Directory (1824).
  9. [S221] Analysis and opinion of researcher, Liz Heaton Brown (Summerlin, Nevada).

Charles Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Charles Gerrard1
Relationship Note*Charles Gerrard was described in 1848 as the eldest son of Charles Gerrard Esq. of Bushill, County Cavan, Ireland.1 
Birth*Charles Gerrard was born in County Cavan, Ireland.1 
Marriage*17 February 1848He married Sarah Clark of Belfast, daughter of Thomas Clark Esq., on 17 February 1848 at St. Anne's, Dublin.1 


Sarah Clark


  1. [S1662] Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925, online at, The Belfast News-Letter, 22 February 1848, page 3. Hereinafter cited as The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925.

Charles Packington Gerrard1,2,3,4

b. 1864, d. 8 June 1919
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Vipont Gerrard1,2 b. 1831, d. 19 Aug 1915
Mother*Elizabeth Hesilrige Buckby Walker1,2 b. 1834, d. 22 Nov 1906
Birth*1864Charles Packington Gerrard was born about 1864 in London, England or Canada. Confusing, yes? His place of birth was recorded as London, England on the 1901 Ireland census, and as Canada on the 1911 Ireland census.1,4,5,6,7,8 
Marriage*26 July 1895He married Margaret Wilson, spinster, of Sandymount, County Dublin, daughter of John Wilson Esq. and Georgiana Atkinson, on 26 July 1895 in the Parish Church of St. Matthew's, Ballyfermot, County Dublin, by license.9,10 
Relationship Note*Brothers Charles Packington and John Henry Gerrard probably married sisters.11,10 
(Son) Census Ireland 190131 March 1901Charles and his wife were enumerated on the 1901 census taken as of the night of 31 March 1901 in the household of his parents at Number 4, Rossduff, Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland. Charles was 35 years of age and recorded as a farmer's son, and his wife Margaret was recorded as age 40.5,6 
(Son) Death22 November 1906Charles was present at his mother's death on 22 November 1906.12,13 
(Son) Census Ireland 19112 April 1911Charles and his wife were enumerated on the 1911 census taken as of the night of 2 April 1911 in the household of his widowed father at Number 6, Rossduff, Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland. Charles was recorded as 46 years of age and a gentleman farmer, and his wife Margaret was recorded as age 56 and a lady. They had been married for 16 years and had no children.8,7 
(Son) Death19 August 1915Charles was present at his father's death at Rossduff, County Waterford, on 19 August 1915.1,2 
Death*8 June 1919He died at Rossduff, County Waterford, on 8 June 1919 at 55 years of age.3,4 
Coroner Inquest*9 June 1919An inquest was held the following day, on 9 June 1919, and the coroner determined the cause of Charles's death as "hemorrhage and shock due to a wound in his throat which was self-inflicted while of unsound mind."3,4 


Margaret Wilson b. 1861


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Civil Records,, at…. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death on 19 August 1915 of John Vipont Gerrard in Rossduff, County Waterford, age 84, widower, farmer, certified cause of death muscular rheumatism of the neck and cardiac dilatation for three months, his son Charles P. Gerrard of Rossduff present at his death, registered on 22 October 1915 in the registration district of Woodstown, County Waterford, viewed online at…. Hereinafter cited as
  3. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Civil Records,, at…
  4. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death of Charles Packington Gerrard, married, age 55, gentleman, on 8 June 1919 in Rossduff, County Waterford, death from hemorrhage and shock caused by a self-inflicted wound to his throat when of unsound mind, informant was the coroner, registered at Woodstown, County Waterford, viewed online at…
  5. [S1522] 1901 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of John Vipont and Elizabeth Gerrard, 4 Rossduff, Woodstown, County Waterford. Hereinafter cited as 1901 Ireland Census.
  6. [S1794] Ireland, Census, 1901, Ancestry Transcription Notes, online at, household of John Vipont Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard as of 31 March 1901, 4 Rossduff, Woodstown, Waterford, Ireland, citing Ancestry's "Web: Ireland, Census, 1901", Class: RG14. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Census, 1901, Ancestry Transcription Notes.
  7. [S1536] 1911 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of John Vipont Gerrard, 6 Rossduff, Woodstown, County Waterford. Hereinafter cited as 1911 Ireland Census.
  8. [S1793] Web: Ireland, Census, 1911, Ancestry Transcription Notes, online at, household of John "Eipant" Gerrard as of 2 April 1911, 6 Rossduff, Woodstown, County Waterford, in the Electoral District of Woodstown, citing Ancestry's "Web: Ireland, Census, 1911", Class: RG14. Hereinafter cited as Web: Ireland, Census, 1911, Ancestry Transcription Notes.
  9. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Church Records,, at…
  10. [S1659], online at, Church Records, marriage by licence on 26 July 1895 of Charles P. Gerrard of Rossduff House, Rossduff, County Waterford, full age, bachelor, gentleman, son of John V. Gerrard, Esq., and Margaret B. Wilson of 96 Tritonville Road, full age, spinster, daughter of John Wilson, solicitor, married in Parish Church of St. Matthew, Irishtown, County Dublin, witnesses Samuel Carrothers and Bessie Gerrard, with the church register page attached.
  11. [S1659], online at, Church Records, marriage by special licence on 28 September 1898 of John Henry Gerrard of Elton Lodge, Rossduff, County Waterford, full age, bachelor, sub inspector, Cape Police, son of John Vipont Gerrard, gentleman, and Violet Maud Wilson of Main Street, Longford, County Longford, full age, spinster, daughter of John Wilson, solicitor, married in the Parish church of Sr. Anne, Dublin, witnesses Wolsey A. Atkinson, Charlotte Amy Wilson and J.W.H. Holmes, with the church register page attached.
  12. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Civil Records,, at…
  13. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death on 22 November 1906 of Elizabeth "Heyridge Buckley" Gerrard in Rossduff, County Waterford, age 72, married, wife of landed proprietor, certified cause of death influenza for four days contributed by ten years of heart disease, her husband C. P. Gerrard present at her death, registered on 3 December 1906 in the registration district of Registration of Woodstown, County Waterford, viewed online at…

Child Gerrard1

b. 1856
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Samuel Gerrard1 b. 1814, d. 22 Apr 1882
Mother*Hannah Elizabeth Montserrat1
Birth*1856An unnamed Child Gerrard was born at Bachelor's Hall, Rathfarnham, Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland, in 18562,1 
Burial*14 December 1856 and was buried unnamed on 14 December 1856 in the Parish of St. George Cemetery, Dublin.2,1 


  1. [S1659], online at, Church Records, burial on 14 December 1856 of an unnamed child of Samuel Gerrard of Rathfarnham, at St. George's Church, Dublin, with the church register page attached. Hereinafter cited as
  2. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing a suggestion from an unidentified source. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."

Christopher Gerrard1

Residence*Christopher lived in Navan, County Meath.2 


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1818; Film# 463943, Volume 731, pages 86A-86B, Deed Number 498621, image 35. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1812; Film# 463943, Volume 731, pages 86A-86B, Deed Number 498621, image 35.

Christopher Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Gerrard1
Mother*Mary Lyons1
Birth*Christopher Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.1 
(Son) Deed Memorial21 April 1789Brothers Christopher Gerrard, John Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard were identified as sons of John Gerrard of Chamberstown, County Meath, when they were named as the three lives in a memorial of an indenture of lease dated 21 April 1789 made between their father and Richard Cooper of Rathescar in the county of Louth.

Whereby the said Richard Cooper did, for the considerations therein mentioned, devise, grant, set and to farm let unto the said John Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, all that and those the town and lands of Chamberstown situate, lying and being in the parish of Rathkenny, barony of Navan, and county of Meath containing 232 acres, 1 rood and 34 perches plantation measure be the same more or less as described by the map thereunto annexed, excepting as therein is excepted.

And reserving unto the said John Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, for and during the life and lives of Christopher Gerrard, John Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard, sons of the lessee, and the survivors and survivor of them, or the term of 31 years and 6 months to be completed from the first day of November last at the yearly rent of £290,10s sterling.

In which lease was contained several covenants and clauses, and which lease was witnessed by Michael Martin of Carlanstown in the county of Meath, shopkeeper, and Samuel Bingham of Dunleer in the county of Louth, shopkeeper, and the memorial was witnessed by the said Michael Martin and Stephen Reid of the city of Dublin, gentleman. John Gerrard signed, sealed and executed the lease in the presence of Michael Martin and Stephen Reid and the above-named Michael Martin gave his oath that he had seen the above-named Richard Cooper duly execute the indenture of lease whereof the above writing was a memorial and also saw the above-named John Gerrard sign and execute this memorial. It was registered on 27 March 1795.1 
Marriage*He married Mary __?__.2 
(Brother of Groom) Marriage Settlement8 February 1812Christopher Gerrard of Navan was a witness to a memorial of articles of agreement dated 8 February 1812 made between Edward Gerrard of the town of Navan in the county of Meath, shopkeeper, of the one part, Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard of Dormstown of the second part, and William Gerrard, brother of Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, also of Dormstown, gentleman, and Thomas Gerrard of Chamberstown in the county of Meath, farmer, of the third part.3 
Census Ireland 1821*1821Mary and Christopher Gerrard were enumerated on the census taken in 1821 in house 45 in Nevinstown, County Meath. Christopher's age was recorded as 45, and his occupation as a land steward for J.S. White Esq. He didn't report any acreage of his own. Mary's age was also reported as 45. Living with the couple in 1821 were five children; Maria was 22, John 20, Thomas 16, Edward 13 and James 12.2 


Mary __?__
Children 1.Maria Gerrard2 b. 1799
 2.John Gerrard2 b. 1801
 3.Thomas Gerrard2 b. 1805
 4.Edward Gerrard2 b. 1808
 5.James Gerrard2 b. 1809


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1789; Film# 535727, Volume 487, pages 291-292, deed number 312965, images 153-154. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, household of Christopher Gerrard, 1821, townland of Nevinstown, parish of Donaghmore, county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.
  3. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1812; Film# 463943, Volume 731, pages 86A-86B, Deed Number 498621, image 35.

Christopher Gerrard1

b. 1771
Birth*1771Christopher Gerrard was born about 1771.1 
Marriage*He married Mary __?__.1 
Census Ireland 1821*1821Mary and Christopher Gerrard were enumerated on the census taken in 1821 in house 351 in Navan, County Meath, Ireland. Christopher was 50 years of age and a farmer with 150 acres. His wife Mary was also age 50. Residing with their parents in 1821 were sons Christopher and Pat, aged 21 and 20, respectively, and daughters Mary and Anne, aged 19 and 16, respectively. Also in the household was Jane Reilly, age 50, a house servant. Thomas Gerrard, age 24 and a spirit retailer was enumerated alone in the neighboring house 352 and is suspected to have been another son of Christopher and Mary.1 


Mary __?__ b. 1771
Children 1.Thomas Gerrard1,2,3 b. 1797
 2.Christopher Gerrard1 b. 1800
 3.Pat Gerrard1 b. 1801
 4.Mary Gerrard1 b. 1802
 5.Anne Gerrard1 b. 1805


  1. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, household of Christopher Gerrard, 1821, townland of Navan, parish of Navan, barony of Lower Navan and county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.
  2. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at, household of Thomas Gerrard, 1821, townland of Navan, parish of Navan, barony of Lower Navan and county of Meath.
  3. [S221] Analysis and opinion of researcher, Liz Heaton Brown (Summerlin, Nevada).

Christopher Gerrard1

b. 1800
Father*Christopher Gerrard1 b. 1771
Mother*Mary __?__1 b. 1771
Birth*1800Christopher Gerrard was born about 1800.1 
(Son) Census Ireland 18211821Christopher was enumerated on the census taken in 1821 in the household of his parents in Navan, County Meath, Ireland. He was 21 years old.1 


  1. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, household of Christopher Gerrard, 1821, townland of Navan, parish of Navan, barony of Lower Navan and county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.

Dorothy Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1 d. Nov 1763
Mother*Catherine Cooper1
Birth*Dorothy was probably born in County Meath, Ireland, and was identified in her father's 1763 will as his youngest daughter.1 
Marriage*15 April 1758She married Houlton Bradley of the city of Dublin, stationer, by licence dated 13 April on 15 April 1758 in the Parish Church of St. Michan, Dublin.1,2,3,4,5 
(Daughter) Will3 October 1763Dorothy received a legacy in the will of her father dated 3 October 1763 at Liscartan, County Meath. She was identified as his youngest daughter, and wife of Houlton Bradley.6,7 


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763l. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  2. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Marriage of Bradley "Hulton" of the city of Dublin, stationer, and Dorothy Gerrard of the parish of St. Michan, spinster, directed to said parish 13th April 1758.
  3. [S1646] Deputy Keeper of Ireland, Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin 1272-1858 (26th, 30th and 31st Reports, online at Find My Past,, 1758 Marriage Licence, page 339, "Hulton" Bradley and Dorothy Gerrard, citing page 27. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Index to the Act or Grant Books, and to Original Wills, of the Diocese of Dublin 1272-1858.
  4. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Church Records on, at…. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  5. [S1659], online at, Church Records, marriage on 15 April 1758 of "Houlton" Bradley, stationer, and Dorothy Gerrard, spinster, at the Parish Church of St. Michan, Dublin, page 37, with the church register page attached. Hereinafter cited as
  6. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will (3 October 1763), Abstract of the Will of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard.
  7. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763.

Dorothy Gerrard1,2,3

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard Esq.1,2,3 b. 1643, d. 14 Feb 1719
Mother*Elizabeth __?__1,2,3
Birth*Dorothy Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.1,2,3 
Marriage*She married Thomas Welsh.1,2,3 
(Sister) Will18 October 1749Dorothy's brother Samuel wrote his will dated 18 October 1749 at Clongill, County Meath, naming his brothers, John Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard, sister, Dorothy Welsh, nephews, Thomas Gerrard and Gerrard Welsh, niece, Elizabeth Morris, who we believe to have been the daughter of Samuel's sister, Dorothy Welsh, grandnieces, Darcy Wentworth and Catherine Dempster, who Samuel identified as the daughters of Elizabeth Morris, his cousins, Mary Byrne, Robert Gerrard and John Gerrard, and his uncle Edward Gerrard, who was identified as the father of Samuel's cousin John. Unfortunately, the abstract we have of Samuel's will does not identify the father, or parents, of his cousins Mary Byrne and Robert Gerrard, nor does it mention the names of the husbands of Mary Byrne, Elizabeth Morris, Darcy Wentworth or Catherine Dempster. We would really like to see a more complete copy of Samuel's will.4,5,1,2,3 


Thomas Welsh
Children 1.Gerrard Welsh5
 2.Elizabeth Welsh+5


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Volume I, page 632. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland, Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  3. [S1649] Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland : Revised by A. C. Fox-Davies, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (London, England: Harrison & Sons, 1912 New Edition), page 262. Hereinafter cited as A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912 New Edition).
  4. [S1747] Patricia McCormick, "The Gerrard Family of Ardbraccan, County Meath, Ireland," e-mail messages from e-mail address to LHB, multiple dates, citing and attaching a copy of a Betham Genealogical Abstract of the will of Samuel Gerrard of Clongill and probate information. Hereinafter cited as "The Gerrard Family of Ardbraccan, County Meath, Ireland."
  5. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Samuel Gerrard of Clongill, County Meath, will dated 18 October 1749, probated 26 May 1750. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.

Edward Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers (#1)
Descendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers (#2)
Father*John Gerrard2
Mother*Mary Lyons2
Birth*Edward Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.2 
(Groom's Brother) Marriage Settlement1 March 1808Edward was a witness to an indented deed of marriage settlement dated 1 March 1808 made between his brother John Gerrard of Chamberstown, County Meath, gentleman, of the one part and James Russell of Cashel, County Meath and James Weldon of the same place, gentlemen, trustees in said settlement. The deed recited the marriage of the said John Gerrard with Elinor Gerrard, otherwise Russell, daughter of the said James Russell.3 
Marriage Settlement*8 February 1812A memorial of articles of agreement dated 8 February 1812 was made between Edward Gerrard of the town of Navan in the county of Meath, shopkeeper of the one part, Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard of Dormstown of the second part, and William Gerrard, brother of Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, also of Dormstown, gentleman, and Thomas Gerrard of Chamberstown in the county of Meath, farmer, of the third part.

Reciting among other things, a marriage was intended between said Edward Gerrard and said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, with whom said Edward Gerrard was to have and receive £300 as her marriage portion.

It was therefore covenanted and agreed by and between said parties thereto that said Edward Gerrard did covenant and agree with said William Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard that said Edward Gerrard was possessed and interested in, for the remainder of 58 years, all that tenement situate in the town of Navan consisting of a dwelling house, coach house, stable yard and offices held and enjoyed by the said Edward Gerrard under the virtue of a deed of assignment bearing date 10 January 1810 and made between Leonard Tighe of the one part and the said Edward Gerrard of the other part. Whereby the said Leonard Tighe assigned and made over to the said Edward Gerrard all his, the said Leonard Tighe's, rights, title and interest in said premises, as by said deed of assignment may more fully appear.

And the said Edward Gerrard, in case said marriage shall take effect, shall and will by good sufficient conveyances and assurances in the law, settle and assure said mentioned premises with the appurtenances unto the said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, his said intended wife, for so long a term of years of said assigned premises as is yet to come and unexpired. And said Edward Gerrard did covenant, grant and agree with said William Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard that in case said marriage should take effect, and he the said Edward Gerrard should happen to die in the lifetime of the said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, that then the said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard shall, from and immediately after the decease of said Edward Gerrard, stand seized or possessed of all such real and personal goods and chattels whereof the said Edward Gerrard should die seized or possessed of, or entitled to, for the intent and purpose that said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, her heirs or assigns, may by sale or mortgage of all or any part thereof, or out of the rents, issues and profits thereof, raise and levy said sum of £300 to and for the sole use of the said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, her heirs and assigns, with interest for the same at the rate of £6 by the hundred by the year, until or unless said £300 shall be otherwise well and sufficiently secured to the said Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard in the lifetime of the said Edward Gerrard by any deed or instrument or by his last will and testament.

The execution of which said deed by Edward Gerrard, Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, Thomas Gerrard and William Gerrard was witnessed by Thomas Gerrard of Dormstown aforesaid and Christopher Gerrard of Navan, both in the county of Meath, and the execution of the memorial thereof by the said William Gerrard was witnessed by the said Thomas Gerrard of Dormstown and Edward Cahill of the city of Dublin, gentleman, attorney-at-law.

William Gerrard signed and sealed in the presence of Thomas Gerrard and Edward Cahill, and the above named Thomas Gerrard gave his oath that he was a subscribing witness to the deed which the above writing was a memorial, and also to the above memorial, and that he saw said Edward Gerrard, Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, Thomas Gerrard and William Gerrard, the executing parties to said deed, duly sign, seal and deliver same, and that he saw the above named William Gerrard duly sign and seal the above memorial. It was registered more than six years later on 15 August 1818.2 
Relationship Note*Edward Gerrard and Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard were 1st cousins.2,4 
Occupation*1818Edward was publican in Navan, County Meath, in 1818.1 
(Witness to Memorial) Deed Memorial2 March 1818Edward was a witness to a memorial deed dated 2 March 1818 made between William Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard, both formerly of Dormstown but then of Navan in the county of Meath, gentlemen, of the one part, William Thompson of Oatlands in the county of Meath, Esq. of the second part, and William Bailey Wallace of the city of Dublin, Esq. of the third part.1 
Marriage*before 15 August 1818He married Mary Adelaide Matilda Gerrard, daughter of William Gerrard and Mary Glascum, before 15 August 1818. the date their marriage settlement agreement was registered.2 


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1818; Film# 463940, Volume 725, pages 556-557, Deed Number 495492, images 283-284. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1812; Film# 463943, Volume 731, pages 86A-86B, Deed Number 498621, image 35.
  3. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1809; Film# 535464, Volume 609, pages 256-257, deed number 422985, images 283-284.
  4. [S1725] William Gerrard will (24 December 1788), Abstract of the Will of William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, Ireland Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1788 Will of William Gerrard.

Edward Gerrard1

b. 1808
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Christopher Gerrard1
Mother*Mary __?__1
Birth*1808Edward Gerrard was born about 1808, probably in County Meath, Ireland.1 
(Son) Census Ireland 18211821Edward was enumerated on the census taken in 1821 in the household of his parents in Nevinstown, County Meath. He was 13 years old.1 


  1. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, household of Christopher Gerrard, 1821, townland of Nevinstown, parish of Donaghmore, county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.

Edward Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*______ Gerrard1
(Uncle) Will18 October 1749Edward's nephew Samuel Gerrard wrote his will dated 18 October 1749 at Clongill, County Meath, naming his brothers, John Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard, sister, Dorothy Welsh, nephews, Thomas Gerrard and Gerrard Welsh, niece, Elizabeth Morris, who we believe to have been the daughter of Samuel's sister, Dorothy Welsh, grandnieces, Darcy Wentworth and Catherine Dempster, who Samuel identified as the daughters of Elizabeth Morris, his cousins, Mary Byrne, Robert Gerrard and John Gerrard, and his uncle Edward Gerrard, who was identified as the father of Samuel's cousin John. Unfortunately, the abstract we have of Samuel's will does not identify the father, or parents, of his cousins Mary Byrne and Robert Gerrard, nor does it mention the names of the husbands of Mary Byrne, Elizabeth Morris, Darcy Wentworth or Catherine Dempster. We would really like to see a more complete copy of Samuel's will.2,1,3,4,5 


Child 1.John Gerrard1


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Samuel Gerrard of Clongill, County Meath, will dated 18 October 1749, probated 26 May 1750. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  2. [S1747] Patricia McCormick, "The Gerrard Family of Ardbraccan, County Meath, Ireland," e-mail messages from e-mail address to LHB, multiple dates, citing and attaching a copy of a Betham Genealogical Abstract of the will of Samuel Gerrard of Clongill and probate information. Hereinafter cited as "The Gerrard Family of Ardbraccan, County Meath, Ireland."
  3. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Volume I, page 632. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  4. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland, Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  5. [S1649] Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland : Revised by A. C. Fox-Davies, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (London, England: Harrison & Sons, 1912 New Edition), page 262. Hereinafter cited as A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912 New Edition).

Edward Rotheram Gerrard1

b. 1846, d. 3 February 1880
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Samuel Gerrard1 b. 1814, d. 22 Apr 1882
Mother*Hannah Elizabeth Montserrat1
Birth*1846Edward Rotheram Gerrard was born, estimated from his age at death and from the 1871 census, about 1846 in Booterstown, County Dublin, Ireland.1,2,3 
Occupation*Edward was a physician and surgeon in West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England.4 
(Lodger) Census England 18711871Edward was enumerated as a lodger on the 1871 census in the household of Ellen and Pickford Marriott on Paradise Street, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England. He was 25 years of age and working as a physician and surgeon. His landlord, Pickford, was 29 years of age and worked as a bedding manufacturer, Ellen was 25, and their son John was 4. The Marriotts employed two household servants, Annie Dell and Emma Dell, ages 27 and 21, respectively, who also resided in the home.3 
Marriage*1872He married, as her first husband, Ann Dell, daughter of John Dell and Mary __?__, about Spring of 1872 in West Bromwich.5 
Death*3 February 1880He died on 3 February 1880 in West Bromwich, Staffordshire, at age 34.1,4,2 
Probate*20 July 1880His will was proved on 20 July 1880 at Lichfield, Staffordshire, by his brother John Netterville Gerrard of the city of Dublin, Esq., barrister-at-law, and Hans Crosby of West Bromwich, draper, two of the executors. Edward's personal estate was valued at under £1,500.4 


Ann Dell b. bt 1843 - 1844
Child 1.Edward Rotheram Gerrard6 b. 1873


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing a suggestion from an unidentified source. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1674] England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007, online at, Edward Rotheram Gerrard, citing Volume: 6B, Page: 482, Line Number: 147. Hereinafter cited as England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007.
  3. [S1535] 1871 England Census, online at, household of Pickford Marriott, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England, citing Class: RG10; Piece: 2979; Folio: 31; Page: 17; GSU roll: 838865. Hereinafter cited as 1871 England Census.
  4. [S1528] England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966, 1973-1995, online at, Edward Rotheram Gerrard. Hereinafter cited as England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations).
  5. [S508] England & Wales, Civil Registration Marriage Index, 1837-1915, online at, Edward Rotheram Gerrard and Ann Dell, April-May-June 1782, citing Inferred County: Staffordshire Volume: 6b Page: 1062. Hereinafter cited as England & Wales Marriage Index, 1837-1915.
  6. [S507] England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index: 1837-1915, online at, Edward Rotheram Gerrard, citing Inferred County: Staffordshire Volume: 6b Page: 778. Hereinafter cited as England & Wales Birth Index, 1837-1915.

Edward Rotheram Gerrard1

b. 1873
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Edward Rotheram Gerrard1 b. 1846, d. 3 Feb 1880
Mother*Ann Dell1 b. bt 1843 - 1844
Birth*1873Edward Rotheram Gerrard was born about Summer of 1873 in West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England.1 


  1. [S507] England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index: 1837-1915, online at, Edward Rotheram Gerrard, citing Inferred County: Staffordshire Volume: 6b Page: 778. Hereinafter cited as England & Wales Birth Index, 1837-1915.

Eleanor Gerrard1,2,3

d. 15 March 1782
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1,3,2 b. 1715, d. 11 Sep 1784
Mother*Elinor Carroll1,3,2
Birth*Eleanor Gerrard was born at Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland,1,3,2 
Death*15 March 1782 and died on 15 March 1782.1,3,2 
(Aunt) Gibbstown Residencebetween 1871 and 1872Her nephew, Thomas Gerrard, built the large castle he called Gibbstown House, with 63 bedrooms and terraced gardens, at Gibbstown between 1871 and 1872. The Irish Aesthete website features an excellent history of Gibbstown and the Gerrard family who lived there, complete with beautiful photos of the spectacular house and grounds, making it easy to imagine how well the family lived. We thank our friend, Patricia McCormick, Gerrard researcher and descendant, for telling us about The Irish Aesthete. It offers a wealth of information about many places and peoples of Ireland. Patricia found the historical information about Gibbstown fascinating and said she had no idea that some of the original buildings had survived. The article was posted on 24 May 2021, and the link to it may be found in the source list below.3,4,5 


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Volume I, page 632. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S1649] Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland : Revised by A. C. Fox-Davies, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (London, England: Harrison & Sons, 1912 New Edition), page 262. Hereinafter cited as A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912 New Edition).
  3. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland, Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  4. [S1755] Patricia McCormick, "Gerrard Research, County Meath, Ireland," e-mail messages from e-mail address to LHB, multiple dates. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard Research, County Meath, Ireland."
  5. [S2262] The Irish Aesthete: Gibbstown, online at Hereinafter cited as The Irish Aesthete: Gibbstown.

Eleanor Gerrard1,2,3

b. 1831, d. 1921
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1,2,3 b. 9 Dec 1779, d. 7 Apr 1836
Mother*Letitia Garnett1,2,3 d. 3 Dec 1890
Birth*1831Eleanor Gerrard was born about 1831 at Boynehill, County Meath, Ireland.1,2,3,4 
Name VariationShe may have been called Ellen.4 
Marriage*14 October 1862She married Joseph Clarke Collins Esq. of Garvary Lodge, County Fermanagh, son of Robert Collins Esq. and Barbara Clarke, on 14 October 1862 in Navan, County Meath, Ireland. A newspaper announcement of the Collins and Gerrard marriage stated they were married in Navan Church by the Reverend Charles Lambert, Rector of Navan. Joseph was reported to be of Garvary Lodge, County Fermanagh, only son of Robert Collins Esq., M.D., of Ardsallagh, and Eleanor was the eldest daughter of the late Colonel Thomas Gerrard of Boyne Hill, County Meath.5,1,2,3,6 
(Sister) Gibbstown Residencebetween 1871 and 1872Her brother, Thomas Gerrard, built the large castle he called Gibbstown House, with 63 bedrooms and terraced gardens, at Gibbstown between 1871 and 1872. The Irish Aesthete website features an excellent history of Gibbstown and the Gerrard family who lived there, complete with beautiful photos of the spectacular house and grounds, making it easy to imagine how well the family lived. We thank our friend, Patricia McCormick, Gerrard researcher and descendant, for telling us about The Irish Aesthete. It offers a wealth of information about many places and peoples of Ireland. Patricia found the historical information about Gibbstown fascinating and said she had no idea that some of the original buildings had survived. The article was posted on 24 May 2021, and the link to it may be found in the source list below.2,7,8 
(Wife) Death4 March 1871Eleanor became a widow with four very young sons when Joseph Clarke Collins Esq. died intestate on 4 March 1871 at age 39.6,9,10 
(Mother) Death10 March 1871Six days after the death of her husband, Eleanor's eldest son, Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins, died on 10 March 1871 at age 7.6,11 
Probate*19 May 1871Eleanor (Gerrard) Collins, of Ardbraccan Lodge, Navan, was granted Letters of Administration at the Principal Registry on 19 May 1871 of the personal estate of her deceased husband. The value of his effects was estimated to be under £4,000.9 
Probate*4 December 1874Eleanor (Gerrard) Collins, of Navan, was granted Letters of Administration at the Principal Registry on 4 December 1874 of the personal estate of her deceased son, Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins. The value of his effects was estimated to be under £600.11 
Gravestone MemorialEleanor dedicated a lectern to the Ardbraccan Church of Ireland in honor of her first-born son, Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins, after his young death and, when Ardbraccan Church was closed in 1970, the large brass eagle lectern was removed to Donaghpatrick Church of Ireland, County Meath.6 
(Sister) Census Ireland 190131 March 1901Eleanor was enumerated as "Ellen" on the 1901 census taken as of the night of 31 March 1901 in the household of her brother, Thomas Gerrard, in Gibbstown Demesne, Donaghpatrick, County Meath, Ireland. She was 70 years of age and a widow, and her brother was 66 and single. Thomas employed nine servants who resided in his household in 1901, a butler, a footman, a potboy, a cook and domestic servant, a kitchen maid, a laundress and 3 housemaids. Everyone in his household could read and write.12,4 
(Sister) Census Ireland 19112 April 1911Ellen Collins was enumerated on the 1911 census taken as of the night of 2 April 1911 in the household of her brother, Thomas Gerrard, at Donaghpatrick, County Meath. Ellen was 80 years of age and a widow. She had been married for 35 years and had given birth to four children, three of whom were living. Her son John, with his wife and daughter, were also enumerated in Thomas's household in 1911. John was 43 years of age, and his occupation was recorded as "Reserve of Officers". His wife, Wilmot Robertson Gertrude Collins, 36 years of age and reported they had been married for ten years. The couple's daughter, Eleanor Wilmot Letitia Collins, had been born in India and was 2 years old. Her brother's household employed nine domestic servants in 1911.13 
(Sister) Death20 May 1913Eleanor's son Thomas inherited as Heir at Law at Gibbstown when her brother Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown died on 20 May 1913.14,15,16 
Death*1921She died at age 90 in 1921 and her death was registered in the Second Quarter of that year at Navan, County Meath.17 


Joseph Clarke Collins Esq. b. 2 May 1831, d. 4 Mar 1871
Children 1.Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins18 b. 14 Jan 1864, d. 10 Mar 1871
 2.Thomas Gerrard Collins6 b. 2 Jan 1866, d. 1945
 3.John Gerrard Collins+6 b. 11 Jul 1867, d. 27 Sep 1915
 4.Joseph Clarke Collins+6 b. 13 Jan 1871, d. 26 May 1953


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Volume I, page 632. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland, Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  3. [S1649] Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland : Revised by A. C. Fox-Davies, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (London, England: Harrison & Sons, 1912 New Edition), page 262. Hereinafter cited as A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912 New Edition).
  4. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the 1901 Census, household of Thomas Gerrard, house 13, "Gibstown" Demesne, Donaghpatrick, Meath at…
  5. [S1662] Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925, online at, marriage at Navan, County Meath, on 14 October 1862, of Eleanor Gerrard and Joseph Clarke Collins Esq. of County Fermanagh, son of Robert Collins, newspaper publication of 17 October 1862. Hereinafter cited as The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925.
  6. [S1982] Martin Notcutt, "Descendant Chart for Robert Collins (1800-1868)", with accompanying email of information and clarification, received 25 April 2020 (e-mail address). . Hereinafter cited as "Descendant Chart for Robert Collins (1800-1868)", with accompanying email of information and clarification.
  7. [S1755] Patricia McCormick, "Gerrard Research, County Meath, Ireland," e-mail messages from e-mail address to LHB, multiple dates. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard Research, County Meath, Ireland."
  8. [S2262] The Irish Aesthete: Gibbstown, online at Hereinafter cited as The Irish Aesthete: Gibbstown.
  9. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at, dated 19 May 1871, Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Joseph Clarke Collins Esq., deceased, late of Ardbraccan Lodge, Navan, County Meath, who died 4 March 1871 at the same place, were granted at the Principal Registry to Eleanor Collins of Ardbraccan Lodge, Navan, aforesaid, the Widow of said deceased, Effects under £4,000, online at…. Hereinafter cited as National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922.
  10. [S1659], online at, Civil Records, death of Joseph Clarke Collins, age 39, registered in the registration district of Navan in the Second Quarter of 1871, referencing Returns Quarter 2, Volume 7, page 673. Hereinafter cited as
  11. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at, dated 4 December 1874, Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins, deceased, an Infant late of Ardbraccan Lodge, Navan, County Meath, who died 10 March 1871 at the same place, were granted at the Principal Registry to Eleanor Collins of Ardbraccan Lodge, aforesaid, the widowed Mother of said deceased, Effects under £600, online at…
  12. [S1522] 1901 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of Thomas Gerrard, house# 13 in "Gibstown" Demesne, Donaghpatrick, Meath, online at…. Hereinafter cited as 1901 Ireland Census.
  13. [S1536] 1911 Ireland Census, online at the National Archives of Ireland,, household of Thomas Gerrard, house# 11 in "Gibstown" Demesne, Donaghpatrick, Meath, online at…. Hereinafter cited as 1911 Ireland Census.
  14. [S1663] National Archives of Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1922, online at, probate of the will with one codicil on 22 July 1913 of Thomas Gerrard, late of Gibbstown, Navan, County Meath, J.P. D.L., who died 20 May 1913, granted at Dublin to Thomas G. Collins, Major, and Henry T.G. Stewart, Esquire, Effects £52,385 13s 4d, online at…
  15. [S1655] John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, Privy Council & Order of Precedence (99th Edition), downloaded from the Family History Library at (London, England: Burke's Peerage Limited, 1949), Lambart, page 1156. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (99th Edition).
  16. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the 1901 Census, household of Thomas Gerrard, house 13, ""Gibstown" Demesne", Donaghpatrick, Meath at…
  17. [S1787] Ireland, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1864-1958, online at, registration of the death of Ellen Collins, age 90, in Apr-May-Jun 1921, in the registration district of Navan, citing Volume: 2; Page: 595; FHL Film# 0101608. Hereinafter cited as Ireland, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1864-1958.
  18. [S1659], online at, Church Records, baptism of Robert Thomas Gerrard Collins, son of Joseph Clarke and Eleanor Collins of 5 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin, father's occupation gentleman, born on 14 January 1864, baptized on 16 February 1864 in St. Peter's Parish Church, Dublin, with the church register page attached.

Eleanora Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*William Edward Gerrard1 d. 16 Apr 1866
Mother*Mary Anne Bennison1
Birth*Eleanora Gerrard was born in County Cavan, Ireland.1 
(Unmarried Daughter) Will5 April 1866Eleanora's father made his last will and testament on 5 April 1866 at Corglass, County Cavan. He identified himself as William Edward Gerrard of Corglass, parish of Kildrumsherdan, county of Cavan, sick of body, sound of mind and memory. He bequeathed one half of the rent from his townland of Balrathboyne (in the county of Meath), being the sum of £24, 4s, 6p, to his son Thomas William Gerrard, and the other half of the rent from that townland, he bequeathed to his daughter Martha Wilton. He bequeathed the sum of 5 shillings to his daughter Eleanora Gerrard, an amount he thought would cover the cost and expenses of his sickness and funeral expense, and for paying his lawful debts, a half year's rent, the sum being £24, 4s, 6p, with any remaining after paying all bills to be divided between his legatees Thomas Gerrard and Martha Wilton. He nominated his son Thomas Gerrard and daughter Martha Wilton to both act as executors. The will was witnessed by his son-in-law, Joseph Wilton, and Andrew Brady.1 


  1. [S1654] Ireland Original Will Registers, 1858-1920, online at Find My Past,, William Edward Gerrard will dated 5 April 1866. Hereinafter cited as Ireland Original Will Registers, 1858-1920.

Eliza Gerrard1,2

b. 1821
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Gerrard1,2 b. 1781
Mother*Elinor Russell1,2
Birth*1821Eliza Gerrard was born about 1821, probably in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.1,2 
(Daughter) Census Ireland 18211821Eliza appeared on the census taken in 1821 in the household of her parents in Chamberstown, County Meath. John was 40 years of age and a farmer with 78 acres, and Ellen's age was not recorded. The couple lived with their children, Mary, age 10, Catherine 7, John 6, Bridget 4, and baby Eliza who was under 1. Living with the family in 1821 was one house servant, Mary McDermot, age 14.1,3 


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the 1821 census in Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, 1821; Household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.
  3. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at, household of John Gerrard, Chamberstown, County Meath, Ireland.

Eliza Gerrard1

b. 1811
ChartsDescendants of William Gerrard of Ardbraccan, County Meath
Father*Robert Gerrard1 b. 1784
Mother*Bridget __?__1 b. 1794
Birth*1811Eliza Gerrard was born about 1811, probably in County Meath, Ireland.1 
(Daughter) Census Ireland 18211821Eliza was enumerated on the 1821 census in the household of her parents in Ardbraccan, County Meath, Ireland. She was 10 years old.1 


  1. [S1552] 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set, online at Find My Past,, 1821, Household of Robert and Bridget "Genard", townland of Ardbraccan, parish of Ardbraccan, county of Meath. Hereinafter cited as 1821 - 1851 Ireland Census Record Set.

Elizabeth Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*William Gerrard1 d. bt 1789 - 1793
Mother*Anne Cosby2,3
(Grandchild) Will3 October 1763Elizabeth and her sisters, identified as daughters of his third son William, each received a legacy in the will of their grandfather, Thomas Gerrard, dated 3 October 1763 at Liscartan, County Meath.4,5 
(Unmarried Daughter) Will24 December 1788Elizabeth was named in the will of her father dated 24 December 1788 at Dormstown, County Meath. Her father appointed trustees, Reverend Singleton Harpur, Robert Waller and James Gibney, and named his three unmarried daughters, Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine, his two natural sons, William and Thomas, his housekeeper at Tankardstown, Mary Glascum, his two married daughters, Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds and Sarah (Gerrard) Hinds, his granddaughters, Johanna Hinds and Annabella Hinds, his son-in-law, Matthew Hinds, and his three natural daughters, Bridget, Mary and Agnes at Tankardstown.

Our transcription has not altered the content of the abstract, although we have made minimal edits to clarify places with current day spellings and to complete sentences or modify punctuation. Our transcription follows:

I, William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, Gentleman...

     Trustees -- Reverend Singleton Harper of the city of Dublin, Clerk, Robert Waller of Allenstown, County Meath, Esq., and James Gibney of Navan in County Meath, Merchant -- to hold the lands of Dormstown, County Meath, in trust for testator's three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard, who are to enjoy the house and lands of Dormstown and to receive the rents and profits thereof equally, and if they marry, as they marry, to have £500, and the last of them to marry, or who is unmarried, to have the house and lands of Dormstown. And on her death, whether married or unmarried, said trustees are to allow testator's two natural sons, William and Thomas, sons of testator's housekeeper at Tankardstown, Mary Glascum, to have the house and rents of Dormstown equally between them for life, and then to their issue male, lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue, said lands are to go to testator's daughter Rebecca Hinds, widow, and to her sons, and failing whom to testator's daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard, testator's residuary legatees, and the survivor or survivors of them

     Legacy to testator's daughter Sarah Hinds, which is not to be in the control of Matthew Hinds, her present husband, or any after taken husband, and at her death to go to her children

     Legacy to testator's son-in-law Matthew Hinds

     Legacy to testator's two granddaughters Johanna and Annabella Hinds

     Testator leaves his dwelling house and 30 acres of land at Tankardstown, County Meath, to his housekeeper Mary Glascum, and if the lease thereof expires before she dies, then she is to have an annuity of £20

     Legacies to Bridget, Mary and Agnes, three daughters of the said Mary Glascum

     Testator leaves the lands of Tankardstown (subject as aforesaid), Betaghstown, and Castlemartin, all in County Meath, to his daughter Sarah Hinds

     Residue to Testator's three daughters Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard

     Executors -- Daughters Rebecca Hinds and Elizabeth, Anne and Catherine Gerrard

Dated 24 December 1788 and witnessed by William Dickson, David Thompson and Michael Gibney.6,7,8 
(Daughter) Probate11 January 1794Probate was granted on their father's estate on 11 January 1794 to his daughters, Elizabeth Gerrard, Catherine Gerrard and Anne (Gerrard) Gibney, wife of Michael Gibney, saving the right of his eldest daughter, Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds.6,7 
(Spinster) Marriage Settlement4 July 1794A memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 4 July 1794 was made between Michael Gibney of Dormstown, County Meath, gentleman, and Anne Gibney otherwise Gerrard, his wife, of the first part, Thomas Hinds of the city of Dublin, gentleman, attorney-at-law, and John Gibney of Navan in the county of Meath, gentleman, physician, of the second part, and Rebecca (Gerrard) Hinds, widow, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, spinsters of the third part.

Whereby reciting among other things that the said Anne was, under the will of her father, William Gerrard, entitled to £5,000, and that a marriage was had between said Michael and Anne Gibney, said deed witnessed that said Michael and Anne Gibney, at the requisition of her sisters, Rebecca Hinds, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, executors of their father William Gerrard's estate, and as a previous condition to their paying over said £5,000, and in consideration of 5 shillings apiece to them paid by the said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney, and in order to secure a provision for said Anne and the issue of said marriage, the said Michael and Anne granted, sold, assigned and made over to the said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney and the survivor of them, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns £3,000 secured by the bonds and judgments set forth in a schedule to said deed annexed.

To have, hold, receive and take said £3,000 to said Thomas Hinds and John Gibney and the survivor of them, and the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of such survivor, with the consent upon trust, to lay or continue the same out at interest or to lay out the same in the purchase of such real freehold or leasehold estates or interests as they, or the survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of such survivor, with the consent of said Michael Gibney, should think proper, and that they should suffer said Michael and his assigns during his life to receive such rents, interest, money or produce as same should yield, and after the death of said Michael, to suffer the said Anne during her life to receive such rents, interest or produce, and it was thereby agreed that if there should be more than one child living of said marriage at the death of said Michael, that he might by his will, or by any deed to be duly attested to, devise or dispose of said £3,000, or the rents, issues, interest or produce thereof in such shares among such children if more than one, as he shall appoint, and for want of such appointment to be divided equally, provided such children attain their age of 21 or day of marriage. And if there be but one child of said marriage, such only child, on the death of said Michael and Anne, to take said £3,000 or the produce thereof. And it was thereby agreed that if said Michael should die in the life time of Anne, she was vested with a like power of appointment and that if said Michael or Anne should die in the life time of the other of them, leaving no child or children at his or her decease, then the survivor of them, his or her executors, administrators or assigns, should take to his or their own use and behoof said £3,000 and all interest to be had thereby to be disposed of as he, she or they should think proper.

The execution of the deed and memorial were witnessed by Francis Beatty Whitehead of the city of Dublin, gentleman, and Robert Johnson, servant to Thomas Hinds, and signed and sealed by Michael Gibney. Robert Johnson made an oath that he saw all the parties, Michael Gibney, Anne Gibney, Thomas Hinds, John Gibney, Rebecca Hinds, Elizabeth Gerrard and Catherine Gerrard, respectively, execute the deed and saw Michael Gibney duly execute the memorial. It was registered on 1 Aug 1794.9 
Marriage Settlement*7 January 1795A memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 7 January 1795 was made between William Foster of Bachelors Lodge, County Meath, Esq. of the first part, Elizabeth Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster, of the second part and Thomas Hinds of the city of Dublin, gentleman, as trustee of the third part.

Whereby after reciting, among other things, that a marriage was intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the said William Foster and Elizabeth Gerrard, the deed witnessed that the said Elizabeth Gerrard for the considerations therein mentioned, with the consent and approbation of the said William Foster, did give, grant, bargain, sell and make over to the said Thomas Hinds all that and those the sum of £500 therein mentioned to be charged and payable out of the lands of Dormstown in the county of Meath therein mentioned for and to Elizabeth Gerrard and also all that and these the sum of £80 payable yearly unto the said Elizabeth Gerrard out of the lands of Tankardstown in the said county as therein before and in the will of William Gerrard Esq. therein named, mentioned and also several bonds and warrants described on a schedule enclosed on said deed face and every the judgment which may have been entered thereunto amounting in the whole to the principle sum of £4,080 this and all other the estate and property to which the said Elizabeth is entitled, under and by virtue of said will.

To hold said real sums of money and the securities for the same and the annuity or yearly sum of £80 and all other the said estate and effects to which said Elizabeth is entitled under the said will unto the said Thomas Hinds, his executors, administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof, respectively, upon the trusts and to and for the intents and purposes therein mentioned, expressed and declared of and concerning the same as by said deed more fully appears.

The agreement was signed and sealed by William Foster and Elizabeth Gerrard and witnessed by Elizabeth's sister, Catherine Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster, and Andrew Byrne, also of Dublin, gentleman. It was registered on 12 February 1795.10 
Marriage*12 January 1795She married William Foster on 12 January 1795 at St. Mary's Church of Ireland, Dublin.10,11,12 
(Bride's Sister) Marriage Settlement27 February 1799Elizabeth was a witness to a memorial of an indented deed of settlement dated 27 February 1799 made between John Small of the city of Dublin, gentleman, attorney-at-law of the first part, and her sister Catherine Gerrard of the city of Dublin, spinster of the second part, and Thomas Hinds of Dublin, gentleman of the third part as trustee.13 


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1794; Film number 535733; Volume 500; Pages 21-22; Deed number 308065. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763l. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  3. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Marriage of William Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, and Ann Cosby of the parish of St. Andrew, spinster, 13th December 1756.
  4. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will (3 October 1763), Abstract of the Will of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard.
  5. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763.
  6. [S1725] William Gerrard will (24 December 1788), Abstract of the Will of William Gerrard of Dormstown, County Meath, Ireland Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1788 Will of William Gerrard.
  7. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, William Gerrard, will dated 24 December 1788, probated 11 January 1794.
  8. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1814; Film number 545070; Volume 672; Pages 321-323; Deed number 464033.
  9. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1794; Film number 535733; Volume 500; Pages 21-22; Deed number 308065, images 339-340.
  10. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1795; Film# 545052, Volume 482, page 386, Deed Number312042, image 208.
  11. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing the Church Records on, at…. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  12. [S1659], online at, Church Records, marriage of William "Forster" and Elizabeth Gerrard on 12 January 1795, although indexed as 12 January 1794, at St. Mary's Church, Dublin, with the church register page attached. Hereinafter cited as
  13. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1799; Film# 536060, Volume 520, page 202, Deed Number 339821, image 114.
  14. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates.

Elizabeth Gerrard1

d. before 3 October 1763
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1 d. Nov 1763
Mother*Catherine Cooper1
Birth*Elizabeth was probably born in County Meath, Ireland.1 
Marriage*She married ______ Taylor.1 
Death*before 3 October 1763She died before 3 October 1763, the date her father wrote his will.2 
(Daughter) Will3 October 1763Although deceased, Elizabeth was named in the will of her father dated 3 October 1763 at Liscartan, County Meath. His will left £300 to be divided amongst such children of his eldest daughter Elizabeth Taylor, deceased, as should be alive at the date of testator's death.2,3 


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763l. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  2. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will (3 October 1763), Abstract of the Will of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard.
  3. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at, Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, will dated 3 October 1763, probated 4 December 1763.

Elizabeth Gerrard1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*John Gerrard1 d. 24 Dec 1780
Mother*Hannah Wynne1
Birth*Elizabeth Gerrard was born in County Meath, Ireland.1 
(Daughter) Deed Memorial10 June 1803A memorial of an indented deed of lease and release, the release dated 10 June 1803 was made between the Reverend Samuel Gerrard of Dunleer in the county of Louth, the grandson of Thomas Gerrard, formerly of Liscartan in the county of Meath, gentleman, of the one part, Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard, then of the city of Dublin, spinsters, the only daughters and co-heiresses at law of John Gerrard, formerly of Liscartan in the county of Meath, gentleman, of the second part, and which said John Gerrard was the eldest son of Samuel Gerrard, the eldest son of Thomas, and John Gerrard of Gibbstown in the county of Meath, Esq., of the third part.

Whereby after reciting as therein is recited, the said Samuel Gerrard, in consideration of £4,200 sterling, and the said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard, in considerations therein mentioned according to their respective rights, did grant, bargain, sell, assign, alien, release unto the said John Gerrard of Gibbstown, in his possession then being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made as therein mentioned, and to his heirs and assigns, all that and those the said towns and lands of Gibbstown, Troystown and Great Donaghpatrick consisting in the whole, by a survey lately made thereof, of 600 acres plantation measure, be the same more or less, situate, lying and being in the county of Meath.

To hold the said towns, lands, and premises to the said John Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, forever.

The deed and the memorial were executed, signed and sealed by Samuel Gerrard, and witnessed by Arthur Dunn of the city of Dublin, Esq. and Christopher Cusack of Rathaldron in the county of Meath, Esq. The memorial was registered on 6 July 1803.1 
(Daughter) Deed MemorialMay 1813A memorial of an indented deed of conveyance dated May 1813 was made between Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard, daughters and only children and co-heiresses of John Gerrard late of Curristown, County Westmeath, spinsters, of the one part, the Reverend Mungo Henry Waller of Allenstown in the county of Meath, clerk, executor of Robert Waller, late of Allenstown aforesaid, deceased, of the second part, and George Thompson of Clonskeagh Castle in the county of Dublin, Esq. of the third part.

Ireland’s memorial deeds are handwritten, and the microfilmed copies are often difficult to read. Additionally, we are uncertain, in some instances, that we have identified the correct townland. In earlier times, how the name of a townland was spelled depended upon how the initial scribe heard the name pronounced, and then how future scribes interpreted what was written. As a result, the names and spellings of many Irish townlands were spelled differently from deed to deed, book to book and year to year.

Attempts to standardize the spelling of Ireland’s townlands began around the turn of the 20th century. A townland’s Barony did not always remain constant, either. Changes were made as populations grew. Our own transcription that follows attempts to identify the correct townlands mentioned in the deed and spell them in the current (2020) standard form. Our placement of quotation marks around a townland’s name means we remain uncertain about our selection of the correct townland, or have used the spelling as we saw it in the deed because we couldn’t find a good guess.

In the case of this specific 1813 deed, the microfilmed copy was fairly easy to read. One of the townlands, however, the townland we have decided might now be called “Kill”, was spelled five different ways in the seven times it was mentioned in the deed. Three times it was spelled “Kilballbragh”, and once each it was called “Kilballbrack”, “Kulballbrack”, “Kilbellbragh” and “Killbellrath”.

“Kill” was the townland we determined was a likely candidate to choose as our mystery townland for two reasons. Our first reason is that in Griffith’s Valuation of 1854, the townland of Kill is shown as contiguous to the townland of Calliaghstown, which is shown as contiguous to Rathmore, the other two townlands mentioned in this 1813 deed, and the second reason is that the Immediate Lessor of Kill in Griffith’s Valuation of 1854 was George Thompson, the name of the man to whom the lands were transferred by this 1813 deed. Our transcription follows, and we welcome suggestions and corrections:

Reciting that by indenture of 13 November 1764, Robert Rochfort Earl of Belvedere devised and set to Samuel Gerrard of Curristown all that part of the towns and lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill containing 508 acres more or less, situate, lying and being in the county of Westmeath. To hold to the said Samuel Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, from the 7th of November then last, for the lives of John Gerrard, Thomas Gerrard and Samuel Gerrard, sons of the said Samuel Gerrard, with a covenant for perpetual renewal on the full of each life at the yearly rent of £404 payable half yearly as therein mentioned.

And also reciting that by indenture bearing date the 2nd of March 1772 and made between the said Samuel Gerrard, then of Liscartan, of the first part, John Gerrard, eldest son and heir apparent of the said Samuel of the second part, and the Reverend John Wynne and Hannah (Wynne) Gerrard, his daughter, of the third part, that the said Samuel Gerrard, in consideration of a marriage then to be had between the said John Gerrard and the said Hannah Gerrard, and also in consideration of the marriage portion of the said Hannah Wynne, had assigned to the said John Gerrard as a provision for him, all that part of the towns and lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill with their appurtenances thereunto belonging. To hold unto the said John Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, for the lives of him, the said John Gerrard, Thomas Gerrard and Samuel Gerrard with the covenant for perpetual renewal as therein mentioned.

And reciting that the said John Gerrard, for the considerations therein mentioned, did devise the said lands and premises unto the said John Wynne, to hold to the said John Wynne, his executors, administrators or assigns, for the term of 99 years in trust to the intent and purpose that the said John Wynne, his executors, administrators or assigns should receive the rents and profits of the said lands and there such to pay the said Hannah Wynne one annuity or yearly sum of £100 during her life, and also reciting that the said John Gerrard, on or about the 24th of November1780, made and published his last will and testament and thereby devised unto his daughters, the said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard, all his estate and interest in the said lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill to be equally divided between them, share and share alike, with such benefit of survivorship as therein mentioned.

And also reciting that by indented deed bearing date the 23rd of December 1780 the said John Gerrard did assign and make over unto Robert Waller of Allenstown in the county of Meath the said lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill in trust to permit and suffer, after payments of the rent and of the annuity of £100 to the said Hannah Gerrard, the issue male and female of the said John Gerrard on the body of the said Hannah Wynne to receive the rents, issues and profits of said lands as co-partners and tenants in common, share and share alike, and to the heirs of their respective bodies.

And also reciting that the said Robert Waller was then dead and that the said Mungo Henry Waller was his executor and personal representative.

And also reciting that by indenture dated the 4th of June 1800 the said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard renewed the lease of the said lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill with the Honorable William Leeson in whom the estate and interest of the said Robert, Earl of Belvedere became legally vested by adding the life of the said Maria Gerrard to the said term in the removal of the said John Gerrard, deceased, and reciting that the said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard were all unmarried and that they attained their ages of 21 years, and that they being desirous of disposing of said lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill had agreed to sell and convey to the said George Thompson for the considerations therein after mentioned.

The deed witnessed that the said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard, for and in consideration of the sum of £2,000 to them in hand paid at or before the perfection of the said deed, and also in consideration of 5 shillings to the said Mungo H. Waller in hand paid, they, and each of them, did grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and make over to the said George Thompson, in his actual possession by virtue of a bargain to him made, and to his heirs and assigns, all that and those the said parts of the said towns and lands of Rathmore, Calliaghstown and Kill, situate in the county of Westmeath with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To hold to the said George Thompson, his heirs and assigns, for and during the natural lives and life of the said Thomas Gerrard, Samuel Gerrard and Maria Gerrard, and the survivor of them, and for the lives of such other persons as shall forever be added thereto by virtue of the covenant for perpetual renewal in the original lease of said lands, contract subject, nevertheless, to the rents and covenants in the original lease mentioned.

The said Maria Gerrard, Hannah Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard did covenant that they had good right, full power, and lawful and absolute authority to make the said conveyance to the said George Thompson, and that they did not do, commit or suffer to be done any act, matter or thing to charge or encumber the said lands, and present but that the same was freely discharged from all encumbrances whatsoever except said annuity of £100 payable to the said Hannah Wynne as herein before mentioned, and of the said George Thompson, his heirs and assigns, paying the rent and performing the covenants in the original lease thereof contained, might peacefully and quietly hold and enjoy the said lands and premises.

The memorial was executed, signed and sealed by Maria, Hannah and Elizabeth Gerrard, and witnessed by Thomas Thompson and Michael Reilly. It was registered on 18 May 1813.2 


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1803; Film# 545029, Volume 557, pages 170, Deed Number 369600, image 391. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1813; Film# 545086, Volume 661, pages 348-349, Deed Number 455176, image 187.

Elizabeth Hannah Gerrard1

b. 17 November 1848
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Samuel Gerrard1 b. 1814, d. 22 Apr 1882
Mother*Hannah Elizabeth Montserrat1
Birth*17 November 1848Elizabeth Hannah Gerrard was born on 17 November 1848 in Clontarf, County Dublin, Ireland,1,2 
Baptism18 January 1849 and was baptized on 18 January 1849 at the Clontarf Parish Church.2 


  1. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing a suggestion from an unidentified source. Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  2. [S1659], online at, Church Records, baptism on 18 January 1849 of Elizabeth Hannah Gerrard in the Parish Church of Clontarf, County Dublin, daughter of Samuel Gerrard, solicitor, and Hannah Elizabeth Gerrard of Vernon Parade, Clontarf, born 17 November 1848, with the church register page attached. Hereinafter cited as

Elizabeth Mary Gerrard1,2,3

d. 1909
ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*Thomas Gerrard1,2,3 b. 9 Dec 1779, d. 7 Apr 1836
Mother*Letitia Garnett1,2,3 d. 3 Dec 1890
Birth*Elizabeth Mary Gerrard was born in Boynehill, County Meath, Ireland.1,2,3 
Marriage*April 1867She married Major H. T. Johnston of Ratoath, County Meath, son of Reverend Henry Johnston, in April 1867.1,2,3 
Death*1909She died in 1909.4 


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Volume I, page 632. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates, citing A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland, Hereinafter cited as "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research."
  3. [S1649] Sir Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland : Revised by A. C. Fox-Davies, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (London, England: Harrison & Sons, 1912 New Edition), page 262. Hereinafter cited as A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland (1912 New Edition).
  4. [S1640] Mairéad Crinion of Evergreen Oak Family Research Services at…, "Gerrard - Gibney Family Research," e-mail messages exchanged on multiple dates.