John Rochfort Esq.1

b. 1710
Father*John Rochfort Esq.1 b. 1690
Mother*Deborah Staunton1
Birth*1710John Rochfort Esq. was born in 1710 in Ireland.1 
Marriage*1733He married Emilia Eyre, daughter of John Eyre Esq., in 1733.1 
Residence*He was described as being of Clogrenane, County Carlow.1 


Emilia Eyre
Child 1.John Rochfort Esq.1 b. 1735


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Rochfort of Clogrenane, Volume II, page 1366. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.

John Rochfort Esq.1

b. 1735
Father*John Rochfort Esq.1 b. 1710
Mother*Emilia Eyre1
Birth*1735John Rochfort Esq. was born in 1735 in Clogrenane, County Carlow, Ireland.1 
Marriage*1760He married Dorothea Burgh of Bert House, County Kildare, daughter of Thomas Burgh, in 1760.1 
(2nd Cousin) Marriage Settlement7 September 1816John was named in a memorial of indented deeds of lease and release dated 6 and 7 September 1816 respectively made between the Honorable Martha Wingfield of the city of Dublin in Ireland, spinster, of the first part, James MacCormick of the same city, Esq., of the second part, Thomas Gerrard of Tallyho, County Westmeath, in Ireland, Esq., of the third part, Samuel Gerrard of the same place, Esq., the only son of the said Thomas Gerrard of the fourth part, Thomas Leversage Fowler of Pendeford in the parish of Tettenhall, Staffordshire, England, Esq., of the fifth part, Elizabeth Fowler of Pendeford aforesaid, spinster, eldest daughter of the said Thomas Leversage Fowler by his late wife Harriett, of the sixth part, and Edward John Littleton of Teddesley Hall in Staffordshire, England, Esq., and the Reverend Samuel Gerrard of Clonmore in the county of Louth, Ireland, of the seventh part.

The memorial is complicated and mentions several other people in addition to the parties involved in its development and execution. Samuel Gerrard and John Gerrard, both deceased, were the father and older brother, respectively, of Thomas Gerrard of the third part, and Samuel the father was a brother-in law of Robert Rochfort Earl of Belvedere, also deceased. George Rochfort, the 2nd Earl of Belvedere and also deceased, was the son of Robert Rochfort and a first cousin to Thomas Gerrard and nephew to Samuel Gerrard the father. John Rochfort Esq. was a second cousin to Thomas Gerrard, being the grandson of the brother of Thomas Gerrard's maternal grandfather. Tompson Lyons and James Callentine were tenants on part of the lands of Paslicktown in the county of Westmeath, and John Bagnell and John Lewis were each mentioned as being one of the lives, or cestui que vies on different lease agreements. The memorial began:

Reciting among other things, indentures of lease and release dated respectively the 30th and 31st of March 1767, and registered the (date left blank) in (Book, page and deed number left blank), being a lease from Samuel Gerrard, father of the said Thomas Gerrard, to his brother-in-law, the Honorable Robert Rochfort Earl of Belvedere, of part of the lands of Paslicktown, County Westmeath, for three lives with a covenant for perpetual renewal at the yearly rent of £34, 19s, 8.5p.

And reciting that under an intermediate conveyance, and ultimately certain indentures of lease and release dated respectively the 27th and 28th of December 1810 and registered the 4th day of September 1807 (which doesn't make sense) in Book 627, Page 49 and No. 433862, the said Thomas Gerrard became entitled to the devised lands and premises for all said estate of the said Robert Rochfort therein.

And reciting indentures of lease and release dated the 1st and 2nd days of January 1777 and registered the 3rd day of May 1780 in Book 334, Page 315 and No. 223478, being a lease from the said Samuel Gerrard the father, to the said Thomas Gerrard on part of the lands of Paslicktown, County Westmeath, for three lives with a covenant for perpetual renewal at the yearly rent of £86.

And reciting indentures of lease and release dated respectively the 31st day of September 1810 and the 1st day of January 1811 and registered the 7th day of February in the year 1811 in Book 633, Page 263 and No. 433982, being a mortgage from the said Thomas Gerrard to the said Martha Wingfield of the premises comprised in both the aforesaid leases for securing the sum of £1,300 and interest.

And reciting among other things, indentures of lease and release dated respectively the 20th and 21st of September 1815 and registered the same 21st day of September in Book 693, Page 344 and No. 476076, being a second mortgage of all the aforesaid premises from the said Thomas Gerrard to the said James MacCormick for securing the sum of £190 and interest.

And reciting indentures of lease and release dated respectively the 28th and 29th of April 1786 and registered the (date left blank) in (Book, page and Deed number left blank), being a lease from their cousin, George Rochfort, the late Earl of Belvedere, to the said Thomas Gerrard and John Rochfort Esq. of the town and lands of Boherquill in County Westmeath for three lives at the yearly rent of £122, 17s together with 6s in the pound as receivers fees.

And reciting an indenture dated the 29th of October then last and registered the (date left blank) in (Book, page and deed number left blank), being a deed of partition between the said Thomas Gerrard and John Rochfort of the said town and lands of Boherquill under which 118 acres of the same lands were allotted to the said Thomas Gerrard in severalty and the yearly rent of £684, 3s, and £1, 14s in receivers fees were approved in respect of the same allotment.

And reciting an intended marriage of the said Samuel Gerrard the son, party thereto, and Elizabeth Fowler, and showing the fortune to which the said Elizabeth Fowler was entitled consisting of the sum of £6,666, 17s in 3 percent consolidated bank annuities, and an expected portion of £833, 6s, 8p, being 1/6 part of the several sums of £3,000, £1,000 and £1,000 with benefit of survivorship on contingencies on her father and mother's marriage settlement, and a deed of appointment in exercise of a power therein contained and bearing date the day next before the day of the date of the release now memorialized, and a sum of £2,000 agreed to be secured as another portion for her benefit by the bond of her father the said Thomas Leversage Fowler, to be paid within 12 calendar months after his decease.

And reciting that upon the treaty of the said then intended marriage, the said Thomas Gerrard agreed to convey and assure the life-hold lands and premises to which he was entitled under the several therein recited indentures, to and upon the uses and trusts and with the parties therein after declared and contained thereof, for the several benefits for himself and the said Samuel Gerrard the son and Elizabeth Fowler and the issue of the said then intended marriage, and that he also agreed to assign several debts or sums of money due to him from different persons by judgments entered separately in His Majesty's Courts of Record in Ireland, or some of them, unto trustees, the said Edward John Littleton and Samuel Gerrard, clerk, upon the trusts therein after declared thereof by way of indemnity as therein, and no part hereinafter mentioned.

It is by the now memorialized indenture of release witnessed that in pursuance of the therein recited agreements, and in consideration of the sum of £1,300 to the said Martha Wingfield and of the sum of £190 to the said James MacCormick, paid by or by the direction of the said Elizabeth Fowler out of part of her fortune as therein mentioned, with the privity and consent of the said Thomas Gerrard and Samuel Gerrard the son, testified as therein expressed in discharge of the like sums secured to them respectively on mortgages of the premises severally comprised in the said indentures of the 30 and 31 days of March 1767 and the 1st and 2nd days of January 1777.

And also in consideration of the said then intended marriage between the said Samuel Gerrard the son and Elizabeth Fowler, and of the residue of her fortune so disposed and agreed to be disposed of as therein mentioned, and for the nominal consideration of 10 shillings to the said Martha Wingfield and James MacCormick at the request and by the direction of the said Thomas Gerrard testified as therein presented, he did bargain, sell and release, and the said Thomas Gerrard did grant, release and confirm unto the said Edward John Littleton and Samuel Gerrard, clerk, in their actual possession by virtue of the now memorialized deed of lease, and their executors and administrators, all that and those the different parts of the town and lands of Paslicktown, situate and being in the barony of Fartullagh in the county of Westmeath aforesaid, comprised in the several indentures of the 30 and 31 of March 1767 and the 1st and 2nd days of January 1777 together with the capital messuage or Mansion House and the offices thereto called Tallyho House erected on part of the lands comprised in the same indentures, and all other erections and buildings thereon, and also all that, the aforesaid part of the said lands of Boherquill, containing 118 acres plantation measure more or less which was conveyed or allotted in severalty by the said indenture of the 29 day of October then last to the said Thomas Gerrard, his heirs and assigns, as his and their several proportion of the town, land and other premises comprised on the said indenture of the 28th and 29th day of April 1786, all which said town, land and other premises thereby released were then in the several occupations of the said Thomas Gerrard, Tompson Lyons and James Callentine or their respective under-tenants, with the appurtenances thereto belonging.

To hold the town, lands and other premises thereby released unto the said Edward John Littleton and Samuel Gerrard, clerk, their executors, administrators and assigns from thenceforth in the manner following, that is to say, to hold all such parts of the same premises as were comprised in the said indentures of lease and release of the 30 and 31 days of March 1767 for the lives and life of his present Majesty King George III, the then cestui que vies under the same indentures, and for all such other lives and life, terms, estates and interest for which the same premises might be thereafter granted by virtue of or under the covenant in the same indenture of release contained for renewal, or any tenant right or benefit of renewal whatsoever, under and subject nevertheless to the payment from thenceforth of the yearly rent of £34, 19s, 8.5p reserved by the same indenture.

And to hold the performance and observance of the covenants, provisions and agreements therein contained on the lessee or tenants part to be performed and observed as to all such parts of the premises thereby released as were comprised in the said indentures of lease and release of the 1st and 2nd days of January 1777, for the lives and life of John Lewis and John Rochfort, the then cestui que vies under the same indentures, and the survivor of them, and for all such other lives and life, term, estate and interest for which the same premises might be thereafter granted by virtue of or under the covenant in the same indenture of release contained for renewal or any tenant right or benefit of renewal whatsoever under and subject nevertheless from thenceforth of the yearly rent of £86 reserved by the same indenture and to the performance and observance of the covenants, provisions and agreements therein contained on the lessees or tenants part to be performed and observed and as to all such parts of the premises thereby released as were comprised in the said indentures of lease and release of the 28th and 29th days of April 1786 and in the said indenture of the 29th day of October then last for the lives and life of John Rochfort, Samuel Gerrard the son, and John Bagnell, the cestui que vies named in the said indenture of the 29th day of April 1786 and the survivors and survivor of them and for any other term which might be thereafter granted therein under any tenant right or favor whatsoever, under and subject nevertheless to the payment from thenceforth of the apportioned yearly rent of £68, 4s, 3p and £1, 14s receivers fees, part of the said yearly rent of £122, 17s and receivers fees reserved by the said last mentioned indenture.

And to hold the performance and observance of the covenants, provisions and agreements contained on the lessee or tenants part to be performed and observed as far as respect to such of the premises thereby granted as were in the now memorialized indenture comprised and as to all and singular the town, lands and other premises thereby released so severally subject as aforesaid to and upon the several uses and trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions therein and in part herein mentioned, that is to say to the use of the said Thomas Gerrard and his heirs until the said intended marriage should take effect but subject until that event to the said mortgage debts or principal sums of £1,300 and £190 on part of the same premises and thereby advanced and satisfied out of the fortune of the said Elizabeth Fowler as aforesaid and the interest thereof respectively for the benefit of the said Elizabeth Fowler and from and immediately after the solemnization of the said then intended marriage and freed and wholly discharged of and from the same mortgage debts or principal sums and all interest and arrears of interest thereof to upon and for the several uses trusts, intents and purposes and with and subject to the several powers and provisions therein declared and contained of and concerning the same for the several benefits of the said Thomas Gerrard, Samuel Gerrard the son, and Elizabeth Fowler and the issue of the said then intended marriage.

And it is by the now memorialized indenture of lease also witnessed that in further pursuance of the said recited agreements on the part of the said Thomas Gerrard, and in consideration of the said then intended marriage, and for other the considerations thereinafter expressed, the said Thomas Gerrard did covenant with the said Edward John Littleton and Samuel Gerrard, clerk, their executors, administrators and assigns, in case the said then intended marriage should take effect, then within three calendar months after the solemnization thereof, at his own expense, to assign and assure as well the said several therein before recited judgment debts entered of record in Ireland against the said Samuel Gerrard the father, and his eldest son John Gerrard, brother of Thomas Gerrard, and each of them for the several sums of money then vested in or otherwise payable to him the said Thomas Gerrard and therein before recited of all which several judgments thereby covenanted to be assigned proper memorials are intended to be enrolled immediately after the execution of such respective assignments thereof, and all monies due and owing thereon respectively and all powers and remedies for the same unto the said Edward John Littleton and Samuel Gerrard, clerk, their executors, administrators and assigns, upon the trusts therein declared thereof as indemnity in the first place unto the said town, lands and other premises respectively comprised in the said several indentures of lease and release of the 30th and 31st days of March 1767 and the 1st and 2nd days of January 1777 and to the person and persons for the time being beneficially entitled under the trusts and powers therein before contained in respect of the same, of and for the payment of the said several yearly rents of £34, 19s, 8.5p and £86 reserved by the same several indentures of release and each of them, and all powers and remedies given for the recovery thereof or any part thereof respectively, and all costs and expenses to be incurred on account of the same, or any of them, or any non-payments thereon respectively, and in the next place unto the lands and other premises conveyed or released in severalty to the said Thomas Gerrard his heirs and assigns by the same indenture of the 29th day of October then last and thereby released, and to the person and persons for the time being beneficially entitled thereto as aforesaid in respect of the same of and from the defects and imperfections in the said indenture of the 29th day of April 1786, or in the said partition made by the same indenture of the 29th day of October then last of the premises therein comprised, or by reason of the conveyance thereby made of the last mentioned premises, or any inability to dispose thereof, or any inability to dispose hereof, or any other infirmary of settle in the same premises or any of them, and of and from all actions or suit, cause or causes of actions or suit, evictions, interruptions, costs, charges, damages and expenses, claims and demands whatsoever, of or by the owner or owners for the time being of the revision and inheritance of the last mentioned premises on account of any such defects, imperfections, inabilities or infirmary and subject thereto in trust for the said Thomas Gerrard, his executors, administrators and assigns, which said indenture of release now memorialized contained other covenants and clauses and the same as to the execution thereof by the said Thomas Gerrard, Samuel Gerrard the son, Thomas Leversage Fowler, Elizabeth Fowler, and also this memorial as the execution thereof by the said Thomas Gerrard and Samuel Gerrard the son.

The several agreements were each signed and sealed in England by the appropriate parties and witnessed by James Holyoake of Tettenhall, Staffordshire, attorney, William Thacker of Penn, Staffordshire, attorney-at-law, and Elizabeth Moore, servant to the said Thomas Leversage Fowler, and which said deed and the memorial as to the execution by Samuel Gerrard, clerk, was witnessed by James Dunn of the city of Dublin, attorney-at-law, and Charles James Howard, clerk to the said James. It was registered on 06 May 1817.2 


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Rochfort of Clogrenane, Volume II, page 1366. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1817, Film# 463934, Volume 714, pages 574-A-574-E, Deed number 488909, images 532-534. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.

Lewis Rochfort1

Father*George Rochfort1 d. 1786
Birth*Lewis Rochfort was born in County Westmeath, Ireland.1 
Marriage*He married Mary Bonynge.2 


Mary Bonynge
Children 1.George Bonynge Rochfort1,2 b. 1781, d. 18 Jan 1864
 2.Lewis Rochfort1


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, George Rochfort of Side Brooke, County Westmeath, will dated 13 February 1786, probated 18 May 1786. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, George Bonynge Rochfort, Memorial# 175768733. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.

Lewis Rochfort1

Father*Lewis Rochfort1
Mother*Mary Bonynge1


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, George Rochfort of Side Brooke, County Westmeath, will dated 13 February 1786, probated 18 May 1786. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.

Mary Rochfort1

ChartsDescendants of Thomas Gerrard of Gibbstown, County Meath, Ireland and his Brothers
Father*George Rochfort1
Mother*Elizabeth Moore Hamilton2 b. 1682
Marriage Settlement*9 February 1739A memorial of indented deeds of lease and release dated 08 and 9 February 1739, the deed of release made between Samuel Gerrard of Donaghpatrick in the county of Meath, gentleman, of the one part, and George Rochfort of Piercetown in the county of Westmeath, gentleman, and Mary Rochfort, daughter of the said George Rochfort, of the other part.

Reciting that whereas Hugh Wilton Esq., by indenture of lease bearing date the 7th of February then instant did devise and set unto the said Samuel Gerrard the town and lands thereinafter assigned for the three lives thereinafter named.

And further reciting that whereas a marriage by God and mission was intended to be had and solemnized by and between the said Samuel Gerrard and the said Mary Rochfort.

The said indenture did therefore witness that the said Samuel Gerrard, for and in consideration of the said intended marriage and of the sum of £500 sterling marriage portion of the said Mary Rochfort, and in order to make some provision for the said Mary in case she shall survive the said Samuel Gerrard, he the said Samuel Gerrard did grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer and make over to the said George Rochfort, in his actual possession then being by indenture bearing date the day last before the day of said release, and to his heirs, all that and those the town and lands of Paslicktown, containing by estimation 211 acres profitable land plantation measure, with the appurtenances then in the tenure and occupancy of the said Samuel Gerrard, situate, lying and being in the barony of Fartullagh and county of Westmeath, and all the estate right, title and interest whatsoever of the said Samuel Gerrard to the said premises by virtue of the said recited indenture of lease. To hold all and single the said assigned premises unto the said George Rochfort, his heirs and assigns, from thenceforth, for and during the natural lives and life of William Briggs, eldest son of Benjamin Briggs of Castletown in the county of Westmeath, the said Mary Rochfort and Samuel Gerrard, and the survivors and the survivor of them, upon special trust and confidence that the said George Rochfort, his heirs and assigns, do and shall permit and suffer the said Samuel Gerrard and his assigns to take the yearly rents, issues and profits of the said assigned premises during the term of his natural life. And, in case the said Mary Rochfort shall happen to survive the said Samuel Gerrard having issue by him living at the time of his death, then upon special trust and confidence that the said George Rochfort, his heirs and assigns, do permit and suffer the said Mary Rochfort and her assigns, to have and receive the yearly rents and profits thereof for and during the term of her natural life.

The deeds of lease and release were witnessed by John Rochfort of Piercetown in the county of Westmeath, gentleman, and Mary Bagnall, daughter to Timothy Bagnall, of Rahugh, in said county, gentleman. The memorial was executed, signed and sealed by George Rochfort, and witnessed by the said John Rochfort and the Reverend John Ross, clerk. It was registered on 14 June 1746.1 
Marriage*before 14 June 1746She married Samuel Gerrard of Donaghpatrick, County Meath, son of Thomas Gerrard and Catherine Cooper, before 14 June 1746, the date their marriage settlement agreement was registered.1 
Relationship Note*The relationship between Thomas Gerrard's mother, Mary (Rochfort) Gerrard, and his father-in-law, George Rochfort, has not yet been identified.3 
(Aunt) Relationship NoteMary was a 2nd great-grandaunt of Bertha Madeline Frances Lambart who would marry Thomas Gerrard Collins, her husband' Samuel Gerrard's 1st cousin 3 times removed, in 1903.4,2 


Samuel Gerrard
Children 1.John Gerrard+1 d. 24 Dec 1780
 2.Catherine Gerrard5
 3.Mary Gerrard5,6
 4.Thomas Gerrard+7
 5.Samuel Gerrard7,8 b. 1751, d. 25 Dec 1833


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1746; Film# 461350, Volume 121, pages 463-464, deed number 83610, images 553-554. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Rochfort of Westmeath, Volume II, page 1366. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  3. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, George Rochfort of Side Brooke, County Westmeath, will dated 13 February 1786, probated 18 May 1786. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.
  4. [S1655] John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, Privy Council & Order of Precedence (99th Edition), downloaded from the Family History Library at (London, England: Burke's Peerage Limited, 1949), Lambart, page 1156. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (99th Edition).
  5. [S1719] Thomas Gerrard will (3 October 1763), Abstract of the Will of Thomas Gerrard of Liscartan, County Meath, Ireland, Ms. 654, "Abstracts of wills of Thomas and William Gerrard", received with great joy and many thanks from a fellow Gerrard researcher who received them from the National Library of Ireland, Genealogical Office in Dublin. LHB Computer Files, Summerlin, Nevada. Hereinafter cited as Abstract of the 1763 Will of Thomas Gerrard.
  6. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1773; Film# 531668, Volume 295, pages 354-355, deed number 196652, images 192-193.
  7. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1813; Film# 545086, Volume 661, pages 348-349, Deed Number 455176, image 187.
  8. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms: 1803; Film# 545029, Volume 557, pages 170, Deed Number 369600, image 391.

Robert Rochfort Earl of Belvedere1

d. 1772
Father*George Rochfort2
Mother*Elizabeth Moore Hamilton2 b. 1682
Birth*Robert Rochfort Earl of Belvedere was born, probably in County Westmeath, Ireland.2 
Marriage*1736He married Mary Molesworth, daughter of 3rd Viscount Richard Molesworth, in 1736.2 
Peerage of Ireland*29 November 1756Robert was created Baron Bellfield on 16 March 1737, Viscount Bellfield on 05 October 1751 and Earl of Belvedere on 29 November 1756.2 
Death*1772He died in 17722 
Peerage of Ireland*1772 and the title succeeded to his eldest son George, who became the 2nd Earl of Belvedere.3 


Mary Molesworth
Child 1.George Rochfort2 b. 1738, d. 1814


  1. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1813; Film# 545086, Volume661, pages 348-349, Deed Number 455176, image 187. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  2. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Rochfort of Westmeath, Volume II, page 1366. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  3. [S1655] John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, Privy Council & Order of Precedence (99th Edition), downloaded from the Family History Library at (London, England: Burke's Peerage Limited, 1949), Drogheda, pages 625-626. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (99th Edition).

Robert Rochfort Esq.1

b. 9 December 1652, d. 10 October 1727
Birth*9 December 1652Robert Rochfort Esq. was born on 9 December 1652.1 
Marriage*He married Hannah Handcock of Twyford, County Westmeath, daughter of William Handcock.1 
Political Service*27 August 1695Robert was chosen Speaker of the Irish House of Commons on 27 August 16951 
Political Service30 June 1707 and was constituted Chief Baron of the Exchequer on 30 June 1707.1 
Death*10 October 1727He died on 10 October 1727 at age 74.1 


Hannah Handcock
Children 1.George Rochfort+1
 2.John Rochfort Esq.+2,3,1 b. 1690


  1. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1879), Rochfort of Westmeath, Volume II, page 1366. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.
  2. [S588] Ireland Registry of Deeds, Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929; on 2687 FHL microfilms. Most are now digitized and available online at, LDS Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1746; Film# 461350, Volume 121, pages 463-464, Deed Number 83610, images 553-554. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929.
  3. [S1635] Sir Bernard Burke, Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, Rochfort of Clogrenane, Volume II, pages 1366-1367.

Susanna Rochfort1

Father*George Rochfort1 d. 1786
Birth*Susanna Rochfort was born in County Westmeath, Ireland.1 


  1. [S1620] Betham Genealogical Abstracts, online at Find My Past,, George Rochfort of Side Brooke, County Westmeath, will dated 13 February 1786, probated 18 May 1786. Hereinafter cited as Betham Genealogical Abstracts.

Thomasine Rochfort1

Father*George Rochfort1
Mother*Elizabeth Moore Hamilton1 b. 1682
Birth*Thomasine Rochfort was born in County Westmeath, Ireland.1 
Marriage*She married Gustavus Lambart of Beau Pave, County Meath, son of Charles Lambart and Honorable Elizabeth Hamilton.1 


  1. [S1655] John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, Privy Council & Order of Precedence (99th Edition), downloaded from the Family History Library at (London, England: Burke's Peerage Limited, 1949), Lambart, page 1156. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (99th Edition).

Nancy Rock1

Marriage*She married Waitsel Cary.1 


Waitsel Cary
Child 1.Mary Munson Cary1 b. 7 Nov 1811, d. 30 Apr 1904


  1. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, in two volumes, with indexes in Volume II. Warning: In this researcher's opinion, the information in these volumes often proves to be inaccurate. At the same time, the information presented has provided us with valuable clues for pursuing future research strategies in our attempt to establish a factual history of our Heaton family. (Tempe, Arizona: published for the author by Graphics of Tempe, 1999), Volume I, Chapter 10, pages 438-439. Hereinafter cited as Heaton Families II.

Benjamin Rocket1,2

Marriage*27 September 1678He married Judith Ellice, daughter of Thomas Ellice and Mary Wight, on 27 September 1678 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).3,2,4 


Judith Ellice b. 15 Apr 1658
Child 1.Bethia Rocket+1,2 b. 24 Jul 1679, d. 20 Jul 1738


  1. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield, Volume 1, page 87. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  2. [S1251] Miss Emma Forbes Ware, Ware Genealogy; Robert Ware, of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1642-1699, and his lineal descendants, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1901), page 23. Hereinafter cited as Ware Genealogy.
  3. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield, Volume 1, page 169.
  4. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Ellis, pages 374-383, his surname reported as "Rockwood". Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.

Bethia Rocket1

b. 24 July 1679, d. 20 July 1738
Father*Benjamin Rocket2,3
Mother*Judith Ellice2,3 b. 15 Apr 1658
Birth*24 July 1679Bethia Rocket was born on 24 July 1679 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).4,2 
Marriage*1 December 1701She married, as his first wife, William Mann, son of Reverend Samuel Mann and Esther Ware, on 1 December 1701 in Wrentham.1,5,6 
Death*20 July 1738She died on 20 July 1738 in Wrentham at age 58.7 


William Mann b. 1 May 1679, d. 22 Mar 1765
Child 1.Bethia Mann5 b. 3 Mar 1703/4


  1. [S1249] Miss Emma F. Ware, "Genealogy of Robert Ware of Dedham, Mass.", New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 41, pages 21-52, (January 1887). Hereinafter cited as "Robert Ware of Dedham."
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield, Volume 1, page 87. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S1251] Miss Emma Forbes Ware, Ware Genealogy; Robert Ware, of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1642-1699, and his lineal descendants, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1901), page 23. Hereinafter cited as Ware Genealogy.
  4. [S1251] Miss Emma Forbes Ware, Ware Genealogy, page 23, stating date as "July 4, 1679."
  5. [S1250] George S. Mann, Mann memorial, a record of the Mann family in America : genealogy of the descendants of Richard Mann of Scituate, Mass., preceded by English family records, and an account of the Wrentham, Rehoboth, Boston, Lexington, Virginia and other branches of the Manns who settled in this country, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Press of David Clapp & Son, 1884), Cambridge or Wrentham Branch, pages 17-28. Hereinafter cited as Mann memorial, a record of the Mann family in America.
  6. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Wrentham Marriages, Volume 2, page 446, her given name spelled "Bathiah."
  7. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Wrentham Deaths, Volume 2, page 471.

Elizabeth Rockwood1

b. 3 April 1657, d. 2 June 1688
Father*Nicholas Rockwood2,1 d. 26 Jan 1680/81
Mother*Margaret Holbrook1,2 d. 23 Apr 1670
Birth*3 April 1657Elizabeth Rockwood was born on 3 April 1657 in Medfield.1 
Marriage*24 December 1678She married, as his first wife, John Partridge, son of John Partridge and Magdalen Bullard, on 24 December 1678 in Medfield.1,3 
Death*2 June 1688She died on 2 June 1688 in Medfield at age 31.4,5 


John Partridge b. 21 Sep 1656, d. 9 Dec 1743
Child 1.John Partridge1 b. c 1683, d. 6 Sep 1756


  1. [S1253] George Homes Partridge B.S., "John Partridge, of Medfield, Mass., and his Descendants", New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Volume 57 (1903). The article spans all four issues of 1903 and can be found in the January issue on pages 50-58, in April on pages 184-192, in July on pages 281-288 and in October on pages 389-397: January, pages 51-52. Hereinafter cited as "John Partridge of Medfield, Mass."
  2. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  3. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Marriages, Volume 1, page 162, her surname recorded as "Rockett". Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  4. [S1253] George Homes Partridge B.S., "John Partridge of Medfield, Mass.", January, pages 51-52, noting the date of her death as 22 July 1688, which may instead have been the date of her burial.
  5. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Deaths, Volume 1, page 226.

Hezekiah Rockwood1

b. 1 March 1702/3, d. 8 November 1757
Father*John Rockwood1 b. 12 Feb 1662/63, d. 16 Dec 1746
Mother*Bethia Twichell1
Name Variation The ROCKWOOD surname was often spelled ROCKET and also ROCKETT in the old records.1 
Birth*1 March 1702/3Hezekiah Rockwood was born on 1 March 1702/3 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,2 
Marriage*December 1731He married Esther Hawes of Dedham, daughter of Nathaniel Hawes and Sarah Newell, in December 1731 in Dedham, Suffolk County. They were married by the Reverend Mr. Samuel Dexter.3,4 
Death*8 November 1757He died on 8 November 1757 in Medway, Suffolk County, at age 54.1,5 


Esther Hawes b. 22 Mar 1699/0, d. 19 Sep 1779


  1. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 87, his surname transcribed as "Rocket". Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Dedham, Volumes 1 and 2, page 57, his identity transcribed as "Hez[ekiah]_____of Midway" and her name transcribed as "Easter Haws of Dedham."
  4. [S1240] Raymond Gordon Hawes, The Edward Hawes Heirs : Edward Hawes, ca. 1616-1687, of Dedham, Massachusetts, and his wife, Eliony Lumber : and some of their descendants through eleven generations. Edward Hawes (ca. 1616-1687) was living at Dedham, Massachusetts, by 1648, where he married Eliony Lumber (ca. 1625-1688/9) that year. They had nine children, 1648/9-1666, all born at Dedham. Descendants lived in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and elsewhere. Descendants also spell their surname Haws. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, 1996), Generation Three, pages 15-27. Hereinafter cited as The Edward Hawes Heirs.
  5. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medway Deaths, Volume 1, page 337.

John Rockwood1

b. 12 February 1662/63, d. 16 December 1746
Father*Nicholas Rockwood1,2 d. 26 Jan 1680/81
Mother*Margaret Holbrook1,2 d. 23 Apr 1670
Name Variation The ROCKWOOD surname was often spelled ROCKET and also ROCKETT in the old records.1 
Birth*12 February 1662/63John Rockwood was born on 12 February 1662/63 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).1,2 
Marriage*19 July 1688He married first Bethia Twichell on 19 July 1688 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).1,3 
Marriage*20 June 1710He married second Sarah Adams, daughter of Jonathan Adams and Elizabeth Fussell, on 20 June 1710 in Medfield.1,3 
Death*16 December 1746He died on 16 December 1746 as Reverend John Rockwood in Medway, Suffolk County, at age 83.1,4 

Family 1

Bethia Twichell
Child 1.Hezekiah Rockwood1 b. 1 Mar 1702/3, d. 8 Nov 1757

Family 2

Sarah Adams b. 6 Dec 1667, d. 17 May 1758


  1. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 88, his surname transcribed as "Rockitt". Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Marriages, Volume 1, page 169, his surname transcribed as "Rockett."
  4. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medway Deaths, Volume 1, page 337.

Lydia Rockwood1,2

d. 3 March 1675/76
Father*Richard Rockwood3,2
Mother*Alice Bicknell3,2
Marriage*1652She married, as his first wife, Ensign Edward Adams, son of Henry Adams, in 1652 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).1,4,2,3 
Death*3 March 1675/76She died on 3 March 1675/76.2,5,3 


Ensign Edward Adams b. 1629/30, d. 1716
Child 1.John Adams+1,2 b. 18 Feb 1656/57, d. 1 Mar 1751


  1. [S1253] George Homes Partridge B.S., "John Partridge, of Medfield, Mass., and his Descendants", New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Volume 57 (1903). The article spans all four issues of 1903 and can be found in the January issue on pages 50-58, in April on pages 184-192, in July on pages 281-288 and in October on pages 389-397: January, pages 50-51. Hereinafter cited as "John Partridge of Medfield, Mass."
  2. [S442] Oliver Ray Pardo, "The Families of Ray Benson Pardo and Viola Berliot Stevens", 28 December 1996 (Port Orchard, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "The Families of Pardo and Stevens."
  3. [S1256] Andrew N. Adams, A Genealogical History of Henry Adams, of Braintree, Mass., and his descendants : also John Adams of Cambridge, Mass., 1632-1897, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Rutland, Vermont: published by the author; The Tuttle Company, Printers, 1898), page 7. Hereinafter cited as Henry Adams of Braintree and John Adams of Cambridge.
  4. [S413] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages: Prior to 1700 (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1985 and 1992), page 3, stating she was his first wife and that her name was "Lydia (Penniman) Rockwood" and then noting that that was probably wrong. Hereinafter cited as New England Marriages: Prior to 1700.
  5. [S413] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages: Prior to 1700, page 3.

Nathaniel Rockwood1

b. 23 February 1665/66, d. 24 September 1721
Father*Nicholas Rockwood2,3 d. 26 Jan 1680/81
Mother*Margaret Holbrook3,2 d. 23 Apr 1670
Name Variation The ROCKWOOD surname was often spelled ROCKET and also ROCKETT in the old records.4 
Birth*23 February 1665/66Nathaniel Rockwood was born on 23 February 1665/66 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).1,2 
Marriage*7 December 1698He married Johanna Ellice, daughter of Thomas Ellice and Mary Wight, on 7 December 1698 in Medfield.5,6 
Death*24 September 1721He died on 24 September 1721 in Wrentham, Suffolk County, at age 55.1,7 


Johanna Ellice b. 17 Jan 1677/78


  1. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community: Eastern Massachusetts, 1630-1885", National Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume 84, Number 2, pages 85-101 (June 1996): noting his surname as "Rockwood". Hereinafter cited as "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community."
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 88, his surname spelled "Rockett". Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community", noting their surname as "Rockwood."
  4. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  5. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community", noting his surname as "Rockwood" in error.
  6. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Marriages, Volume 1, page 169, his surname spelled "Rockett."
  7. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Wrentham Deaths, Volume 2, page 493, his surname recorded as "Rockwood."

Nicholas Rockwood1

d. 26 January 1680/81
Name Variation The ROCKWOOD surname was often spelled ROCKET and also ROCKETT in the old records.2,1,3 
Marriage*He married first Jane Adams in Medfield, Suffolk County.1,3 
(Husband) Death1654Nicholas became a widower when Jane (Adams) Rockwood died in 1654.3 
Marriage*16 July 1656He married second Margaret Holbrook on 16 July 1656 in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).4,1 
(Husband) Death23 April 1670Nicholas became a widower for the second time when Margaret (Holbrook) Rockett died on 23 April 1670.5,6 
Marriage*1675He married third Silence Duntling in 1675 in Medfield.3 
Death*26 January 1680/81He died on 26 January 1680/81 in Medfield.7 

Family 1

Jane Adams d. 1654
Child 1.Samuel Rockwood3 d. 17 Dec 1728

Family 2

Margaret Holbrook d. 23 Apr 1670
Children 1.Elizabeth Rockwood+3,8 b. 3 Apr 1657, d. 2 Jun 1688
 2.John Rockwood+3,9 b. 12 Feb 1662/63, d. 16 Dec 1746
 3.Nathaniel Rockwood10,11 b. 23 Feb 1665/66, d. 24 Sep 1721

Family 3

Silence Duntling


  1. [S413] Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages: Prior to 1700 (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1985 and 1992), page 632, his surname recorded as "Rockwood" for his first two marriages and as "Rockett" for his third in 1680. Hereinafter cited as New England Marriages: Prior to 1700.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 88. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  4. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community: Eastern Massachusetts, 1630-1885", National Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume 84, Number 2, pages 85-101 (June 1996): noting his surname as "Rockwood". Hereinafter cited as "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community."
  5. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community", noting her surname as "Rockwood."
  6. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Deaths, Volume 1, page 232, her surname recorded as "Rockett."
  7. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Deaths, Volume 1, page 233, his surname recorded as "Rockett."
  8. [S1253] George Homes Partridge B.S., "John Partridge, of Medfield, Mass., and his Descendants", New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Volume 57 (1903). The article spans all four issues of 1903 and can be found in the January issue on pages 50-58, in April on pages 184-192, in July on pages 281-288 and in October on pages 389-397: January, pages 51-52. Hereinafter cited as "John Partridge of Medfield, Mass."
  9. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 88, his surname transcribed as "Rockitt."
  10. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield Births, Volume 1, page 88, his surname spelled "Rockett."
  11. [S1318] John M. Kingsbury, "Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community", noting their surname as "Rockwood."

Richard Rockwood1

Marriage*He married Alice Bicknell.1 


Alice Bicknell
Child 1.Lydia Rockwood+2,1 d. 3 Mar 1675/76


  1. [S442] Oliver Ray Pardo, "The Families of Ray Benson Pardo and Viola Berliot Stevens", 28 December 1996 (Port Orchard, Washington). . Hereinafter cited as "The Families of Pardo and Stevens."
  2. [S1256] Andrew N. Adams, A Genealogical History of Henry Adams, of Braintree, Mass., and his descendants : also John Adams of Cambridge, Mass., 1632-1897, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Rutland, Vermont: published by the author; The Tuttle Company, Printers, 1898), page 7. Hereinafter cited as Henry Adams of Braintree and John Adams of Cambridge.

Samuel Rockwood1

d. 17 December 1728
Father*Nicholas Rockwood1 d. 26 Jan 1680/81
Mother*Jane Adams1 d. 1654
Name Variation The ROCKWOOD surname was often spelled ROCKET and also ROCKETT in the old records.1 
Birth*Samuel Rockwood was probably born in Medfield, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony (New England).1 
Marriage*15 December 1671He married first Hannah Ellice, daughter of John Ellice and Susanna Lumber, on 15 December 1671 in Medfield.1,2,3 
(Husband) Death7 May 1717Samuel became a widower when Hannah (Ellice) Rockett died on 7 May 1717.3,1 
Marriage*6 May 1718He married second, as her second husband, Sarah (Newell) Hawes, daughter of Isaac Newell and Elizabeth Curtis, on 6 May 1718 in Dedham.4,5,1 
Death*17 December 1728He died on 17 December 1728 in Medfield.1,6,4 

Family 1

Hannah Ellice b. 9 Apr 1651, d. 7 May 1717

Family 2

Sarah Newell b. 22 Mar 1665


  1. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886 : with genealogies of the families that held real estate or made any considerable stay in the town during the first century, downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Geo. H. Ellis, 1887), Rockwood, pages 471-474. Hereinafter cited as History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield, Volume 1, page 169. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S1291] William S. Tilden, History of the Town of Medfield, Massachusetts 1650-1886, Ellis, pages 374-383.
  4. [S1240] Raymond Gordon Hawes, The Edward Hawes Heirs : Edward Hawes, ca. 1616-1687, of Dedham, Massachusetts, and his wife, Eliony Lumber : and some of their descendants through eleven generations. Edward Hawes (ca. 1616-1687) was living at Dedham, Massachusetts, by 1648, where he married Eliony Lumber (ca. 1625-1688/9) that year. They had nine children, 1648/9-1666, all born at Dedham. Descendants lived in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and elsewhere. Descendants also spell their surname Haws. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, 1996), Generation Two, pages 9-13. Hereinafter cited as The Edward Hawes Heirs.
  5. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Dedham, Volumes 1 & 2, page 43.
  6. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Medfield, Volume 1, page 232.

Grace Rodebaugh1

b. 26 August 1891, d. 20 February 1966
Birth*26 August 1891Grace Rodebaugh was born on 26 August 1891 in Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio.2,3,4 
Name VariationHer full name was Grace Olney Rodebaugh.2 
Marriage*1907She married Albert D. Poole in 1907 in Marshall County, West Virginia.2,1 
Census US 1950*20 April 1950Grace and Albert D. Poole were enumerated on the 1950 census taken on 20 April 1950 at 1006 Waterloo Avenue, Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Their house was not on a farm, and was reported to be on the south side of Waterloo Avenue. Albert's middle initial was recorded as "E." by the census taker. He was 63 years of age and worked as a Mold Finisher at a privately owned Tool and Die Shop. He had worked 24 hours the week before the census was taken. Grace was 58 years of age and worked doing her home housework. Her line number was selected for additional information, and we learned that she had lived in the same house one year before, had attended school into the 9th grade of Secondary School, although had not completed the grade, and had not worked outside her home in 1949. Two of Albert and Grace's children, and two of their grandchildren, were enumerated in their household in 1950. Their son, Stanton, was 19 years old and probably attending school. Their daughter, Vera N. Wills, was 30 years of age and divorced, and her two children, Vera Lavko and William H. Wills, were ages 8 and 3 years, respectively.3 
Death*20 February 1966She died on 20 February 1966 in Akron, Summit County, at age 742,5 
Burial* and was buried in Rose Hill Burial Park, Fairlawn, Summit County.2 


Albert D. Poole b. 11 Jun 1886, d. 31 Jul 1977
Child 1.Vera Naomi Poole+2,6 b. 17 Aug 1919, d. 10 Sep 2007


  1. [S1387] West Virginia, Marriages Index, 1785-1971, online at, marriage of Albert D Poole and Grace Rodebaugh in 1907 in Marshall County, West Virginia, United States. Hereinafter cited as West Virginia Marriages Index 1785-1971.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Grace Olney (Rodebaugh) Poole, Memorial# 146715888. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  3. [S2295] 1950 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Albert E. and Grace Poole, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Akron, Summit, Ohio; Roll: 725; Sheet Number: 9; Enumeration District: 89-20. Hereinafter cited as 1950 United States Federal Census.
  4. [S1456] Social Security (U.S.) Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, online at, Social Security information for Grace Olney Poole, born on 26 August 1891 at Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio, daughter of Alex Rodebaugh and Rachel Duvall, agency notes: Jan 1966: Name listed as GRACE OLNEY POOLE. Hereinafter cited as Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007.
  5. [S1591] Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018, online at, death of Grace O Poole on 20 February 1966 in Akron, Summit County, USA, referencing Ohio Department of Health, Columbus, Ohio. Hereinafter cited as Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Vera Naomi (Poole) Smithausler, Memorial# 146709285.

Albert August Roeschen1

b. 16 March 1883, d. 24 April 1950
Birth*16 March 1883Albert August Roeschen was born on 16 March 1883 in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.1 
Marriage*1906He married Edith Tomlinson in 1906.2,1 
Death*24 April 1950He died on 24 April 1950 in Philadelphia County at age 671 
Burial* and was buried in William Penn Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1 


Edith Tomlinson b. 23 Jun 1886, d. 5 Nov 1952
Child 1.Charles T. Roeschen1,3 b. 1 Aug 1908, d. 12 Nov 1961


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Albert August Roeschen, Memorial# 35575907. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Edith (Tomlinson) Roeschen, Memorial# 35575910.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Charles Thomas Roeschen, Memorial# 89188536.

Charles T. Roeschen1

b. 1 August 1908, d. 12 November 1961
Father*Albert August Roeschen2,1 b. 16 Mar 1883, d. 24 Apr 1950
Mother*Edith Tomlinson3,1 b. 23 Jun 1886, d. 5 Nov 1952
Birth*1 August 1908Charles T. Roeschen was born on 1 August 1908 in Trevose, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.1 
Marriage*He married Gladys Emhart, daughter of William Emhart and Ada Cope.1,4 
Death*12 November 1961He died on 12 November 1961 in Trevose at age 531 
Burial* and was buried in William Penn Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1 


Gladys Emhart b. 15 Oct 1909, d. 1970


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Charles Thomas Roeschen, Memorial# 89188536. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Albert August Roeschen, Memorial# 35575907.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Edith (Tomlinson) Roeschen, Memorial# 35575910.
  4. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Gladys (Emhart) Roeschen, Memorial# 89188539.

Alfred L. Rogers1

b. 1905
Father*Jesse A. Rogers1 b. 14 Mar 1880, d. 5 Oct 1961
Mother*Ora M. Leininger1 b. Dec 1885, d. 27 Oct 1914
Birth*1905Alfred L. Rogers was born about 1905 in Kansas.1,2 
(Son) Census US 191011 May 1910Alfred was enumerated on the 1910 census taken on 11 May 1910 in the household of his parents in Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma. He was 5 years old.2 
(Son) Death27 October 1914Alfred was about 9 years old when his mother died of typhoid on 27 October 1914 at age 28.3 
(Son) Illness28 October 1914The day after his mother's death, the Wichita Beacon dated Wednesday, 28 October 1914, reported the tragic consequences of an open well located behind a neighbor's house. Our transcription of the newspaper's page 5 headline and story, with thanks to the kind contributors at Find A Grave for sharing, follows:

Open Well Causes Death by Means of Typhoid Fever

An open well back of 734 Boston is the cause, according to physicians, of the death of Mrs. Ora M. Rodgers, Tuesday afternoon, from typhoid -- and the serious illness of her three young children from the same disease. Mrs. Rogers and the children became ill about the same time. Death came to the mother at a hospital yesterday after a week of illness. In the same hospital are Jessie, an 11-year-old daughter, and Alfred Rodgers, 9 years old. The latter is believed to be recovering, but Jessie is in a critical condition. Neither know of the mother's death. At a neighbor's house, Floran, 2 years old, Mrs. Rodgers' youngest child, is ill from typhoid. His hands and feet are swollen from the effects of the disease. Mrs. Rodgers was the 27-year-old wife of Jesse A. Rodgers, a plasterer, who today is at the bedside of his oldest child in Wesley Hospital. Mr. Rodgers escaped illness.4 
(Son) ResidenceThe Rogers family had lived at 723 Boston Avenue, Wichita, for three years, and happily, all three of the children survived the typhoid.4 
(Son) Census US 19202 January 1920Alfred L. was enumerated on the 1920 census taken on 2 January 1920 in the household of his widowed father on East Waterman Street, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. He was 14 years old and had attended school within the census year.1,5 


  1. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Jesse A. Rogers, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 116. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S40] 1910 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Jess A. and Ora M. Rogers, Year: 1910; Census Place: Woodward Ward 4, Woodward, Oklahoma; Roll: T624_1276; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 0293; FHL microfilm: 1375289. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782, reporting her birth date as December 1886. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  4. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782.
  5. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, Floran A. Rogers as a boarder in the household of Clarence Peters, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122.

Anna Rogers1

b. 1830
Father*Thomas J. Rogers1 d. 1841
Mother*Mary Unites1 b. 1794
Birth*1830Anna Rogers was born about 1830 in Pennsylvania.1 
(Daughter) Census US 185027 July 1850Anna was enumerated on the 1850 census taken on 27 July 1850 in the household of her mother in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. She was 20 years old.1 


  1. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Mary Rogers, Philadelphia Pine Ward, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: 813; Page: 277a. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.

Elizabeth Rogers1

b. 22 May 1835, d. 1 February 1877
Father*John Rogers2,1 b. 11 Dec 1797, d. 7 Oct 1872
Mother*Malinda Wilson3,1 b. 26 May 1801
Birth*22 May 1835Elizabeth Rogers was born, probably about 22 May 1835, in Braxton County, Virginia.4,5,6 
Name VariationShe was also called Betsy.7 
Marriage*27 September 1855She married Arthur Mollohan on 27 September 1855 in Braxton County, Virginia.1,8,9 
Census US 1860*25 June 1860Betsy and Arthur Mollohan were enumerated on the 1860 census taken on 25 June 1860 near the Clay Court House Post Office, Clay County, Virginia. Arthur was 21 years of age, unable to read or write, and worked as a farmer. He had real estate valued at $300 and a personal estate valued at $75. Elizabeth was 25 years of age, and her occupation was recorded as "wife". Their two young daughters were enumerated with them in 1860. Sarah J. was 3 years old and Susanna, was 2 years old.10 
Civil War (U.S.)*Her husband served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War9 
(Wife) Death1861 and Betsy became a widow when Arthur Mollohan was killed, in 1861, at about age 22, by bushwhackers on his way home on leave.8,11 
Census US 1870*15 August 1870Betsy Mollohan was enumerated as the head of her household on the 1870 census taken on 15 August 1870 near the Braxton Court House Post Office, Lincoln, Braxton County, West Virginia. She was recorded as 34 years of age, and keeping house. She owned real estate valued at $100 and a personal estate valued at $120. Three children were enumerated with her in 1870. Sarah J. and Caroline were ages 14 and 8 years, respectively, and "at home"; and young Mary was 2 years old.12 
(Widow) MurderThe savage murder of Jemima Green, which occurred on 20 May 1875 near Sutton, Braxton County, produced, according to the newspapers, "a great deal of excitement." For at least four years after her murder, news articles covering her brutal killing, and the resulting multiple arrests and trials of the accused, were published in West Virginia newspapers. Some of the individuals mentioned in the news articles, as events developed, included Isaac Lewis Perkins, Samuel Ellis Perkins, David Wine, Elijah Perkins, Mariah Jane (Chapman) Hines, Isaac W. Hines, Sarah Jane Mollohan, Elizabeth (Rogers) Mollohan, William B. Young and Sarah Jane (Wine) Wine Williams. We've transcribed several of the news articles and placed them here with Jemima.13 
(Widow) Trial6 December 1875Her daughter, Sarah Jane Mollohan, who was described as the "paramour" of Samuel Ellis Perkins, appeared as a witness for his defense at his trial for the murder of Jemima Green which began on 6 December 1875 in a special term of the Circuit Court for Braxton County. The trial lasted nine days, with 80 witnesses examined, before the jury found the prisoner, Samuel Ellis Perkins, guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced him to confinement in the Penitentiary. The prisoner then moved the court to set aside the verdict of the jury and grant him a new trial on the grounds that the verdict was contrary to law and the evidence in the case, and on the ground that a member of the jury had expressed an opinion previous to the trial, and on account of newly discovered evidence. Five affidavits were offered to the court by counsel for the Defense, among them the sworn statement of Sarah Jane Mollohan, the second paramour of the prisoner who had recently ousted Mariah Jane (Chapman) Hines. Mollohan's statement was that she, Sarah Jane Mollohan, her mother, Betsy Mollohan, and William B. Young, all residents of Little Otter creek, had together visited the home of Jemima Green on the night of the murder at about 2 o'clock. Her statement was that she, Sarah Jane Mollohan, stood at the door and witnessed her mother, Betsy Mollohan, and William B. Young bludgeon Jemima Green to death.

Although her terrible statement was not readily believed, the Court decided it was just as worthy as the story of a previous lover of Samuel Ellis Perkins, Mariah Jane (Chapman) Hines, who had testified against him, and possibly more so from the fact she, Sarah Jane Mollohan, admitted to being one of the murderers herself. The Court, after further examination of the case, set aside the verdict of the jury and granted Samuel Ellis Perkins a new trial. And on his petition, and the petitions of the other two prisoners, Isaac Lewis Perkins and David Wine, ordered a change in venue in each of the cases to the Gilmer Circuit Court. Our transcription of this complete news article may be found among the others with Jemima.7 
(Widow) Evidence3 March 1876 On 3 March 1876, Betsy's daughter, Sarah Jane Mollohan, who was then very sick and expecting to die, made her oath for the Court that her former statement of 20 December 1875 was entirely false and that she had been hired, and scared into making it by the Perkins family. Sarah Jane, who had been identified at the first trial of Samuel Ellis Perkins as his paramour, had made an oath for the Court at that first trial stating that the murder of Jemima Green had been committed in her presence by her mother, Betsy Mollohan, and William B. Young. Our transcription of this short news item may be found among the other articles with Jemima.14 
Death*1 February 1877She died on 1 February 1877 in Braxton County, West Virginia, at age 411 
Burial* and was buried with her husband on the Bob Mollohan family farm in the private cemetery called Mollohan Cemetery, Servia, Braxton County.1,8 

Family 1

Arthur Mollohan b. 1839, d. 1861
Children 1.Sarah Jane Mollohan1,15 b. 16 Jun 1856, d. 27 Nov 1935
 2.Mary Susanna Mollohan16 b. 19 Mar 1858
 3.Caroline Mollohan9,17,1 b. 1861

Family 2

Child 1.Mary Martha Mollohan9 b. 25 Aug 1868


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Elizabeth (Rogers) Mollohan, Memorial# 152534074. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, John Rogers, Memorial# 87167715.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Malinda “Mary” (Wilson) Rogers, Memorial# 87495306.
  4. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Arthur and Elizabeth Mollohan, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Clay, Virginia; Roll: M653_1340; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 805340, Elizabeth's age recorded as 25, and her year of birth estimated as 1835. Hereinafter cited as 1860 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S37] 1870 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Elisabeth Mollohan, Year: 1870; Census Place: Lincoln, Braxton, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1685; Page: 441B, Eliabeth's age recorded as 34, and her year of birth estimated as 1836. Hereinafter cited as 1870 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Elizabeth (Rogers) Mollohan, Memorial# 152534074, her date of birth reported as 22 May 1832.
  7. [S2565] Newspaper Stories Regarding the 1875 Murder of Jemima Green in Braxton County, West Virginia, online at Historical Newspapers from 1700s-2000s, at, The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 10 January 1876, page 3 (2). Hereinafter cited as Newspaper Stories Regarding the 1875 Murder of Jemima Green in Braxton County, West Virginia.
  8. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Arthur Mollohan, Memorial# 152534304.
  9. [S2559] Descendants of George Mollohan, compiled by Don Norman, online at, #136. Arthur Mollohan. Hereinafter cited as Descendants of George Mollohan.
  10. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Arthur and Elizabeth Mollohan, The National Archives in Washington D.C.; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census; Record Group Number: 29; Series Number: M653; Residence Date: 1860; Home in 1860: Clay, Virginia; Roll: M653_1340; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 805340.
  11. [S2559] Descendants of George Mollohan, online at, Children of William and Elizabeth LeMasters (Boggs) Mollohan, #136. Arthur.
  12. [S37] 1870 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Elisabeth Mollohan, Year: 1870; Census Place: Lincoln, Braxton, West Virginia; Roll: M593_1685; Page: 441B.
  13. [S2565] Newspaper Stories Regarding the 1875 Murder of Jemima Green in Braxton County, West Virginia, online at, South Branch Intelligencer, (Romney, West Virginia), Friday, 4 June 1875, page 2; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 5 July 1875, page 3; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 19 July 1875, page 5; The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Wednesday, 21 July 1875, page 2; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 30 August 1875, page 3; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 4 October 1875, page 2; The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Monday, 29 November 1875, page 3; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 27 December 1875, page 3; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 10 January 1876, page 3 (1); The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 10 January 1876, page 3 (2); The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 10 January 1876, page 3 (3); The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 27 March 1876, page 3 (1); The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 27 March 1876, page 3 (2); Martinsburg Independent, (Martinsburg, West Virginia), Saturday, 29 July 1876, page 1; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 15 January 1877, page 3; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 22 January 1877, page 3; The Wheeling Daily Register, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Wednesday, 20 June 1877, page 4; The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Monday, 6 May 1878, page 4; The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, (Wheeling, West Virginia), Monday, 11 November 1878, page 4; The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Saturday, 14 December 1878, page 1.
  14. [S2565] Newspaper Stories Regarding the 1875 Murder of Jemima Green in Braxton County, West Virginia, online at, The Weston Democrat, (Weston, West Virginia), Monday, 27 March 1876, page 3 (1).
  15. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Sarah Jane (Mollohan) Fugate, Memorial# 6503764.
  16. [S2522] West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938, online at, birth of Minerva Mollohan on 19 March 1858 in Clay County, West Virginia, daughter of "Anton" and Elizabeth Mollohan, referencing FHL Film# 567453. Hereinafter cited as West Virginia, U.S., Births Index, 1804-1938.
  17. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Caroline (Mollohan) Rader, Memorial# 127473846.

Floran A. Rogers1

b. 1912
Father*Jesse A. Rogers1 b. 14 Mar 1880, d. 5 Oct 1961
Mother*Ora M. Leininger1 b. Dec 1885, d. 27 Oct 1914
Birth*1912Floran A. Rogers was born about 1912, probably in Kansas.1 
(Son) Death27 October 1914Floran was about 2 years old when his mother died of typhoid on 27 October 1914 at age 28.2 
(Son) Illness28 October 1914The day after his mother's death, the Wichita Beacon dated Wednesday, 28 October 1914, reported the tragic consequences of an open well located behind a neighbor's house. Our transcription of the newspaper's page 5 headline and story, with thanks to the kind contributors at Find A Grave for sharing, follows:

Open Well Causes Death by Means of Typhoid Fever

An open well back of 734 Boston is the cause, according to physicians, of the death of Mrs. Ora M. Rodgers, Tuesday afternoon, from typhoid -- and the serious illness of her three young children from the same disease. Mrs. Rogers and the children became ill about the same time. Death came to the mother at a hospital yesterday after a week of illness. In the same hospital are Jessie, an 11-year-old daughter, and Alfred Rodgers, 9 years old. The latter is believed to be recovering, but Jessie is in a critical condition. Neither know of the mother's death. At a neighbor's house, Floran, 2 years old, Mrs. Rodgers' youngest child, is ill from typhoid. His hands and feet are swollen from the effects of the disease. Mrs. Rodgers was the 27-year-old wife of Jesse A. Rodgers, a plasterer, who today is at the bedside of his oldest child in Wesley Hospital. Mr. Rodgers escaped illness.1 
(Son) ResidenceThe Rogers family had lived at 723 Boston Avenue, Wichita, for three years, and happily, all three of the children survived the typhoid.1 
(Younger Son) Census US 19202 January 1920Floran was enumerated as a boarder on the 1920 census taken on 2 January 1920 in the household of Clarence Peters on South Water Street, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Floran was 7 years and 11 months old and had attended school within the census year. His father and siblings were enumerated together about 5 miles away on East Waterman Street, Wichita.3,4 


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782, reporting her birth date as December 1886.
  3. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Jesse A. Rogers, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 116. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  4. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, Floran A. Rogers as a boarder in the household of Clarence Peters, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122.

George Rogers1

b. 1853
Birth*1853George Rogers was born about 1853 in Illinois.1 
Marriage*28 June 1876He married Adaline Adkins on 28 June 1876 in Mason County, Illinois.1,2 


Adaline Adkins b. 1858
Child 1.Jesse A. Rogers+1 b. 14 Mar 1880, d. 5 Oct 1961


  1. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of George and Adaline Rogers, Year: 1880; Census Place: Philadelphia, Cass, Illinois; Roll: 178; Page: 797C; Enumeration District: 057. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S1681] Illinois, U.S., Marriage Index, 1860-1920, online at, marriage of George Rogers and Addie Adkins on 28 June 1876 in Mason County, Illinois, USA. Hereinafter cited as Illinois, U.S., Marriage Index, 1860-1920.

Hannah Rogers1

Marriage*23 November 1664She married John Tisdale Jr. on 23 November 1664 in Taunton, Plymouth Colony.1,2 


John Tisdale Jr.
Child 1.Anna Tisdale1 b. 27 Jan 1672


  1. [S1142] Wm. R. Deane, Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard Family containing a full account of the first three generations of the family of James Leonard, who was an early settler of Taunton, MS. (Massachusetts), downloaded from the Boston Public Library eBooks and Texts Archive at (Boston, Massachusetts: Office of the New England Historic-Genealogical Register, 1851), Genealogy, page 17. Hereinafter cited as The Family of James Leonard of Taunton.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, Taunton, Volume 2, Marriages, page 481. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.

Jesse A. Rogers1

b. 14 March 1880, d. 5 October 1961
Father*George Rogers2 b. 1853
Mother*Adaline Adkins2 b. 1858
Birth*14 March 1880Jesse A. Rogers was born on 14 March 1880 in Philadelphia, Cass County, Illinois.1,3 
Marriage*12 November 1902He married Ora M. Leininger, daughter of Richard Leininger and Harriet A. Strode, on 12 November 1902 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Jesse was 22 years of age and Ora reported her age as 18, although she was actually only 16 years old.4,1,5 
Census US 1910*11 May 1910Ora M. and Jesse A. Rogers were enumerated on the 1910 census taken on 11 May 1910 in Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma. Jess was 30 years of age and worked as a plasterer for a contractor, and Ora was 23 years of age. They rented their house, had been married for 8 years, the first marriage for each, and Ora had given birth to two children, both of whom were living and enumerated with their parents in 1910. Their daughter Jessie was 6 years old and had attended school within the census year; and their son Alfred was 5 years old. Also living with the family in 1910 was Ora's younger sister, Leota Leininger, who was 17 years old and worked as a saleslady in a department store.6 
(Husband) Death27 October 1914Jesse became a widower with three young children when Ora May (Leininger) Rogers died of typhoid on 27 October 1914 at age 28.5 
Illness*28 October 1914The day after Ora's death, the Wichita Beacon, dated Wednesday, 28 October 1914, reported the tragic consequences of an open well located behind a neighbor's house. Our transcription of the newspaper's page 5 headline and story, with thanks to the kind contributors at Find A Grave for sharing, follows:

Open Well Causes Death by Means of Typhoid Fever

An open well back of 734 Boston is the cause, according to physicians, of the death of Mrs. Ora M. Rodgers, Tuesday afternoon, from typhoid -- and the serious illness of her three young children from the same disease. Mrs. Rogers and the children became ill about the same time. Death came to the mother at a hospital yesterday after a week of illness. In the same hospital are Jessie, an 11-year-old daughter, and Alfred Rodgers, 9 years old. The latter is believed to be recovering, but Jessie is in a critical condition. Neither know of the mother's death. At a neighbor's house, Floran, 2 years old, Mrs. Rodgers' youngest child, is ill from typhoid. His hands and feet are swollen from the effects of the disease. Mrs. Rodgers was the 27-year-old wife of Jesse A. Rodgers, a plasterer, who today is at the bedside of his oldest child in Wesley Hospital. Mr. Rodgers escaped illness.7 
Residence*The Rogers family had lived at 723 Boston Avenue, Wichita, for three years, and happily, all three of the children survived the typhoid.7 
Census US 1920*2 January 1920Jesse A. Rogers was enumerated on the 1920 census taken on 2 January 1920 on East Waterman Street, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Jesse was a widower, 39 years of age, and a chef in a restaurant he owned and operated. He was an employer and rented his house. Only two of his children were enumerated in his home in 1920. His daughter Jessie M. was 16 years old; and son Alfred L. was age 14 and had attended school within the census year. Two lodgers also resided with the family. Elias H. Hankins, age 26, and Gerald Robinson, age 24, were both single and working as printers for a daily paper. Jesse's younger son, Floran A. Rogers, was enumerated as a boarder in the household of Clarence Peters on South Water Street, Wichita, so Floran was about 5 miles away from his father and siblings. He was 7 years and 11 months old and had attended school within the census year.8,9 
Death*5 October 1961He died on 5 October 1961 at age 81.10 
Burial*He was buried in Section K, Lot 24, Grave 7, of Maple Grove Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.10 


Ora M. Leininger b. Dec 1885, d. 27 Oct 1914
Children 1.Jessie M. Rogers8 b. 1904
 2.Alfred L. Rogers8 b. 1905
 3.Floran A. Rogers7 b. 1912


  1. [S1732] Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002, online at, marriage on 12 November 1902 in Jackson, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, of "Cora" M Leininger of Mason County, Illinois, and Jesse A Rodgers of Woodward County, Oklahoma, both over the age of 18 years, referencing Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, MO, USA, Missouri Marriage Records [Microfilm]. Hereinafter cited as Missouri, U.S., Marriage Records, 1805-2002.
  2. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of George and Adaline Rogers, Year: 1880; Census Place: Philadelphia, Cass, Illinois; Roll: 178; Page: 797C; Enumeration District: 057. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S1768] U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, online at, registration of Jesse Alfred Rodgers of Webb City, Missouri, USA, born on 14 March 1880 in Philadelphia, Illinois, USA, referencing The National Archives at St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Missouri, Record Group: Records of the Selective Service System, Group# 147, Box or Roll# 1066. Hereinafter cited as U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942.
  4. [S2160] Missouri, U.S., Jackson County Marriage Records, 1840-1985, online at, marriage on 12 November 1902 in Missouri of "Cora" M Leininger of Mason City, Mason County, Illinois, age 18, and Jesse A Rodgers of Woodward, Woodward County, Oklahoma, age 22, recorded in Jackson, Missouri, USA, citing Certificate# 1902K0025519. Hereinafter cited as Missouri, U.S., Jackson County Marriage Records, 1840-1985.
  5. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782, reporting her birth date as December 1886. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  6. [S40] 1910 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Jess A. and Ora M. Rogers, Year: 1910; Census Place: Woodward Ward 4, Woodward, Oklahoma; Roll: T624_1276; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 0293; FHL microfilm: 1375289. Hereinafter cited as 1910 United States Federal Census.
  7. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Ora May (Leininger) Rodgers, Memorial# 33267782.
  8. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Jesse A. Rogers, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 116. Hereinafter cited as 1920 United States Federal Census.
  9. [S73] 1920 United States Federal Census, online at, Floran A. Rogers as a boarder in the household of Clarence Peters, Year: 1920; Census Place: Wichita Ward 1, Sedgwick, Kansas; Roll: T625_549; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 122.
  10. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Jesse Alfred Rodgers, Memorial# 33267781.