Sarah F. Carver1

d. before 29 January 1849
Father*Elisha Carver1 b. 1801, d. 5 Sep 1842
Mother*Tempy Bullington1 d. b 3 Jan 1840
Name VariationHer full name was Sarah Frances Carver.2 
(Omitted Daughter) Land Records21 June 1845An indenture was made and entered into on 21 June 1845 between William Garnett, a Commissioner who had been appointed by the Barren Circuit Court of Barren County, Kentucky, of the one part, and Isaac D. Powell and Thomas G. Powell of the second part, regarding a suit that had been brought by the Powells against Louisa Carver and the infant children of Elisha Carver, deceased. We note that only six of the children, Emily Carver, Lucy Carver, Elizabeth Carver, Martha Carver, John Carver and Mary T. Carver, were named, and that James L. Carver and Sarah F. Carver, also infant children of Elisha Carver, were not. Our transcription of the deed follows:

This indenture made and entered into the 21st day of June 1845 between William Garnett, a Commissioner appointed by the Barren Circuit Court, on the one part, and Isaac D. Powell and Thomas G. Powell of the second part, Witnesseth that whereas by a decree of the Barren Circuit Court, ordered at the June Term 1845 in a suit between the said Powells, Complainants, and Louisa Carver and others, Defendants, William Garnett was appointed a Commissioner and directed to convey to the Complainants by deed with general warranties all the right, title and interest which said infant defendants, to wit: Emily Carver, Lucy Carver, Martha Carver, Elizabeth Carver, John Carver and Mary T. Carver have in and to the tract of land in the suit and exhibit mentioned. Said land is described in the exhibit filed in said cause to be bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a sycamore and beech on Peters and Snells Creek, thence S 31 W 110 poles to a white oak and hickory, thence S 60 W 32 poles to a white oak and hickory on Graham’s Original line, thence with the same N 23 W 66 poles to a sugar tree and beech, thence N 60 E 27 poles to two beeches on the ridge, thence N 20 E 57 poles to a gum on Clark’s line, thence with the same S 82 E 76 poles to the beginning, containing 43 acres more or less.

Now, in consideration of the premises, and for the further consideration of $86 acknowledged in said exhibit, to have been paid to the ancestor of said infant defendants, I William Garnett as Commissioner on the part of said infant defendants, do hereby convey to the Complainants, all the right, title and interest which said infant defendants, Emily Carver, etc., have in and to the above-described land, to the Powells, their heirs and assigns forever. To have and to hold the same free from the claim or claims of the said infant Carvers and all other persons. In witness whereof, I as Commissioner, do hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.

The signature of William Garnett, Commissioner, was sealed, and the deed was recorded in Barren County, Kentucky in July 1845.3 
(5th Daughter) Court Action10 February 1846Sarah F. was named as a defendant, along with her siblings and other heirs of her father, in a lawsuit filed by her sister and brother-in-law, Emily Jane and Martin Wood.

Case# 1472 was filed on 10 February 1846 in the Circuit Court at Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky, whereby Martin Wood and Emily Jane his wife, who had been married on 13 September 1845 by Henry Lee in Barren County, stated that Emily Jane was the daughter and one of the heirs of Elisha Carver, deceased, and that said Carver was possessed of a tract of land lying in Barren County on the waters of Peters Creek containing 280 acres, and that Carver at the time of his death had legal title to the land, and that he died intestate.

Elisha Carver left a widow, Louisa Carver, and the following children: Lucy Carver, since intermarried with James Carver, Elizabeth Carver, Marthy Ann Carver, James L. Carver, John Carver, Mary T. Carver, and Sarah F. Carver, who with Emily Jane (Carver) Wood, were his only children and legal representatives. The six last named, except Emily, being infants under 21 years of age.

Martin and Emily stated that the land was rapidly deteriorating in value, and would in a few years be seriously and irreparably damaged by exhausting the arable land, and cutting and destroying the timber.

They stated that the land could not be advantageously divided as the share of each of the heirs would be less than $100, and that it would be to the advantage of all to sell the land and divide the proceeds.

An amendment to the above bill stated that James Jameson, Sheriff of Barren County, was appointed by the Barron County court to administer the estate of Elisha Carver, deceased, and that H. P. Curd, Deputy Sheriff for Jameson, acted as Administrator. The Plaintiffs asked that Curd be made a Defendant to the suit, and made to state the amount of the estate that had come into his hands.

In another amendment dated 21 March 1846, the Complainants stated that they understood that Charlotte Carver or her children, Joel Y. and Catherine Carver, had some claim, or pretended claim, on the estate of Elisha Carver, deceased. For the purpose of contesting all things in this suit, they asked the court to make them and John G. Rogers, who had been appointed Guardian of Joel Y. and Catherine Carver, defendants to their suit and any other bills therein, and that they answer.

Charlotte Carver’s response was filed on 26 June 1846, stating that Elisha Carver’s estate was indebted to her children, Joel Y. and Catherine Carver, in the amount of $38 each, for a total of $76. Mr. Curd, representing Charlotte, explained the indebtedness. He stated that Charlotte was the Administratrix of her deceased husband, William Carver's, estate, and that Elisha Carver was her security. Elisha became uneasy, and by way of making him safe, she sold to him her dower interest in the tract of land on which her husband lived and died, for and in consideration of his assuming to pay to Susan (Carver) Woodcock, Joel Y. and Catherine Carver the sum of $38 each being the amount of their respective interests in the estate of William Carver, their father. Elisha Carver thereafter paid Susan Woodcock her $38, but never paid Joel Y. or Catherine their parts. Curd stated that Charlotte claimed nothing for herself out of the estate of Elisha Carver, just what he owed her children.

H. P. Curd's testimony was filed on 21 March 1845, in which he admitted that Elisha Carver departed his life intestate and that by an order of the court he, Curd, as deputy for James Jameson, Sheriff, was qualified to administer the estate, which he did. He sold the personal property, settled the debts, and had in his possession $59.55 belonging to the estate. He testified that Charlotte Carver or her children, Joel Y. and Catherine, were claiming a debt of said estate amounting to $76., which she was alleging was the amount of the balance of the price agreed to be paid by Elisha for the tract of land. Curd claimed to know nothing of his own knowledge of the justness of the claim, and stated that if the claim was justly due and owing that so much of said tract of land be ordered and decreed sold as would pay the balance of $76, first deducting the amount he had in his possession, and allowing him his reasonable costs in defending the suit, including an attorney’s fee.

Testimony by attorney John G. Rogers, representing James Carver and Lucy Carver his wife, was filed on 15 June 1846. They admitted that Emily Wood was a daughter of Elisha Carver, deceased, and that he died intestate, that the heirs and legal representatives listed in the suit were correct, and that Lucy was one of the heirs and a child of Elisha Carver, deceased.

They denied that it would be to their interest to have the said land sold and the proceeds divided. They thought it would be better, and desired, that the land should be divided between the heirs, and that their portions be allotted to them even if the rest were to be sold.

The testimony of John G. Rogers, then testifying on his own behalf, was filed on 24 June 1846. He stated he was the Guardian of Joel Y. and Catherine Carver, the children of Charlotte Carver, and essentially made the same statements to the court that Charlotte had made. That Charlotte Carver was the wife of William Carver, and that her children were Susan Woodcock, Joel Y., and Catherine Carver. In addition, he told of the arrangement between Charlotte and Elisha Carver regarding her selling Elisha her dower interest in the land, that Elisha had paid Susan, and doubtless would have paid Joel Y. and Catherine if he had lived. He said Elisha died a short time thereafter.

Four deeds were submitted to the court as evidence in the court case:

John and Elizabeth Carver his wife, deed dated August 1828, sold to Elisha Carver for $118, one tract of land containing 75 acres on Peters Creek, Barren County, Kentucky, it being part of the tract conveyed by Benjamin W. Clark and his wife unto John and William Carver.

Jesse Bewley and Mary his wife, deed dated 2 August 1831, sold to Elisha Carver for $100, one tract of land on Peters Creek in Barren County, Kentucky, being the tract of land whereon Carver then lived, and the appurtenances thereon.

Ann D. Shirley of the Borough of Norfolk, State of Virginia, by George M. Pryer, her attorney-in-fact, deed dated 17 August 1833, sold to Elisha Carver for $100, 200 acres of land situated on Peters Creek, Barren County, Kentucky, it being part of a 1,333 1/3-acre survey patented to the heirs of Robert Tompkins, deceased, by patent dated 1 March 1800.

Charlotte Carver, deed dated 20 November 1841, sold to Elisha Carver for $150, and relinquished all her right of dower, her interest in a certain tract of land on Peters Creek owned by her husband William Carver, to have and to hold during her life.

Alexander L. Devasher was deposed on 17 September 1846 and asked about the current condition of Elisha Carver’s land which was believed to be occupied at the time by James Carver, one of the defendants in the case. In response to questions, Devasher stated he lived about two miles from James Carver, who he thought lived on the land upon which Elisha Carver lived and died. He said there were two or three different surveys, but it was all the same tract, and he thought James Carver had lived on the land for about three years.

Devasher was asked if he knew of James Carver, the defendant, having cut a great deal of salable timber off the land and sold it, and if Devasher had or had not bought timber from James Carver which came off the land. His response was that Carver had cut a right smart amount, such as board timber, rail timber, etc., but didn’t know much about the property lines and didn’t know whether they came off Elisha Carver’s land or not. He didn’t know of any that had been sold, except what he had heard. He said he had bought some rails from him, but didn’t know whether they came off that land or not.

Asked whether James Carver owned any other land in that neighborhood off of which he could have gotten the board and rail timber etc. he had mentioned, Devasher said James Carver didn’t own any other land except his interest in Elisha Carver’s tract of land.

Asked whether he knew if that land had been much injured and was not worth near as much since James Carver first went upon it to live, Devasher responded that he knew the place had gone to rack, and was not in as good repair as when Elisha Carver died.

Asked whether he knew or did not know that the land was not so valuable now for timber as when James Carver went on it, Devasher stated that if all the timber that had been cut was on the land, it would not be so valuable, but he didn’t know if all the timber was from that land. He didn’t know where the property line was.

Asked if he knew or did not know that James Carver had taken down a house and hauled it to the woods and there permitted the logs to rot, Devasher said they hauled a house out, it was said for Tom Williams to live in, but he didn’t know who the head manager was or anything about it. The logs, he reconned, were lying there yet, and he didn’t know anything about them. He had not seen them since.

Asked if he had not recently contracted with James Carver for a parcel of rails which were either on the land or to be made from the land, Devasher said he and Carver had been talking about trading for some rails, which he reconned were on the land, but they had not traded yet.

Another neighbor, Benjamin Littrell, was also deposed on 17 September 1846. He was asked if he knew or did not know of James Carver, one of the defendants in the case, having cut a great deal of valuable timber off of the land on which he was then living and upon which Elisha Carver died. He responded that there had been a right smart cut there, but he didn’t know that he cut it all. He had heard it said that he cut it, but he never saw him at it. He didn’t know that there was a great deal of valuable timber. There was some board timber, and some for plank, and some for hogsheads, cut off.

Asked if he knew or did not know that the place was much less valuable now than when James Carver went upon it, Littrell responded that he would not give as much for it as it was right smartly out of repair.

Asked how much he would say, or if he knew, to what extent the place had been injured, he said he hardly knew but at a rough guess would suppose, taking everything into consideration, that it had been injured something like $100.

Asked if he would please state, if he knew, in what way James Carver had been living on the land. Had he paid rent for it or not? Littrell responded that he couldn’t tell. He understood that Carver was to pay rent the first year, but how they had managed since he didn’t know.

Asked if he had bought timber from James Carver, the defendant, which grew upon the land, or knew of him selling to any other person, Littrell said he had never bought any from him himself, but understood that he had sold some plank and hogshead timber, which was said to have come off the land.

Asked if he knew if Carver, the defendant, had ever paid any rent for the said land, he said no. I don’t know that he ever has.

Note: No legal resolution, judgment or disposition of the suit was found in the court's case documents, although several deeds have been found in the records of Barren County, Kentucky that indicate that some actions to benefit Elisha's minor children were ordered by the Circuit Court, and some other deeds were found regarding various sales of pieces of his property by his heirs.4,1 
Death*before 29 January 1849She died, while still a child, in Barren County, Kentucky, before 29 January 1849, when she was identified in a deed as being deceased.2 
(Deceased Sister) Land Records29 January 1849 On 29 January 1849, Martin and Emily Jane (Carver) Wood of Barren County, Kentucky, acting on behalf of Emily's deceased siblings, John Carver and Sarah Frances Carver, sold to John T. Rogers, for $14, the interest they had in land that had been owned by their father, Elisha Carver, at the time of his death and on which Martin and Emily were then living. We note that the Wood surname was written as “Woods” throughout the document. Our transcription of the deed follows:

This indenture made and entered into this 29th day of January 1849 made and entered into by and between Martin Woods and his wife Emily J. Woods, late Emily J. Carver, of the one part, and John T. Rogers of the other part, all of Barren County and state of Kentucky. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of $14 to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have this day bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain, sell and convey to the said Rogers all the rights, title and interest that the said Woods and his wife have in and to a certain tract or tracts of land of which Elisha Carver died seized and on which the said Wood and wife now live, acquired or descended to the said Wood’s wife Emily J. by the death of Sarah Frances Carver and John Carver, children and heirs of E. Carver, deceased, and who have died since the death of said Carver, to have and to hold to the said Rogers and his heirs in fee simple forever. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year above written.

The signatures of both Martin Woods and Emily J. Woods were sealed with their marks, and the deed was recorded in Barren County, Kentucky on 13 December 1849.2 


  1. [S2249] Kentucky. Circuit Court (Barren County), Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931. Microfilm of originals in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index. FHL catalog warns that years are mixed and instructs to look up name in index, find bundle number, and look through bundle number until name is found: Film# 218713, Digital# 8685854, Case# 1472 filed 10 February 1846, Martin and Emily J. Wood vs. other heirs of Elisha Carver (1801-1842), image# 172-208 of 765; on 144 microfilm reels, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931 (Barren County, Kentucky Circuit Court).
  2. [S2247] Clerk of the County Court, Barren County (Kentucky). Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935. Microfilm of original and typescript at the Barren County courthouse in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index: Film# 209729, Digital# 8402413, Volume T, pages 466-467, image# 249-250 of 579, Martin and Emily Jane (Carver) Wood (for Sarah Frances Carver, deceased, and John Carver, deceased) to John T. Rogers; on 35 microfilm rolls, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935 (Barren County, Kentucky).
  3. [S2247] Clerk of the County Court, Barren County (Kentucky). Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935 (Barren County, Kentucky): Film# 209730, Digital# 8568123, Volume V, pages 409-410, image# 209-210 of 336, William Garnett, a Commissioner appointed by the Barren Circuit Court, regarding Isaac D. Powell and Thomas G. Powell, Complainants, against Louisa Carver and the children of Elisha Carver, deceased; on 35 microfilm rolls.
  4. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; Martin and Emily Jane (Carver) Wood vs. the Heirs of Elisha Carver, deceased, Equity Case# 1472, filed 10 February 1846, abstracted, five pages copied by Gladys B. Wilson in 1975 at the Barren County Court House, Glasgow, Kentucky; originally shared by cczink on 11 August 2009, viewed on 29 August 2021, online beginning at…. Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.

Susan Carver1

b. 1826
Father*William Carver1 b. 1790, d. b Aug 1828
Mother*Charlotte Lee1 b. 1787
Birth*1826Susan Carver was born about 1826 in Kentucky.2 
Marriage*She married Robert Woodcock.1,2 
Land Records*30 December 1843 On 30 December 1843, Robert and Susan Woodcock, for money already received, sold a tract of land on Peters Creek, Barren County, Kentucky, upon which Susan's brother, James D. Carver, then lived and that had been owned by their father, William Carver, in his life time, to John H. Page. Our transcription of the deed follows:

This indenture made and entered into this 30th day of December 1843 between Robert Woodcock and Susan Woodcock, his wife, of the County of Barren and State of Kentucky of the one part and John H. Page of the County of Allen and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that in and for the consideration of money heretofore received and $1.00 in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, we have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to the said John H. Page, all of our right, title and interest whatsoever to a certain tract of land on Peters Creek whereon James D. Carver now lives, it being the survey that William Carver owned in his life time, and bounded by the lands of John Lewis, Benjamin Littrell, Alexander L. Devasher and George W. Page, and the Creek. To have and to hold to the said Page and his heirs forever, and we bind ourselves, our heirs and executors to warrant and defend the title to the said land against the claim of all and every person or persons whatever. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and date above written.

The signatures of both Robert Woodcock and Susan Woodcock were sealed with their marks, and the deed was recorded in Barren County, Kentucky on 21 March 1844.3 


Robert Woodcock b. 1813


  1. [S2249] Kentucky. Circuit Court (Barren County), Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931. Microfilm of originals in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index. FHL catalog warns that years are mixed and instructs to look up name in index, find bundle number, and look through bundle number until name is found: Film# 218713, Digital# 8685854, Case# 1472 filed 10 February 1846, Martin and Emily J. Wood vs. other heirs of Elisha Carver (1801-1842), image# 172-208 of 765; on 144 microfilm reels, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931 (Barren County, Kentucky Circuit Court).
  2. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Robert and Susan Woodcock, Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: 191; Page: 354a. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S2247] Clerk of the County Court, Barren County (Kentucky). Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935. Microfilm of original and typescript at the Barren County courthouse in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index: Film# 209728, Digital# 8192154, Volume R, pages158-159, image# 115-116 of 601, Robert and Susan (Carver) Woodcock to John H. Page; on 35 microfilm rolls, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935 (Barren County, Kentucky).

Tabitha Carver1

b. 1821
Father*William Carver1 b. 1790, d. b Aug 1828
Mother*Charlotte Lee1 b. 1787
Birth*1821Tabitha Carver was born about 1821 in Kentucky.1 


  1. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; “William Carver Census Analysis”, page 2 of a two- page report dated 1983, Barren County, Kentucky, prepared by Lois Grider Black; originally shared by cczink on 12 August 2009, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at…
    . Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.

Tabitha Carver1

b. 1804
Father*Cornilius Carver1 b. b 1765
Mother*Sally Goodman1
Birth*1804Tabitha Carver was possibly born about 1804.1 


  1. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; “Carver Analysis”, an analysis of the family of Cornelius Carver dated 1983, Barren County, Kentucky, prepared by Lois Grider Black; originally shared by cczink on 12 August 2009, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at…. Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.

Thomas W. Carver1

b. 15 August 1831, d. 19 September 1915
Father*John M. Carver2,3 b. 1812, d. 1836
Mother*Margaret Woodcock2,4 b. 1808, d. 1892
Birth*15 August 1831Thomas W. Carver was born on 15 August 1831 in Tracy, Barren County, Kentucky.1 
(Future Son-in-Law) Census US 185030 August 1850Thomas was enumerated on the 1850 census taken on 30 August 1850 in the household of his future parents-in-law, Frances and Micajah E. Wheeler, in Division 1, Barren County, Kentucky. Thomas was 18 years old, worked as a farmer, and would marry the Wheeler's daughter, Mary Margaret, in 1852.5,6 
Marriage*8 August 1852He married Mary M. Wheeler, daughter of Micajah E. Wheeler and Elizabeth J. Smith, on 8 August 1852 in Barren County, Kentucky.1,7,6 
(Husband) Death29 September 1902Thomas became a widower when Mary Margaret (Wheeler) Carver died on 29 September 1902 at age 71.7 
Death*19 September 1915He died on 19 September 1915 in Hydro, Warren County, Kentucky, at age 841 
Burial* and was buried with his wife in Littrell Cemetery, Railton, Barren County.1,7 


Mary M. Wheeler b. 10 Jan 1831, d. 29 Sep 1902


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Thomas William Carver, Memorial# 117728120. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S2244] Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog, online at… .Caution: This is a beautifully presented collection of "Person Pages" containing a variety of information about specific ancestors submitted by individual contributors -- often, unfortunately, with no sources. If the information we have chosen to pass along here is accurate, we are extremely grateful to the contributor(s) who have shared it. Without documentation, however, we researchers are always forced to question the validity of information. We hope what we have selected to include was originally obtained from family Bible records, or other reliable sources, and is accurate. Although, even when we have found contributed information to be unreliable, inaccurate or incomplete, we consider the information useful as possible clues as we research, viewed online at Hereinafter cited as Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog.
  3. [S2244] Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog, online at…, viewed online at
  4. [S2244] Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog, online at…, viewed online at
  5. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Micajah E. and Frances Wheeler, Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: 191; Page: 353b. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  6. [S1739] Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965, online at, marriage on 8 August 1852 in Barren County, Kentucky, USA, of Thomas Carver and Mary M. Wheeler, citing FHL Film# 000209757. Hereinafter cited as Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965.
  7. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Mary Margaret (Wheeler) Carver, Memorial# 117728282.

Vernie Carver1

b. December 1895
Father*Daniel E. Carver1 b. 1870, d. b 28 May 1904
Mother*Ida Dell Wheeler1 b. 24 Aug 1873, d. 25 Jan 1955
Birth*December 1895Vernie Carver was born in December 1895 in Kentucky.1 


  1. [S34] 1900 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Daniel E. and Ida D. Carver, (their surname transcribed as "Carry" and "Canes" by Ancestry"), Year: 1900; Census Place: Tracy, Barren, Kentucky; Page: 17; Enumeration District: 0013; FHL microfilm: 1240507. Hereinafter cited as 1900 United States Federal Census.

William Carver1

b. 1790, d. before August 1828
Father*Cornilius Carver1,2 b. b 1765
Mother*Sally Goodman3,2
Birth*1790William Carver was born about 1790.3 
Name VariationHis full name was Thomas William Carver and he was usually called William.4 
Marriage Bond*24 January 1811A marriage bond was issued to William Carver and Hardin Goodman in Barren County, Kentucky, on 24 January 1811, obligating them to the sum of £50 on the condition of the intended marriage shortly to be solemnized between William Carver and Charlotte Lee.5 
Marriage31 January 1811He married Charlotte Lee on 31 January 1811 in Barren County, Kentucky.6 
Land Records*November 1822William and John Carver purchased an estimated 160 acres of land on Peters Creek, Barren County, Kentucky, for $320 in November 1822 from Benjamin W. Clarke, it being the balance of a 500 Acres Survey patented to Benjamin W. Clarke, after George R. Clarke, in 1800. Our transcription of the deed follows:

This indenture made and entered into this ___ day of November 1822 between Benjamin W. Clarke of the one part and William and John Carver of the other, all of Barren County, Kentucky, Witnesseth that said Benjamin W. Clarke, for and in consideration of the sum of $320 in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does bargain, sell, alien and convey unto the said William and John Carver a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Barren and State of Kentucky on Snells or Peters Creek, containing by estimation 160 acres, be the same more or less, it being the balance of a 500 Acres Survey patented to Benjamin W. Clarke, after George R. Clarke, bearing date the 3rd day of June in the year of our Lord 1800, beginning and running as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a beech and elm, corner Moore and Burton, thence with their line North 70 poles to the beech on the south bank of said Peters Creek, thence up the Creek with its meanders 58½ poles to a beech on the south side of said Creek, thence crossing the Creek North 25 degrees West 30 poles to a white oak on said Moore and Burton’s line, thence North 3½ West 54 poles to a beech on the Original line, thence with the Original line North 82 West to a large beech and dogwood (beech dead), beginning corner of the Original Survey, thence South 8 degrees West 224 poles to a white oak, poplar and beech on a ridge, thence South 82 degrees East to the beginning, with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging.

To have and to hold unto the said William and John Carver, and their heirs forever, and the said Benjamin W. Clarke, for himself and his heirs doth covenant to warrant and defend the title of said tract or parcel of land against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatsoever. The true intent and meaning of this Conveyance is to invest William and John Carver with the balance of a 500 Acre Survey as described within, not heretofore deeded and conveyed away by said Benjamin W. Clarke. In testimony whereof the said Benjamin W. Clarke hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date first above written.

Benjamin W. Clarke signed and sealed his name, and the signature of his wife, Frances Clark, was sealed with her X mark, in the presence of William B. Cook and Everard Clarke, who signed their names as witnesses. The deed was recorded in Barren County, Kentucky on 1 February 1823.7 
Death*before August 1828He died at about age 38 before August 1828, when his brother, John, sold the land in Barren County, Kentucky, that the brothers had purchased jointly in 1823, from Benjamin W. and Frances Clark, to Elisha Carver, another brother.8 


Charlotte Lee b. 1787
Children 1.John M. Carver+3 b. 1812, d. 1836
 2.Samuel Carver3 b. 1813
 3.William Carver3 b. 1815
 4.Daughter Carver3 b. 1817
 5.Tabitha Carver3 b. 1821
 6.Mariah Carver+3,4 b. Oct 1821
 7.James Carver+3 b. 1822
 8.Catherine Carver1 b. 1824
 9.Susan Carver1 b. 1826
 10.Joel Y. Carver+1 b. 1827


  1. [S2249] Kentucky. Circuit Court (Barren County), Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931. Microfilm of originals in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index. FHL catalog warns that years are mixed and instructs to look up name in index, find bundle number, and look through bundle number until name is found: Film# 218713, Digital# 8685854, Case# 1472 filed 10 February 1846, Martin and Emily J. Wood vs. other heirs of Elisha Carver (1801-1842), image# 172-208 of 765; on 144 microfilm reels, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931 (Barren County, Kentucky Circuit Court).
  2. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; “Carver Analysis”, an analysis of the family of Cornelius Carver dated 1983, Barren County, Kentucky, prepared by Lois Grider Black; originally shared by cczink on 12 August 2009, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at…. Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.
  3. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at, “William Carver Census Analysis”, page 2 of a two- page report dated 1983, Barren County, Kentucky, prepared by Lois Grider Black; originally shared by cczink on 12 August 2009, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at….
  4. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Mariah (Carver) Williams, Memorial# 112415783. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  5. [S2231] Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954, online from the Family History Library,, marriage bond issued on 24 January 1811 in Barren County, Kentucky, to William Carver and Hardin Goodman obligating them to the sum of £50 on the condition of the intended marriage shortly to be solemnized between the above bound William Carver and Charlotte Lee, citing FHL Digital# 5552445, image# 367 of 386. Hereinafter cited as Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954.
  6. [S2231] Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954, online at, marriage on 31January 1811 in Barren County, Kentucky of William Carver and Charlotte Lee, citing FHL Digital# 005552444, image# 216 of 1112.
  7. [S2247] Clerk of the County Court, Barren County (Kentucky). Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935. Microfilm of original and typescript at the Barren County courthouse in Glasgow, Kentucky; includes general index: Film# 209724, Digital# 7899153, Volume J, pages 366-367, image# 198 of 541, 1823 Deed, Benjamin W. and Frances Clarke to William and John Carver; on 35 microfilm rolls, viewed online at,, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Deeds, 1798-1902, 1961; indexes, 1798-1935 (Barren County, Kentucky).
  8. [S2249] Kentucky. Circuit Court (Barren County), Equity judgments with general index ca. 1813-1931 (Barren County, Kentucky Circuit Court): Film# 218713, Digital# 8685854, Case# 1472 filed 10 February 1846, Martin and Emily J. Wood vs. other heirs of Elisha Carver (1801-1842), image# 172-208 of 765, regarding 1828 Deed, John and Elizabeth Carver to Elisha Carver, image# 181-182 of 765; on 144 microfilm reels.

William Carver1

b. 1815
Father*William Carver1 b. 1790, d. b Aug 1828
Mother*Charlotte Lee1 b. 1787
Birth*1815William Carver was born about 1815 in Kentucky.1 


  1. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; “William Carver Census Analysis”, page 2 of a two- page report dated 1983, Barren County, Kentucky, prepared by Lois Grider Black; originally shared by cczink on 12 August 2009, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at…
    . Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.

William Carver1

b. 1839
Father*James Carver1 b. 1818
Mother*Malinda Bridges1 b. 1822, d. 1855
Birth*1839William Carver was born about 1839 in Kentucky.1 
(Son) Death1855His mother died about 1855, probably in Barren County, Kentucky, at about age 32.2,3 


  1. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of James and Malinda Carver, Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: 191; Page: 388a. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of John S. and Tarlice Elmore, Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Page: 949. Hereinafter cited as 1860 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S18] 1860 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Franklin and Harriett Berry, Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Page: 950.

William Carver1

b. December 1849
Father*Elisha Carver1 b. 1822
Mother*Rebecca Bewley1 b. 1828
Birth*December 1849William Carver was born about December 1849 in Kentucky.1 
Name VariationHis full name is believed to have been William Thomas Carver because he also used the name Thomas.2 
Name VariationHe was called Willie.3 
(Son) Census US 185028 September 1850William was enumerated on the 1850 census taken on 28 September 1850 in the household of his parents in Division 1, Barren County, Kentucky. He was six months old.1 
Marriage Bond*24 July 1869A marriage bond in the amount of $100 was issued to William Carver and Francis M. Rigdon in Barren County, Kentucky, on 24 July 1869, the obligation being the intended marriage between William Carver and Francis's daughter, Elizebeth Rigdon.4 
Marriage27 July 1869He married Elizebeth Rigdon, daughter of Francis M. Rigdon and Jane Bewley, on 27 July 1869 in Barren County. They were married at the home of Elizebeth's father.5 


Elizebeth Rigdon b. 1855


  1. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Elisha and Rebecca Carver, Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: 191; Page: 388a. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  2. [S37] 1870 United States Federal Census, online at, household of Elisha and Beckey Carver, Year: 1870; Census Place: Tracy, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M593_445; Page: 742A. Hereinafter cited as 1870 United States Federal Census.
  3. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, William “Willie” Carver, Memorial# 94882874. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  4. [S2231] Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954, online from the Family History Library,, marriage bond issued on 24 July 1869 in Barren County, Kentucky to William Carver and F. M. Rigdon in the sum of $100, obligating them for the intended marriage between William Carver and Elizebeth Rigdon, citing FHL Film# 209766, image# 283 of 514. Hereinafter cited as Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954.
  5. [S2231] Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954, online at, marriage on 27 July 1869 in Barren County, Kentucky between William Carver and Elizebeth Rigdon, at the home of F. M. Rigdon, married by Robert Luttrell, witnesses W. A. Kinslow and James Luttrell, citing FHL Film# 209762, image# 163 of 779.

William Hardin Carver1

b. 31 January 1846, d. 14 April 1926
Father-Possible*James Carver3 b. 1822
Mother*Louisa Harrison2 b. 14 Oct 1819, d. 8 Jul 1906
Birth*31 January 1846William Hardin Carver was born on 31 January 1846 in Kentucky.1 
Name VariationHe was called Buster.1 
Marriage*8 September 1867He married Emily Jane Powell, daughter of Isaac D. Powell and Mildred Wheeler, on 8 September 1867.1,4 
Death*14 April 1926He died on 14 April 1926 in Allen County, Kentucky, at age 801 
Burial* and was buried in Carver Cemetery #1, Austin, Barren County, Kentucky.1 


Emily Jane Powell b. 15 Feb 1844, d. 4 May 1928
Child 1.Daniel E. Carver+5 b. 1870, d. b 28 May 1904


  1. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, William Hardin “Buster” Carver, Memorial# 109913343. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Louisa (Harrison) Carver, Memorial# 114351052.
  3. [S2237] Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions, online at Grouped within this source title are a variety of documents, transcriptions of documents, information from Bible records, written reports by past genealogists and researchers, and other miscellaneous information we have found attached to a variety of Ancestry public trees and used to increase our understanding of the extensive Britt family of Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. We thank all of the individuals who have made this information available; paternity petition to the Commonwealth of Kentucky on behalf of Louisa Carver, Barren County, Kentucky, regarding the paternity of a male child born 22 November 1848 and naming James Carver as the father of the child; originally shared by dorothywigg1 on 3 March 2013, viewed on 8 September 2021, online at…. Hereinafter cited as Britt Family Documents and Transcriptions.
  4. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Emily Jane “Puss” (Powell) Carver, Memorial# 120711257.
  5. [S23] 1880 United States Federal Census, online at, household of William H. and Emily J. Carver, Year: 1880; Census Place: Tracy, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: 402; Page: 128A; Enumeration District: 012. Hereinafter cited as 1880 United States Federal Census.

Eleazer Cary1


Child 1.Elizabeth Cary+1 b. 1 Feb 1754, d. a 6 Jul 1821


  1. [S416] The Alden Kindred Database, online at The Alden Organization states that "the Alden Kindred Database is incomplete. It is not yet a complete listing of all Alden descendants; nor of all members of the Kindred. It contains information taken from various sources including Alden Kindred lineage papers, Mayflower Five Generations Project research, published genealogies, and other databases, not all of which has been fully documented." Nevertheless, some information obtained from the Alden Kindred Database has been included in this collection with the knowledge that, even if not accurate, may provide valuable clues. Information provided, unless additional proof has been offered, has not yet been verified and cannot be guaranteed. Hereinafter cited as Alden Kindred Database.

Eleazer Cary1

Father*Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766
Mother*Lois Hooper1 b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Birth*Eleazer Cary was born.1 
Will*Eleazer was mentioned in the will of his uncle, Thomas Hooper.1 


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.

Elizabeth Cary1

b. 1 February 1754, d. after 6 July 1821
Father*Eleazer Cary1
Birth*1 February 1754Elizabeth Cary was born on 1 February 1754 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1 
Marriage*5 October 1780She married Solomon Snow, son of Ebenezer Snow and Sarah Hooper, on 5 October 1780 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts (Continental Congress).1 
Death*after 6 July 1821She died after 6 July 1821.1 


Solomon Snow b. 13 Dec 1741
Children 1.Elizabeth Snow1
 2.Solomon Snow1
 3.William Snow1


  1. [S416] The Alden Kindred Database, online at The Alden Organization states that "the Alden Kindred Database is incomplete. It is not yet a complete listing of all Alden descendants; nor of all members of the Kindred. It contains information taken from various sources including Alden Kindred lineage papers, Mayflower Five Generations Project research, published genealogies, and other databases, not all of which has been fully documented." Nevertheless, some information obtained from the Alden Kindred Database has been included in this collection with the knowledge that, even if not accurate, may provide valuable clues. Information provided, unless additional proof has been offered, has not yet been verified and cannot be guaranteed. Hereinafter cited as Alden Kindred Database.

Elizabeth Cary1

Father*John Cary1
Mother*Elizabeth Godfrey2
Marriage*She married William Brett, son of Elder William Brett and Margaret __?__, and the couple had only one child, a daughter Bethia.1 


William Brett
Child 1.Bethia Brett+1 d. 1745


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Brett, pages 120-123. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Cary, pages 130-134.

Eunice Cary1

b. 11 August 1760, d. 12 May 1797
Father*Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766
Mother*Lois Hooper1 b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Birth*11 August 1760Eunice Cary was born on 11 August 1760 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,2 
Marriage*13 April 1786She married, as his second wife, Isaac Washburn of Taunton, Bristol County, son of Jonathan Washburn and Judith Wood, on 13 April 1786 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, shortly after their intention was recorded there on 4 March 1786.1,3,4 
Death*12 May 1797She died on 12 May 1797 in Taunton at age 36. The record identified her as the second wife of Isaac Washburn.5 


Isaac Washburn b. 1 Feb 1755, d. 3 Nov 1832
Children 1.Eunice Washburn6 b. 30 May 1787, d. 1855
 2.Isaac Washburn6 b. 30 May 1787
 3.Polly Washburn7,6 b. 28 Nov 1792
 4.Eliphalet Washburn6 b. 2 May 1795, d. 4 Jul 1850


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 68. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Volume II, Marriages, page 387.
  4. [S744] Maltby Family Genealogy Website, online at, citing Middleborough Vital Records, Volume 2, page 147, married by Caleb Turner, “Married at Bridgewater Isaac Washburn of Taunton…and Eunice Cary”; Bridgewater Vital Records, Volume 2, page 387, marriage intention recorded 4 March 1786 in Bridgewater. Compiled by John A. Maltby of Redwood City, California, who we believe has presented his own research; the website contains thorough source information and appears to be an excellent resource for the Massachusetts Colony Washburn Family History. The website includes additional family lines as well. Regarding the Washburns, the only family line on the website reviewed by this researcher, much of the information presented appears to be in line with information already obtained and is believed to be accurate. For that reason, additional information obtained only from the Maltby Family Genealogy website has been included in this collection. Information provided, unless additional proof has been offered, has not yet been verified and cannot be guaranteed. Hereinafter cited as the Maltby Family Genealogy Website.
  5. [S979] Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, online at, Taunton Deaths, page 209. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988.
  6. [S979] Massachusetts Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, online at, Children recorded in Taunton, Bristol County, page 84; page contains separate lists of the birth dates, and some deaths, of the children of each of the three wives of Isaac Washburn: Polly, Eunice and Betsey.
  7. [S979] Massachusetts Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, online at, Taunton Births, page 438.

Francis Cary1

Father*John Cary2
Mother*Elizabeth Godfrey2
Marriage*He married Hannah Brett, daughter of Elder William Brett and Margaret __?__.1 


Hannah Brett
Child 1.Lydia Cary2 d. 27 Jan 1762


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Brett, pages 120-123. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Cary, pages 130-134.

Henry Cary Esq.1

Relationship Note*His daughter Letitia was identified as the elder daughter of Henry Cary Esq. of Castle Dungiven, County Londonderry, Ireland.1 


Child 1.Letitia Cary+1


  1. [S1631] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from Google Books at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1871), Volume I, Blacker of Carrick Blacker, pages103-104. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.

John Cary1

Marriage*1644He married Elizabeth Godfrey, daughter of Francis Godfrey, in 1644.2,3 


Elizabeth Godfrey
Children 1.Francis Cary+3
 2.Elizabeth Cary+1
 3.Jonathan Cary+3 b. 24 Sep 1656, d. 1695
 4.Joseph Cary3 b. 18 Apr 1663


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Brett, pages 120-123. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S451] Massachusetts Vital Records to the Year 1850 - NEHGS, online at, East Bridgewater, Volume 1, Marriages, citing P.R.5; referencing a private record, from a copy made by Judge Nahum Mitchell of the records of the First Church of East Bridgewater, with additions and corrections by the copyist. Hereinafter cited as Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 - NEHGS.
  3. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Cary, pages 130-134.

Jonathan Cary1

b. 24 September 1656, d. 1695
Father*John Cary2
Mother*Elizabeth Godfrey2
Birth*24 September 1656Jonathan Cary was born on 24 September 1656 in Bridgewater, Plymouth Colony.2,3 
Marriage*He married, as her first husband, Sarah Allen, daughter of Samuel Allen Sr. and Sarah Partridge.1 
Death*1695He died in 1695.2,1 


Sarah Allen b. 14 Apr 1667
Child 1.Jonathan Cary+2


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Allen, pages 92-98. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Cary, pages 130-134.
  3. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Births, Volume 1, page 69. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.

Jonathan Cary1

b. 21 April 1730, d. 3 September 1766
Father*Jonathan Cary1
Mother*Experience Carver1
Birth*21 April 1730Jonathan Cary was born on 21 April 1730 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,2 
Marriage*7 March 1754He married Lois Hooper, daughter of William Hooper and Lois Thomas, on 7 March 1754 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,3 
Death*3 September 1766He died on 3 September 1766 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England), at age 36.1,4 


Lois Hooper b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Children 1.Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Dec 1754
 2.Lois Cary1 b. 12 Sep 1756
 3.Seth Cary1 b. 22 Jul 1759, d. 29 Sep 1759
 4.Eunice Cary+1 b. 11 Aug 1760, d. 12 May 1797
 5.Eleazer Cary1


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 69. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Volume II, Marriages, page 75.
  4. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Volume II, Deaths, page 445.

Jonathan Cary1

Father*Jonathan Cary2 b. 24 Sep 1656, d. 1695
Mother*Sarah Allen2 b. 14 Apr 1667
Marriage*10 December 1717He married first Susanna Keith, daughter of Joseph Keith and Elizabeth Fobes, on 10 December 1717 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).2,3,4 
Marriage*10 December 1719He married second Experience Carver, daughter of Eleazer Carver and Experience __?__, on 10 December 1719 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,4,2 
(Appraiser) Estate3 August 1761Benjamin Willis Jr., John Washburn and Jonathan Cary prepared the inventory of the estate of Solomon Leonard after the deceased's son Solomon Leonard of Bridgewater was appointed Administrator of his father's estate on 3 August 1761.5 

Family 1

Susanna Keith b. 8 Mar 1697

Family 2

Experience Carver
Children 1.Susanna Cary+6,7 b. 5 Sep 1725, d. 6 Sep 1795
 2.Jonathan Cary+1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Cary, pages 130-134. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  3. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Keith, pages 207-216.
  4. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume II, Marriages, page 75. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  5. [S896] Revised by Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families through Five Generations: Volume 15, James Chilton and Richard More. Note: Volume 2, Parts I and II (1975), Chilton and More, were revised and replaced in 1997 by this Volume 15, Chilton and More. (Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1997), Person# 63, Solomon Leonard, page 62. Hereinafter cited as James Chilton and Richard More of the Mayflower (Five).
  6. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, Hooper Genealogy, Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Fourth Generation, pages 19-32.
  7. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Births, Volume I, page 70.

Jonathan Cary1

b. 21 December 1754
Father*Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766
Mother*Lois Hooper1 b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Birth*21 December 1754Jonathan Cary was born on 21 December 1754 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,2 


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 69. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.

Joseph Cary1

b. 18 April 1663
Father*John Cary1
Mother*Elizabeth Godfrey1
Birth*18 April 1663Joseph Cary was born on 18 April 1663 in Bridgewater, Plymouth Colony.2,1 
Land Records*The following land records were recorded in the original purchase record books of Bridgewater and reflect purchases made by John Bolton from Joseph Cary. The records were not dated, however all appear to have occurred around the same time Bolton settled in Bridgewater.

Ten acres of wood lands laid out below the land of John Hayward of the Plain in the swamp, butting partly upon John Hayward's and partly upon land laid out to Elihu Brett, running easterly for its length 60 rods and 24 in breadth, bounded by a swamp pine near the northwest corner and a torn pine tree at the northeast corner and by a red oak tree at the southeast corner and from the red oak ranging westward to a small swamp pine marked on two sides near John Hayward's land where it buts and joins to the lands of John Kingman on the west side and to the lands of Joseph Hayward on the southerly side and easterly end.

Five acres of land joining to the five acre lot of John Willis, running in breadth to a small walnut tree marked on two sides and running in length to a heap of stones which was the corner bounds of the ten acre lots.3 


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Cary, pages 130-134. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 69. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S1154] Purchasers Books of Bridgewater (Massachusetts), earliest original records, Bridgewater Public Library Historical Room, 15 South Street, Bridgewater, Book 1, page 223.

Letitia Cary1

Father*Henry Cary Esq.1
Birth*Letitia Cary was born in Dungiven, County Londonderry, Ireland.1 
Relationship Note*Letitia was identified as the elder daughter of Henry Cary Esq. of Castle Dungiven, County Londonderry.1 
Marriage*8 August 1738She married William Blacker on 8 August 1738, probably in County Londonderry.1 


William Blacker b. 12 Sep 1709, d. 1783
Child 1.Jane Blacker1 b. 1753, d. Oct 1845


  1. [S1631] Sir Bernard Burke, Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, downloaded from Google Books at In 2 volumes. (London, England: Harrison, Pall Mall, 1871), Volume I, Blacker of Carrick Blacker, pages103-104. Hereinafter cited as Burke's History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland.

Lois Cary1

b. 12 September 1756
Father*Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766
Mother*Lois Hooper1 b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Birth*12 September 1756Lois Cary was born on 12 September 1756 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England).1,2 
Marriage*6 March 1777She married Solomon Keith on 6 March 1777 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts (Continental Congress).1,3 


Solomon Keith


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 69. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Volume II, Marriages, page 218.

Lydia Cary1

d. 27 January 1762
Father*Francis Cary1
Mother*Hannah Brett1
Marriage*7 June 1704She married Joseph Edson, son of Joseph Edson and Experience __?__, on 7 June 1704 in Bridgewater.2,3,1 
Death*27 January 1762She died on 27 January 1762 in Bridgewater.3,4 


Joseph Edson d. 26 Aug 1768


  1. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an extensive Family Register. Note: page numbers differ slightly between publications used in our research, including FHL copy, Google Books, Boston Public Library eBooks online and our personal library reprint published by Heritage Books. (Baltimore, Maryland: Gateway Press, Inc., original publication date was 1840; reprinted for the third and fourth times in 1970 and 1975; first reprinted in 1897 by Henry T. Pratt, Bridgewater, Massachusetts; originally printed in 1840 by Kidder and Wright, Boston, Massachusetts), Cary, pages 130-134. Hereinafter cited as History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Marriages, Volume 2, page 124. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S474] Nahum Mitchell, History of the Early Settlement of Bridgewater, Edson, pages 153-160.
  4. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Deaths, Volume 2, page 464.

Mary Munson Cary1

b. 7 November 1811, d. 30 April 1904
ChartsDescendants of John Heaton of Lincolnshire, including the Immigrant Nathaniel
Father*Waitsel Cary1
Mother*Nancy Rock1
Birth*7 November 1811Mary Munson Cary was born on 7 November 1811 in Springfield, Clark County, Ohio.1,2 
Name VariationShe was called Polly.1 
Marriage*11 February 1830She married first Asa Heaton, son of Ebenezer Heaton and Joannah Sutton, on 11 February 1830 in Knightstown, Henry County, Indiana. Theirs was the first recorded marriage in the town.1,3 
Census US 1850*15 August 1850Mary and Asa Heaton were enumerated on the 1850 census taken on 15 August 1850 in Wayne, Henry County, Indiana. Asa, who was enumerated as "Acy", was 53 and a merchant with real estate valued at $2,500. Mary was 38. The couple's three surviving sons, all of whom had been born in Indiana, resided with their parents in 1850. Abraham was 18 and worked as a saddler, Joseph was 13 and had attended school within the year, and Waitsell was 10 and had also attended school within the year.4 
(Wife) Death16 March 1857Mary became a widow when Asa Heaton died on 16 March 1857 at age 59.5,6,7 
Marriage*26 March 1885She married second, as his second wife, Robert Woods, son of Jeremiah Woods and Margaret __?__, on 26 March 1885 in Henry County. She had remained a widow for almost 30 years before her second marriage to the widowed husband of Asa Heaton's sister Hannah.3,2,8 
(Wife) Death21 October 1892Mary became a widow for the second time when Robert Woods died on 21 October 1892.9,10 
Death*30 April 1904She died on 30 April 1904 in Knightstown, Henry County, at age 92. Her death certificate identified her as both Mary M. Heaton Woods and Mary M. (Cary) Heaton. She may have returned to her previous married name after the death of Robert Woods.1,2,11 
Burial*She was buried as Mary Munson "Polly" (Cary) Heaton in Section 1 of Glen Cove Cemetery, Knightstown.2 

Family 1

Asa Heaton b. 17 Mar 1797, d. 16 Mar 1857

Family 2

Robert Woods b. 26 Dec 1806, d. 21 Oct 1892


  1. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, in two volumes, with indexes in Volume II. Warning: In this researcher's opinion, the information in these volumes often proves to be inaccurate. At the same time, the information presented has provided us with valuable clues for pursuing future research strategies in our attempt to establish a factual history of our Heaton family. (Tempe, Arizona: published for the author by Graphics of Tempe, 1999), Volume I, Chapter 10, pages 438-439. Hereinafter cited as Heaton Families II.
  2. [S748] Find a Grave website, which often provides cemetery and tombstone photos, and sometimes personal biographies, that may be obtained from the site, online at, Mary Munson "Polly" (Cary) Heaton, Memorial# 44732771. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave website.
  3. [S1444] Indiana, U.S., Marriage Index, 1800-1941, online at Hereinafter cited as Indiana, U.S., Marriage Index, 1800-1941.
  4. [S17] 1850 United States Federal Census, online at, household of "Acy" and Mary Heaton, Wayne, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M432_151; Page: 275A; Image. Hereinafter cited as 1850 United States Federal Census.
  5. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, Volume I, Chapter 10, page 380, noting his date of death as 3 November 1871.
  6. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, Volume I, Chapter 10, page 380, noting his date of death as 16 March 1857.
  7. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Asa Heaton, Memorial# 42570196, noting his death as 16 March 1857 and attaching a photo of his gravestone reporting that date.
  8. [S45] Dean Heaton, Heaton Families II, Volume I, Chapter 10, pages 438-439, stating she never remarried.
  9. [S748] Find a Grave website, online at, Robert Woods, Memorial# 92271372.
  10. [S1567] Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920, online at Hereinafter cited as Indiana Deaths, 1882-1920.
  11. [S1571] Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017, online at, noting her date of death as 30 April 1904. Hereinafter cited as Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017.

Polly Cary1

b. 1784
Birth*1784Polly Cary was born about 1784 in Sumner County, Tennessee.1 
Marriage*7 May 1805She married Francis Tinsley, son of Isaac Tinsley Sr. and Jane Lee, on 7 May 1805 in Sumner County, Tennessee.2,1,3 


Francis Tinsley d. 1827


  1. [S2244] Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog, online at… .Caution: This is a beautifully presented collection of "Person Pages" containing a variety of information about specific ancestors submitted by individual contributors -- often, unfortunately, with no sources. If the information we have chosen to pass along here is accurate, we are extremely grateful to the contributor(s) who have shared it. Without documentation, however, we researchers are always forced to question the validity of information. We hope what we have selected to include was originally obtained from family Bible records, or other reliable sources, and is accurate. Although, even when we have found contributed information to be unreliable, inaccurate or incomplete, we consider the information useful as possible clues as we research, viewed online at Hereinafter cited as Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog.
  2. [S2278] Marriages of Sumner County, Tennessee, 1787-1838, online at, marriage of Francis Tinsley and Polly Cary on 7 May 1805 in Sumner County, Tennessee, James Cary, bondsman, image# 17 of 156. Hereinafter cited as Marriages of Sumner County, Tennessee, 1787-1838.
  3. [S2244] Family Search Ancestry Discovery Blog, online at…, viewed online at

Seth Cary1

b. 22 July 1759, d. 29 September 1759
Father*Jonathan Cary1 b. 21 Apr 1730, d. 3 Sep 1766
Mother*Lois Hooper1 b. 7 Feb 1734, d. 7 Apr 1769
Birth*22 July 1759Seth Cary was born on 22 July 1759 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Province (New England),1,2 
Death*29 September 1759 and died on 29 September 1759 in Bridgewater.1,3 


  1. [S610] Charles Henry Pope and Thomas Hooper, compilers, downloaded from Google Books, Hooper Genealogy (Boston, Massachusetts: Charles H. Pope, 1908), Part I, The Reading Family, compiled by Thomas Hooper of Boston, Third Generation, pages 10-19. Hereinafter cited as Hooper Genealogy.
  2. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, compiler, downloaded from Google Books, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. In two Volumes: Volume I. Births and Volume II. Marriages and Deaths. (Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1916), Volume I, Births, page 70. Hereinafter cited as Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850.
  3. [S836] New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts to 1850, Volume II, Deaths, page 446.